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34 Cards in this Set

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The physiological response that is activated when the mind perceives a threat.
Yerkes-Dodson Principle
A tenet holding that a certain amount of stress is healthy, useful and even beneficial, but when stress exceeds one's ability to cope the overload contributes to diminished performance, inefficiency, and even health problems.
Any event or situation that an individual perceives as a threat; precipitates either adaptation or the stress response.
Positive, desirable stress that keeps life interesting and helps to motivate and inspire.
The negative effects of stress that drain us of energy and surpass our capacity to cope.
Acute Stress
Stress that results from short term stressors.
Episodic Acute Stress
Frequent bouts of acute stress.
Chronic Stress
Continuing stress provoked by unrelenting demands and pressures that go on for an extended time.
Holistic Health
A view of health that encompasses physical, intellectual, emotional, spiritual and social dimensions.
Physical Health
One of the five dimensions of health; involves the cells, tissues, organs, and systems functioning together in good working order.
Intellectual Health
One of the five dimensions of health, refers to the ability to think and learn from experiences, assess and question new information, and be open to new learning; also termed mental health.
Emotional Health
One of the five dimensions of health; involves the ability to understand feelings, accept limitations, and achieve emotional stability.
Spiritual Health
The result of discovering a basic purpose in life and learning how to experience love, joy, peace, and fulfillment.
Social Health
One of the five dimensions of health, refers to involvement with others and expressing care and concern for others.
Feelings of dependence, incompetence, anxiety, and frustration associated with technology.
The irritating, frustrating, or distressing incidents that accompany everyday existence.
A Hopi Indian word meaning crazy life, life in turmoil or life out of balance.
Fight-or-Flight Response
The body's automatic physiological response that prepares the individual to take action upon facing a perceived threat or danger.
The body's natural state of balance or stability.
Tend-and-Befriend Respond
Theory proposing that females are more likely than males to respond to stressful circumstances by nurturing offspring to protect them from harm
(tending) and befriending (creating and joining social groups to exchange resources and provide protection.)
Autonomic Nervous System
Branch of the nervous system responsible for many functions in the body that occur involuntarily, such as digestion, heart rate, blood pressure and body temperature.
Sympathetic Nervous System
Branch of the autonomic nervous system responsible for initiating the fight-or-flight response each time one perceives potential danger or pain.
Parasympathetic Nervous System
Branch of the autonomic nervous system that returns the physiology to a state of homeostasis or balance, after the threat, danger, or potential pain is no longer perceived to be imminent.
Chief region of the brain for integrating sympathetic and parasympathetic activities from higher order thinking.
Central portion of the brain, responsible for regulating emotions, among other things.
Adrenal Glands
Two triangle-shaped glands, one positioned on top of each kidney, from which stress hormones are secreted during the stress response.
Also known as adrenaline, a hormone secreted by the medulla (inner portion) of the adrenal gland, which (together with norepinephrine) brings about changes in the body known as the fight-or-flight response.
Also known as noradrenalin, a hormone secreted by the medulla (inner portion) of the adrenal gland, which (together with epinephrine) brings about changes in the body known as the fight-or-flight response.
Adrenal Medulla
Inner portion of adrenal glands, where epinephrine and norepinephrine are secreted.
One of the key stress hormones released from a portion of the adrenal glands called the adrenal cortex.
Adrenal Cortex
Outer portion of adrenal glands.
General Adaptation Syndrome
Process in which the body tries to adapt to chronic stress; Consists of three stages: alarm, resistance and exhaustion.
The mind/body process of effectively moving from the stress response to a relaxed response.
Power Nap
A means of relaxation that combines deep breathing, mindfulness and yoga to relax and rejuvenate body and mind.