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49 Cards in this Set

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alarm Reaction
activates nervous system,endocrine, cardiovascular, pulmonary, and muscular systems in response to stree
resistence stage
body tries to revert to homeostatsis to adapt and recover
wellness paradigm
the interegation, balance, and harmony of mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being through taking responsibility for ones own health, posits that the whole is greater than the sum of parts
neurocortical level
where sensory info is processed and decoded as a threat of non threat and where though process takes place. Imagination, creativity, logical, analysis, organization
autonomic dysregulation
increased sensitivity to precieved threats resulting from heightened neural responses speeding up the metabolic rate of one or more organs
somatic network
one of two networks of PNS responsible for transimitting sensory messages along neural pathways between 5 senses and higher brain centers
Diaphragmatic Breathing
the most basic relazation technique; breathing from the lower stomach or diaphragm rather than through the thoratic area
Peripheral Nervous system
consists of all neural pathways to extremeties
prevents you from getting the same virus or cold again-for specific pathogens
Endogenous overreactive
Arthritis, ulcers, lupus
Central Nervous System
consists of the brain and spinal column and the perphial nervous system; broken into three different levels; vegtative, limbic, Neocortical
Acetylcholine (ACTH)
a chemical substance released by the parasypathetic nervous system to help the body return to homeostatsis fomr the stress response
Gerber Model
states that the mind consists of energy surronding and permeating the body. Disease, then is disturbance in the human energy field, in which cascades through the human engery levels of the subtle energy
subtle energy
a series of layers of engery that surrond the body; thought to be associated with layers of consciousnesss consistuting the human energy field
reticular activating system
the neural fibers that link the brain to the spinal column
Progressive muscular relaxation
a relaxation technique, tensing and then relaxing the body's muscle groups in a pregressive fashion to decrease muscle tension
Limbic system
includes the hypothalamus and amyglada which is though to be responsible for emotional processing; all the glands of this work in unison to maintain homeostasis
Endocrine System
consists of a series of glands located throughout the body that regulate metabolic functions/ consists of; glands, circulation, target organs, hormones
vegatative level
where the brain and the spine meet. consists of the fibers that make up the reticular activating system. Responsible for involuntary functions. consists of pons, medulla, oblongata
any real or imagined situation, circumstance or stimulous that is precieved to be a threat
fight of flight response
walter cannon's term-the instinctive physiological response preparing the body when confronted with a threat to either fight or flee-triggered by adrenaline
Adrenal Gland
the endocrine glands that are located on the top of each kidney that house and release several stress hormones including cortisol and catcholoamines
Exogenous overreaction
the experience of a precieved threat to one's mental, physical, or spirtual well being resulting in a from a series of physiological responses and adaptations
stress hormones released by the adrenal cortex such as cortisol, cortisone, gluccorticoids, minnerlocorticoids. Which supresses the immune system
connects the mind and the body through neuropeptides. when a thought is precieved as a threat is secreated corticotropin releasing factor to the pituitary gland to activate fight or fligh response. activates; autonomic nervous system (para, sympathetic). secretes ACTH, influences the pituitary gland
parasympathetic nervous system
the branch of the CNS that specifically calms the body. activated by the hypothalamus. Releases ATCH to return the body to homeostasis
unique messenger hormones produced in the brain and other organs of the body that fit into the receptor sites (immune cells) of lymphocytes (tcells and bcells)
Exogenous underreactive
colds, flus
Stress response
the relase of epinephrine and norepinephrine to prepare various organ and tissues for the fight of flight response
Immune System Related Disorders
autonomic nervous system
consists of the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems that are part of the CNS that requires no conscious thought, actions such as breathing and heart rate
Sympathetic Nervous system
the branch of the CNS that triggers the fight or flight response when the threat is present. Activated by the hypothalamus
Releases catecholamines:
Endogenous overreaction
Endogenous underreactive
the cells that attack and destroy tumerous cells by releasing cytokins-part of Lymphocytes
Cerebral Cortex
processes thoughts such as; friend of foe
one or more organs targeted shows signs of dysfunction
Social Readjustment Rating Scale
an inventory of life events that may be precieved to be stressful used to determine one's level of stress
Immune Dysregulation
where various functions are supressed; now believed to be affected by emotional negativity
Pert model
links the nervous system with the immune system. Various cells in the immune system can synthesize neuropeptides just as the brain can. Also is believed that all neuropeptides are really one moelcule that undergoes change in the atomic level about by various emotional states of energy through forms
Nervous system related disorders
coronary heart disease
Endocrine System Glands
a river of energy with hundreds of innerconnected points throughout the body used in the practice of acupuncture and shiatsu massage
Borysenko Model
outlines Autonomic Dysregulation and Immune dysregulation-classifies disease in four catagories
exo overreaction
exo underreaction
endo overreaction
endo underreaction
General Adaptation Syndrome
term by Hans Selye-the threee physiological phases in reaction to chronic stress
alarm phase
Pituitary Gland
an endocrine gland located below hypothalamus and upon comand from the hypothalamus releases ACTH and then commands the adrenal gland to secrete the stress hormones
the effects of stress on diease; treats the mind, central, and immune system as one interrealated unit
Epinephrine and Norepinephrine
a special neuralchemical referred to as a catecholamine that is responsible for immediate readiness for stress
increases blood pressure and heart rate
released by sympathetic nervous system
released by adrenal medulla