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115 Cards in this Set

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What will the labs look like in a pt with spherocytes?
increased Hg concentration and increased RBC osmotic fragility (anorexic cells)
Meckel's Diverticulum is due to a persistence of which embryologic structure?
omphalomesenteric ducts (vitelline or yolk stalk)
What test is used to show a Meckel's diverticulum?
Tc Pertechnetate test (Technechium 99 scan)
What is the MOA of warfarin?
Inhibits Vitamin K-dependent clotting factors II, V, VII, IX, X, C, S

WEPT (Warfarin, Extrinsic, PT)

Give Vit K for OD
What is the MOA of heparin?
catalyzes the rxn of Antithrombin III (intrinsic system, PTT)
alpha wave on EEG?
awake person with closed eyes
beta wave on EEG?
awake person with open eyes who is alert
delta wave on EEG?
deepest, non-REM sleep (stage III-IV)
sleep spindles and K somplex on EEG?
deeper stage II sleep
theta waves on EEG?
light, stage I sleep
presentation of uterine leiomyomas?
aka, uterine fibroids; beingin neoplasm presenting with menstrual irregularity, infertility

more prevalent in AA
What is contained in the omental foramen?
common bile duct, hepatic a and hepatic portal vein; obstruction causes cholestasis and conjugated bilirubinemia
Sx of pericarditis?
retrosternal chest pain radiating to back and arms; pain worsens on inspiration or when lying down

high pitched grating sound heard at LL sternal border
M phase cancer drugs?
Vincristine, Vinblastine

bind to tubulin and prevent polymerization of microtubules
SFX of Vincristine and Vinblasinte?
Vincristine: neurotoxicity and paralytic ileus

Vinblastine: blasts bone maorrow (myelosuppression)
Treatment for monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS)?
no tx, can't determine who will progress to multiple myeloma

MGUS is the presence of a M-protein spike in pts s/ MM, Waldenstrom's or other myeloproliferative disorders
Inheritance and deficiency in Hunter's Synd?

iduronosulfate sulfatase
What distinguishes Hurler's synd from Hunter's syndrome?
Hurler's has corneal clouding, Hunter's does not
Inheritance, Chromosome and sx of VHL?
chr 3
increased risk for renal cell carcinoma, hemangioblastomas or cyctic neoplams of the liver ans pancreas
Which cells display Class II MHC's?
antigen presenting cells (dendritic, macs, B-lymphs)
What bug causes Rheumatic fever?
Group A beta hemolytic Strep?
What is pathognemonic for Rheumatic fever on microscopy?
Aschoff bodies - interstitial imflammation with fragmented collagen, mononuclear cells and multinucleated cells
Signs of DiGeorge?
CATCH-22: Cleft palate, Abnl facies, Thymic aplasia, Cardiac defects, Hypocalcemia
First line treatment for PCP?
The pudendal n originates from which nerve roots?
Function of enkephalins?
secreted from the GI tract and nervous system to stimulate smooth muscle resting tone and contractions (opiod peptide)
Pathognemonic for Wilson's Dz and tx?
Kayser-Fleisher rings

MOA of Tacrolimus?
immunosuppressive drug that binds to FK-binding protein, inhibiting the secretion of IL-2 and cytokines --> blocks activation of T cells
MOA and use for Imipramine?
decreses the amount oftime in stage 4, slow wave sleep; used for bed wetting
Inheritance, defect in Pompe's Disease
AR, glycogen storage disorder

defect in a 1,4-glucosidase

toxic levels of glucose in cytoplasm and blood
G protein in a2 receptors
Gi = decrease cAMP -> decrease sym outflow -> decreases BP
Insulin receptor function?
tyrosine kinase receptors; insulin binds to B subunit causing conformational change and autophosphorylation of B subunits
MOA of statins?
HMG-coA reductiona inhibitors

cannot convert HMGcoA to melavolonic acid - thre rate limiting step in cholesterol biogenesis
What form of Hb is present when CO2 is bound?
T (taut) form
Sx of Pellagra?
4 D's:
dermatitis, dementia, diarrhea, death

B3 deficiency
Virus that is a major couse of epidemic conjunctivitis?
Description of adenovirus?
naked, icosohedral, dsDNA, linear
Infections that can lead to Guillan-Barre?
C. jejuni, H, influ, CMV, EBV, M. pneumoniae, VZV
Drug that often causes C. diff?
Clindamycin (blocks protein synthesis at the 50S subunit of the ribosome)
Classic appearance of a mesothelioma?
Ferruginous body = asbestos coated with hemosidderin

Hx of shipbuiling, plumbers
Drug class of amiodarone and sfx?

can cause pulmonary fibrosis
translocation of Burkitt's?
t(8;14) c-myc
Chr. 8
connection of a TE fistula?
lower esophagus and carina

sx = choking, cyanosis during food intake; air in stomach on XR
Mediator of leukocyte rolling?
Mediator of leukocyte tight binding?
Fxn of bcl-2?
inhibits apoptosis
Sx of prune belly syndrome?
bilateral cryptorchidism and abscence or hypotrophy of abdominal wall, long dilated prostatic urethras, thick walled bladders
Fxn of a chemical antagonist?
Binds directly to an agonist preventing its interaction with its target
SFX of ketokonazole?
inhibits ACTH and CYP450
Layers of the epidermis?
Californians Like Girls in Bikinis
Where is the potential space in the pericardium?
between the visceral and parietal layers - where fluid goes in cardiac tamponade
Where do you see psammoma bodies?
papillary carcinoma of the thyroid, cystadenoma of the ovary, meningioma, mesothelioma
MOA of SSRI's?
block serotonin reuptake at the presynaptic neurons
MOA of ovabain?
Na-K-ATPase inhibitor (like dig)
Nerve that innervates muscles to dorsiflx the foot?
Deep peroneal n
Strucutres of the anterior compartment?
Deep peroneal n., anterior tibial a. -> dorsal a of the foot
What is incresed and what is the defect in Hyperchylomicronemia (Type I)?
TG and cholesterol

lipoprotein lipase deficiency
What is incresed and what is the defect in Hypercholesterolemia (Type II)?
increased LDL

decreased LDL recptors in liver
What is incresed and what is the defect in combined hyperlipidemia (IIb)?

