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90 Cards in this Set

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The dominant channels of learning are
text and images.
People who learn easier by listening than by reading are described as
auditiory learners.
The OPTIC System is designed to
aid one in interpreting visual information.
A characteristic of a circle graph is its
Abstract ideas can be put into visual format by using
concept maps.
When planning a research paper or a report, a concept map can be drawn in place of writing an outline. (True or False)
Putting information in graphic format insures the accuracy of its interpretation. (True or False)
A weakness of concept maps is that they cannot be recited in preparation for tests. (True or False)
A kinesthetic or tactile learner can improve the learning of abstract ideas by using
index cards and sticky notes.
Summary maps
may cover material from many paragraphs, and are actually concept maps.
It is more difficult to remember what you read than what you hear. (True or False)
The greatest motivation for remembering is
Sometimes we think we forget when actually we never learned the information in the first place. This is called
"The Magical Number Seven, Plus or Minus Two" refers to
the number of items that can usually be held in short term memory.
The memory network can be strengthened by associating new information with old memories. (True or False)
No learning occurs during a memory plateau. (True or False)
If you use mnemonic devices to remember information you are actually
making artificial connections, and organizing material so that it will be easier to remember.
Consolidation (making memory solid) occurs best when you
study using distributed practice, and use frequent, short study periods.
Massed practice is good to use when you are
writing the first draft of a paper.
The most important activity in strengthening memory is
Benefits of surveying a reading assignment include
tying chapter information and elements together, building background, and creating advance organizers.
Before taking lecture notes, it is important to
complete the assigned reading, review previous lecture notes, overview the syllabus.
The key to using the Cornell System for note taking is to
allow wide margins on the side and bottom of the text area.
The best note takers will
use a combination of note-taking formats
During a lecture it is the listener's responsibility to
ask clarifying questions, and understand what the speaker says.
The most important part of a lecture is often
the last few minutes.
In the Cornell Notetaking System
the cue column is used for recitation.
Writing telegraphic sentences involves
using symbols when possible, and using abbreviations.
Guidelines for textbook marking include
reading each paragraph completely before marking.
The SQ3R Study System
requires one to recite after reading each paragraph or section.
When writing questions for the Q System you should
write questions that will help you sum up the key idea.
The Q System can be used with both textbook and lecture notes. (true or false)
A wrap-up summary
is written at the end of your notes.
Benefits of recitation include
immediate feedback.
When reciting your notes you should
cover one side of the material and ask yourself questions about it.
To determine the most important ideas in your notes, you should
use the Silver Dollar System.
Reflection occurs in the process of
creating concept maps, combining textbook and lecture notes, and marking "Silver Dollar" ideas.
Forgetting can almost be brought to a standstill by
A student who reflects
incorporates new facts and ideas into existing knowledge.
is mistakenly thought to be an effective method of reviewing.
The cure for test anxiety is
academic and psychological preparation.
The most powerful method in learning information for tests is
When answering true-false test questions you should
mark statements as true only if they are 100% true.
To prepare psychologically for an exam, it is a good idea to
ask the instructor about the types of questions that will be on the exam.
Matching questions can be made easier by
matching shorter items to longer ones.
An essay test answer should begin with
a restatement of the question along with your answer.
Time immediately prior to a test should be spent
reviewing calmly.
A good essay answer will usually contain
a clear organizational pattern, a strong summary, and factual evidence.
Systematic cramming for exams
requires selectivity and recitation.
When answering multiple choice questions it is often helpful to
match the stem with each option and evaluate it as a true-false statement.
The purpose of the OPTIC System is
to aid in analyzing visual or graphic information.
An auditory learner comprehends best when
listening to a book on tape.
Bar graphs
are similar to snapshots.
Concepts maps
are useful when trying to understand abstract information.
The first step in creating a concept map is to
determine the topic and put it on the map.
A concept map can be used to
summarize key ideas, recite, and create a visual outline.
A person who learns best by working with his hands is
a kinesthetic or tactile learner
Summary maps
can be concept maps
An advantage to using a concept map to plan a paper or report is that
it will reveal the degree of balance among topics.
The type of graph that is often used to illustrate long-term trends is the
line graph.
According to the "Magical Number Seven" idea
Seven items can usually be held in short term memory at one time.
the best way to improve memory is
to recite, recite, recite.
The time of learning during which progress is not noticeable is known as
a memory plateau.
A study technique that is effective by getting you involved, providing feedback, and supplying motivation is
Breaking up study sessions with rest intervals is know as
distributed practice.
The motivation to remember is greatest when it is based on
interest in the subject.
Organizational material for the purpose of improving memory can be done with
the Category and Cluster System.
A mnemonic for remembering the order of multiplying binomials is
A failure to recall what was never learned is termed
In preparing for an upcoming lecture it is a good idea to
review notes from the previous lecture.
An understanding of organizational patterns can aid you in
following a writer's or a lecturer's thoughts.
A signpost that can indicate possible test questions is
"Remember this"
Benefits of surveying an assignment before starting to read include
overcoming mental inertia.
A good listener
formulates questions while listening.
In a telegraphic sentence you
leave out unnecessary words, streamline definitions, and abbreviate.
In the Cornell notes, the large area on the right side of the page should be used for
the note taking itself.
The modified printing style
is a good way to get legible, useful notes.
Recitation can be done
aloud, in writing, and in your own words.
To make sure you understand the broad ideas, themes, and lessons from your lectures and textbooks, you should
write summaries.
When combining textbook and lecture notes, your paper should be divided into
three columns plus a summary section.
Questions written in the margin of textbooks should have yes or no answers. (true or false)
The steps to recitation include
cover the printed page and ask yourself questions about it.
A benefit of reflection is
The cure for test anxiety is
academic and psychological preparation.
Summary sheets
can be made from Silver Dollar notes, help you consolidate all your information, and should be used for recitation.
If you must cram for a test, the best thing to do is
limit what you try to learn and recite it thoroughly.
You can prepare yourself psychologically for an exam by
asking the instructor which type of questions will be on the test.
In sentence completion questions, the length of the blank
should not be used to detemine the answer.
Answer to essay test questions should
begin with a restatement of the question along with your answer.
The evidence you use to support your essay answer should
be factual.