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21 Cards in this Set

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What is the purpose of anaerobic training

To train at a high intensity with limited recovery to develop the energy systems that dont use oxygen

Define strength

The ability of a muscle or muscle group to exert a force against resistance

Define absolute strength

The maximum force against a resistance that a muscle can exert in a single effort, 1RM

Define Muscular strength

The force a muscle or muscle group can generate

Define muscular power

Then product of combining speed with strength

Define muscular endurance

The capacity to repeatedly develop and sustain maximal or near maximal resistance

Define repetition

The number of times an exercise is repeated without rest

Define Repetition maximum

The max weight a person can lift and the number of times it can be performed until fatigue

Define Passive rest

Time allocated for rest/recovery between sets

Define resistance

The weight of force (kg)

Define an isotonic contraction

Muscle fibres with lengthen and shorten, engaging both agonist and antagonist muscles throughout the range of movement

Define Isometric contractions

The muscle length and tension remain consistent and do not change in length whilst resistance is applied

Define a isokinetic contraction

Only can be achieved by the use of machines, enabling the muscle to remain at the same tension Throughout the full ROM

What is ROM

Range of movement

What factors contribute to adaption through resistance training

- muscle hypertrophy

- increased creatine level/ anaerobic enzymes/ hemoglobin

- Decreased HR at any given workload

What are the 3 types of strengths

Absolute, power, endurance

Define hypertrophy

A change in shape, increase in-size of muscle


Applying a force against gravity to lift a load


Lowering a weight against the force of gravity

What is a good amount of time for rest between sets whilst training for endurance and absolute strength

Absolute= 3-5 min

Endurance = 30’seconds

What are the 3 training methods to improve strength

Resistance, weight, isometric