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76 Cards in this Set

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Epithelial tissue
Lines internal passageways and chambers
Connective tissue
Provides structural support for other tissues
Muscle tissue
Contracts to perform specific movements and also creates heat
Neural tissue
Carries information in the form of electrical impulses
What two things do epithelial tissues include?
Epithelia and glands
Glands that cover every exposed body surface
Cellularity of epithelial tissue
Composed entirely of cells bound closely together by one or more types of cell junctions
Basement membrane
Surface of an epithelium bound to epithelial tissue
Without blood vessels
Gland cells
Epithelial cells that produce secretions
______________ (exocrine or endocrine) secretions are discharged onto the surface of the skin or other epithelial surface.
____________ (exocrine or endocrine) secretions are released into the surrounding interstitial fluid and blood.
Basal lamina
Layer closer to the epithelium with glycoproteins and fine protein filaments
What is the only type of tissue that contains a basement membrane?
Reticular lamina
Deeper portion of basement membrane that contains bundles of protein fibres
What are the two types of layering?
Simple and stratified
What are the three kinds of cell shapes?
Squamous, cuboidal, and columnar
Simple epithelium
Single layer of cells covering the basement membrane
Stratified epithelium
Several layers of cells covering the basement membrane
Stratified epithelia are generally found where?
Areas subject to mechanical or chemical stresses
Squamous epithelium
Thin, flat, and somewhat irregular shape-cells (puzzle pieces)
___________ is the most delicate type of epithelium in the body.
Simple squamous epithelium
The simple squamous epithelium that lines the ventral body cavities
The simple squamous epithelium that lines the heart and all blood vessels
Stratified squamous
Located where mechanical stresses are severe
Simple columnar
Found in areas that are stretchy
Pseudostratified columnar
Typically possess cilia
Glandular epithelia
Contain gland cells that produce secretions
Endocrine glands
Release secretions into surrounding ISF and blood
Endocrine glands are often called _________ glands.
Ductless glands
Exocrine glands
Produce secretions
Passageways that secretions are released into
Exocrine glands may be classified by their mode of what?
Their mode of secretion
Product released from secretory vesicles
The most common mode of secretion is _________ secretion.
Merocrine secretion
Secretion mixed with water
Apocrine secretion
Involves the loss of cytoplasm as well as the secretory product
Serous glands
Glands that secrete a watery solution that contains enzymes
Mucous glands
Glands that secrete mucins
Mixed exocrine glands
Glands that contain more than one type of gland cell and may produce two different exocrine secretions
Unicellular glands
Individual secretory cells that are contained in independent, scattered gland cells
The only unicellular exocrine glands in the body are __________ cells.
Goblet cells
Goblet cells
Scattered unicells that secrete mucins
Mucous membranes
Membranes that line cavities that communicate with the exterior
Lamina propria
Loose connective tissue component of a mucous membrane
Serous membranes
Membranes that line the sealed internal divisions of the ventral body cavity
Lines the pleural cavities and covers the lungs
Lines the peritoneal cavity and covers surfaces of the enclosed organs
Lines the pericardial cavity and covers the heart
Cutaneous membrane
Membrane that covers the skin
Synovial membrane
Membrane that articulate with bones and joints
_____________ membranes consist of extensive areas of loose tissues and glycoproteins.
What kind of membrane does not contain a basement membrane?
Synovial membrane
Connective tissues
Framework of the body
___________ tissues connect organs within dorsal and ventral cavities with rest of body
Connective tissue layers and wrappings that support surrounding organs
Muscle tissue
Specialized for contraction
___________ attach bone to bones.
___________ attach muscles to bone.
Refers to cytoplasm of a muscle cell
Refers to sarcoplasm as opposed to the cell membrane
___________ (skeletal, smooth, cardiac) muscle is a voluntary muscle.
___________ and _____________ are involuntary muscles. (Skeletal, smooth, cardiac)
Smooth; cardiac
____________ (skeletal, smooth, cardiac) tissue contains very large muscle cells.
Skeletal muscle tissue
Cardiac muscle cell
Intercalated discs
Connection areas of cardiac muscle tissue
What kind of muscle tissue cannot regenerate?
Cardiac muscle tissue cannot regenerate
What kind of muscle cells do not rely on nerve activity?
Cardiac muscle do not rely on nerve activity
Pacemaker cells
Cells that establish a regular rate of contraction
Cardiac muscle is considered ___________ (striated involuntary or nonstriated involuntary) muscle.
Striated involuntary
Smooth muscle is considered ___________ (striated involuntary or nonstriated involuntary) muscle.
Nonstriated involuntary
Neural tissue
Tissue specialized for electric conduction
What two types of cells do neural tissues contain?
Neurons and neuroglia
What are the longest cells in the body?
Cell body of a neuron
Glycoproteins that form mucous