hepatic overproduction of VLDL
What is incresed and what is the defect in dysbetalipoproteinemia (III)?
TG and Cholesterol

altered Apolipoprotein E
What is incresed and what is the defect in hypertriglyceridemia?
TG only

hepatic overprdxn of VLDL
What is incresed and what is the defect in mixed hypertriglyceridemia?
TG and cholesterol

increased prodxn and decreased clearance of VLDL and chylomicrons
Where is the brain defect in Parkinson's? Tx?
decreased dopa signalling from the substantia nigra

Tx: ablation of part of globus pallidus
Fnx of the VPM of thalamus?
all sensory modalities of the face

supplied by branches of the p. cerebral a.
Fnx on the VPL of the thalamus?
all sensory modalities of the body
Location of the tumor in a Pheo?
chromafin cells of the adrenal medulla

Sx: due to episodic release of neurosecretory granules containing catecholamines
MOA of methotrexate?
Tx for large B-lymph lymphomas; blocks dihydrofolate reductase in S phase
HNPCC is due to a defect in what tye of gene?
DNA mismatch repair
Tx of choise for absecnce seizures?
Sx and px for dermatomyositis?
rash of violet discoloration over the eyelids and periorbital edema; erythematous patches over joints

6-45% have underlying visceral cancer
Enzymes involved in apoptosis?
Fnx of Leukotriene B4?
chemotactic agent for neutrophils; produced via the 5-lipogenase pathway
Sequelae of measels?
can cause subacute sclerosing panencephalitis; measels can have a 6-8 year laent interval
Common mutation among the thalassemias?
Intron 5' mutation: affects splicing
Common symptom in brucella infections?
undulant fever: fever leaves int he morning and returns in the evening

B. meletensis: goat, sheep, camels
B. abortus: cattle
Highest and lowest osmolarity in the nephron?
highest (400): thin descending limb
Lowest (100): distal convoluted tubule
Class and MOA of pyridostigmine?
AChesterase inhibitor for treatment of MG. Inhibits AChas in the synaptic cleft; duration of 3-6 hrs (longer that neostigmine)
Lock jaw; tetanus
sensation of the need to empty the bowel with pain and cramping with little stool to pass; inflammatory bowel disease
Sx of cerebral hemisphere damage?
appendicual ataxia with poor finger nose and heel to shin tests IPSILATERAL to the side of the lesion
SFX of hydrochlorothiazide?
hyperlipidemia, hyperuricemia, hypercalcemia and hyperglycemia
Method of vanco resistance in Enterococcus faecalis?
transfered via plasmis that convert D-ala D-ala to D-ala D-lac
1st line drug for COPD that is least likely to induce a cardiac arrhythmia?
Treatment for status epilepticus and tonic-clonic seizures?
antibodies in Hashimoto's?
Positively charges amino acids?
Arginine, lysine, and histidine

(A and L found in histones)
Drugs for the treatment of brain tumors?
lipophilic nitrosoureases (carmustine and lomustine)
Mediator for diapedesis?
Type IV collagenases
Mediator for leukocyte migration?
Carcinoma is a tumor of wha origin?
Sarcoma is a tumor of what origin?
mesenchyme (muscles, bone,fat, blood vessels)
For the following disease, state the oncogene: CML
For the following disease, state the oncogene: Burkitt's
For the following disease, state the oncogene: follicular and indifferentiated lymphomas
For the following disease, state the oncogene: breast, ovarian, gastric carcinomas
For the following disease, state the oncogene: colon carcinoma
For the following disease, state the oncogene: lung cancer
For the following disease, state the oncogene: neuroblastoma
For the following disease, state the oncogene: Men Types II and III
For the following disease state the associates tumor suppressor gene: Wilm's tumor
WT1 (Ch11)
For the following disease state the associates tumor suppressor gene: Neurofibromatosis I and II
NF 1 and 2
For the following disease state the associates tumor suppressor gene: Pancreatic Cancer
DPC (18)
For the following disease state the associates tumor suppressor gene: Colon Cancer
DCC (18)
Tumors with increased b-hCG?
Hydatidiform moles, choricarcinoma, Gestational trophblastic tumors
Tumors with tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase?
TRAP: Hairy cell leukemia (B cell)
SIADH is a paraneoplasm for what cancers?
small cell lung CA
intracranial neoplasms
Hypercalcemia is a paraneoplastic disorder for what cancers?
small cell lung CA, renal cell CA, breat CA, multiple myeloma, bone mets
Polycythemia is a paraneoplastic disorder for what cancers?
renal cell Ca, hemangioblasotma
Fnx of C3b?
Fnx of C5a?
neutrophil chemotaxis, anaphylaxis
Fnx of C3a?
Most common complement deficiency?
C2 - linked to SLE
Most common B cell deficiency?
Selective IgA:
no class switching in heavy chain

Sx: recurrent pulmonary infections
Classic signs of multiple myeloma?
lytic lesions
rouleaux formaiton
Bence Jones proteinuria - large tubular casts(light chain remnants)
Enzyme defecient in Chronic Granulomatous disease?
NADPH oxidase (XLR); Sx: opportunisitc infecitons