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91 Cards in this Set

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Science comes from the Latin word...


'Scientia' means


It refers to a systematic and methodical activity of building and organizing knowledge about how the universe behaves through observation, experimentation or both


An American science historian that says "Modern Science is a discovery as well as an invention"

John Heilborn

He considered science as a discovery of regularity in nature, enough for natural phenomena to be described by principles and laws

John Heilborn

Is the application of scientific knowledge, laws and principle to produce services, materials, tools, and machines aimed at solving real-world problems


Technology comes from the Greek word..


'Techne' means...

Art, skill or cunning of hand

He defined the technological tool

Mark Zuckerberg

For Mark Zuckerberg this is something that takes a human's sense or ability and augments it. (ex. Contact lenses)

Technological tool

What is the difference between science and technology

Science is responsible in explaining how the universe works, how the natural phenomena occurs, and what are the possible uses of this scientific knowledge. On the other hand, technology is responsible in the application of the scientific discoveries.

A digital app store designed to read genomes


How the different aspects of society shape and influence the progression and further development of science and technology


A relatively young field that combines previously independent and older disciplines, such as the history of science philosophy of science and sociology of science


According to this University, STS traces its roots from the interwar period and the start of the Cold War

Harvard University's Kennedy School

It was during this period when historians and scientists found interest in the interconnections of scientific knowledge technological systems, and society

Interwar period and Cold War

It was during this period when historians and scientists found interest in the interconnections of scientific knowledge technological systems, and society

Interwar period and Cold War

STS seeks to bridge the gap between two traditionally exclusive cultures ____ & ____ so humans will be able to better confront the moral, ethical and existential dilemmas brought by the continued developments in science and technology

Humanities (interpretive) and natural sciences (rational)

First robot priest and monk

BlessU-2 and Pepper

A software being developed to assess your reactions to anything such as shopping and playing games

Emotion-Sensing Facial Recognition

A way of holding data hostage through hacking and requiring a ransom to be paid


A device that analyzes whether a driver was using his or her phone during an accident


A system of scoring citizens through their actions by placing them under constant surveillance (which China plays to adopt)

Social Credit System

A hands-free camera that lets the user capture every moment effortlessly

Google clips

A mysterious algorithm designed to aid courts in sentencing decisions

Sentencing Software

An app that stores the deceased's digital footprint so one can still "chat" with them


An app that notifies users of ongoing crimes or major events in a specific area

Citizen app

A Dutch spectacle maker that is credited for the invention of the first compound microscope in 1590

Zacharias Janssen

It was capable of magnifying objects three times their size when fully closed and up to ten times when extended to the maximum

Compound microscope

Defined as a precursor to the unfolding or existence of something


Paved the way for the presence of advanced and sophisticated scientific and technological innovations today

Historical antecedent

It grew out of a mechanical device called the potter's wheel

Ancient wheel

A heavy flat disk made of hardened clay which was spun horizontally on an axis

Potter's wheel

It is believed that they invented the potter's wheel


___ began writing on papyrus around 3000 BC


A material similar to thick paper


Papyrus is made from the pith of the papyrus plant called

Cyperus papyrus

Precursor of see-saw


Used by ancient Egyptians to irrigate land


A hand-operated device used for lifting water. Its invention introduced the idea of lifting things using counterweights


Even before , Greeks had already invented the ancient world's analog computer orrery

Antikythera mechanism

Retrieved from the water of Antikythera, Greece and is similar to a mantel clock

Antikythera mechanism

It is akin to a clock in the way that the case has a ____ and ____

Circular face and rotating hands

Used to predict astronomical positions and eclipses for calendar and astrological purposes

Antikythera mechanism

Also known as the Hero's engine


Widely believed to be the ancient precursor of the steam engine


A steam-powered turbine which spun when the container at its center was heated


Believed to be on the many "temple wonders"


A Roman author, architect and civil engineer, described the aeolipile as a scientific invention through which "the mighty and wonderful laws of the heavens and the nature of winds" may be understood and judged


In this period, major advances in scientific and technological development took place

Middle Ages

Perhaps one of the most important technological innovations during the middle ages

Heavy Plough

This professor of the University of Southern Denmark describes the impact of the invention of the heavy plough in the European agriculture and economy

Professor Thoman Bernebeck Andersen

Because of this invention Europe particularly its northern territories, saw rapid economic prosperity

Heavy plough

___ accidentally invented black powder or gunpowder


Chinese called the gunpowder ___ which means "fire potion"


Merchants eventually realized the huge advantage of using this because it was easier to transport around compared to the previous forms of currencies

Paper money

It paved the way for accurately keeping track of time

Mechanical clock

It drastically changed the way days were spent and work patterns were established

Mechanical clock

A machine used for transforming fiber into thread or yarn and eventually woven into cloth on a loom

Spinning wheel

It is theorized that ____ invented the spinning wheel


Is an important instrument in many scientific studies such as in medicine, forensic studies etc.

Compound microscope

Telescope was invented by

Galileo Galilei

Perhaps the single, most important technological invention in the study of astronomy during the Modern Ages


This invention could magnify objects 20 times larger than the Dutch perspective glasses


Was considered as one of the most critical drivers of the revolution

Jacquard Loom

The French creator of Jacquard Loom

Joseph Marie Jacquard

It simplifies textile manufacturing

Jacquard Loom

____ This was used prior of the Jacquard Loom which required two individuals to operate, the ____ and a ___




An important antecedent of modern computer technology as it demonstrated the use of punched cards to instruct a machine to carry out complex tasks

Jacquard Loom

They are credited for designing and successfully operating the first engine-powered aircraft

Orville Wright and Wilbur Wright

Slightly tilted wings that was the key features of a powered aircraft


First engine-powered aircraft

Engine-powered airplane

The Scottish engineer who was credited for the invention of the modern television

John Logie Baird

It televised objects


Perhaps one of the most recognizable national symbol of the Philippines and the most popular mode of transportation


Improvised from scratch out of military jeeps that the American left in the country after WWII


Inventive response to criticisms to the traditional jeepney that belched smoke that causes pollution

Electronic jeepney

Are designed to be environment-friendly, eliminating noise and air pollution as they run on electricity

Electronic jeepney

One of the most important medical inventions


An Ilonggo scientist who invented the Erythromycin

Abelardo Aguilar

Invention of antibiotic out of a strain of bacterium is called...

Streptomyces erythreus

Aid the regulation of body temperatures of the babies

Medical Incubator

World renowned Filipino pediatrician and national scientist

Fe del Mundo

Is credited for the invention of the incubator and jaundice relieving device

Medical Incubator

It was Fe del Mundo who invented this

Medical Incubator

The first woman pediatrician to be admitted to the prestigious Harvard University's school of medicine

Fe del Mundo

A local invention that had the ability to easily remove moles and warts on the skin without surgery

Mole remover

Mole remover is credited to___

Rolando Dela Cruz

Mole remover use the extracts of ____


Filipino food technologist that is credited for Banana Ketchup

Maria Orosa

This invention appeals particularly to Filipinos who love using condiments to go along with their food

Banana Ketchup