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44 Cards in this Set

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Rheumatic fever is associated with a ____________ infection of ____________.
Pharyngeal, S. pyogenes
Glomerular nephritis is associated with a ______________ of ______________.
Skin infection/cellulitis, S. pyogenes
Streptococci are Gram _ cocci in ________.
Positive, chains.
Streptococci are ___________ negative and ___________ sugars, which produces _____________ and therefore lowers __.
Catalase, ferment, lactic acid, pH
Streptococci require enrichment with _________ to support growth.
Preliminary grouping of streptococci is based upon _________ of _________.
Hemolysis, 5% sheep blood
S. pyogenes is ____ hemolytic and in Lancefield group _. It is also _______ susceptible.
Beta, A, Bacitracin
S. pneumonia is ___ hemolytic and has a positive __________ test. It is also ________ susceptible.
Alpha, Quelling.
S. faecalis is ___ hemolytic and is in Lancefield group _. It is also _________ positive.
Gamma(alpha), D, bile esculin.
S. pyogenes is a group __ strep.
Virulence factors of S. pyogenes include __________ (hyaluronic acid), fibrils that consist of ___________ (80 serotypes) and _____________, a ___________ layer, and _ and _ proteins.
Caspule, M-Protein, lipteichoic acid, peptidoglycan, T, R
____________ allows S. pyogenes to invade tissues.
___________ are hemolysins such as _____________, which oxygen labile and antigenic, and ___________, which is oxygen stabile and nonantigenic.
Streptolysins, Streptolysin O, Streptolysin S.
Group ___ strep is highly adapted to resist phagocytosis, so it _______ through the tissues.
A, spreads
Streptococcus elicits a strong _________ response, which causes the release of _________ for WBCs, activates __________ by the alternate pathway, and resists ______________ and kills many of the invading cells.
Inflammatory, chemotaxins, complement, phagocytosis
The lysis of ___ caused by streptococcus releases ___________ enzymes, which damage the surrounding _________.
WBCs, lysosomal, tissue
Localized infections of S. progenies causes _________ (sore throat), __________ and _________.
Pharyngitis, scarlet fever, impetigo
Invasive infections of S. pyogenes causes the following five infections:
Wounds, erysipelas, cellulitis, peurperal fever, endocarditis
Postinfection diseases caused by S. pyogenes include __________ and ____________.
Rheumatic fever, glomerulonephritis
In scarlet fever, an ___ toxin produced by _______ Grp A streptococci causes _________.
Erythrogenic, lysogenic, rash.
The DOC against S. pyogenes is _________
Penicillin G (long acting or 10 day oral)
Group _ strep infects neonates and causes ________, __________ and __________. This species is called streptococcus _______________.
B, septicemia, meningitis, pneumonia, agalatciae.
S. agalacticae is ___ heymolytic and in Lancefield group __ Laboratory tests reveal that is is __________ positive.
Beta, B, hippurate hydrolysis
Group _ strep causes urinary tract infection, wounds and sepsis. The species is called _____________ (streptococcus) ___________.
D, Enterococcus(streptococcus) faecalis.
___________ strep or alpha strep causes subacute ____________ and __________ (Streptococcus mutans)
Viridans, endocarditis, dental caries.
S. pneumoniae causes ________, ________ and _________.
Pneumonia, otitis media, sinusitis
An inch wide streak of red associated with S. pyogenes is called ____________.
S. pyogenes mixed with S. aureus can result in ____________, the most common form of which being ___________.
Impetigo, non-bullous
Impetigo lesions begin as _______ that progress to ________ surrounded by ________. These pustules break open to form thick, adherent crusts with a characteristic ______ appearance over the course of _________.
Papules, vesicles, erythema, golden, 1 week.
Lesions of impetigo usually involve the _____ and ________. Multiple lesions develop but tend to remain __________. Regional _______ may occur, but systemic symptoms are usually ___________.
Face, extremities, localized, lymphadenitis, absent.
Erysipelas is typically caused by _________.
S. pyogenes
Ecthyma is typically caused by ________.
S. pyogenes.
Erysipelas, impetigo and folliculitis infections occur in the ___________.
Ecthyma, furunculosis and carbunculosis occur in the __________.
Necrotizing fascitis occurs in the ___________.
Subcutaneous tissue
Myonecrosis occurs in the
___________________ is motile with polar flagella, oxidase positive (obligate anaerobe), grows at 42 degrees Celsius, and produces colonies with a fruity odor. Their colonies are also usually __________.
Pseudomonas aeruginosa, pigmented
P. aeruginosa is covered in a _____________________, which makes a slime layer biofilm that resists killing by antibiotics. It also produces an __________(lipopolysaccharide) and many extracellular enzymes.
Polysaccharide capsule, endotoxin.
_______________, produced by P. aeruginosa, causes _______ of elongation factor 2, which inhibits __________. This ultimately results in ______ formation with tissue ________.
Exotoxin A, ADP-ribosylation, protein synthesis, eschar, necrosis.
P. aeruginosa infects patients who are ____________ or those with compromised _______ __________.
Immunocompromised, physical barriers.
Serious infections with P. aeruginosa require treatment with __________+___________ or ___________ by IV
Aminoglycoside + Piperacillin, ticarcillin
P. aeruginosa is a gram _____ ________________
Negative nonfermenter
Oxidase negative (aerobic), nonfermentative, nonmotile, short Gram negative rods.
Acenobacter ___________ and __________ account for >90% of reported cases.
Baumanii, calcoaceticus