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56 Cards in this Set

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Classic Conditioning
Learning in which a natural response is elicited by a conditioned or learned stimulus presented in conjunction with an unconditioned stimulus

ex. Pavlov's dog
Operant conditioning
Learning in which a particular action is elicited due to effect

1) Positive reinforcement - desired reward produces action
2) Negative reinforcement - removal of averse stimulus elicits behavior
3) Punishment - application of aversive stimulus extinguishes unwanted behavior
4) Extinction - discontinuation of reinforcement eliminates behavior
Transference vs Countertransference
Transference - Patient projects feelings about formative or other important persons onto physician (ex. psychiatrist becomes parent)

Countertransference - doctor projects feelings about formative or other important persons onto patient
Ego Defenses: Acting out
Unacceptable feelings and thoughts expressed through actions (ex tantrums)
Ego Defenses: Dissociation
Temporary, drastic change in personality, memory, consciousness, or motor behavior to avoid emotional stress

Ex. in extreme multiple personality
Ego Defenses: Denial
Avoidance of awareness of some painful reality

Ex. Newly diagnosed terminal disease
Ego Defenses: Displacement
Process whereby avoided ideas and feelings are transferred to neutral person or object (vs projection)

ex. yell at dog, punch wall, get mad at another person

Displacement = reactionary
Projection = not-reactionary
Ego Defenses: Projection
An unacceptable internal impulse is attributed to an external source

ex. a man who wants another woman to think his wife is cheating on him

Displacement = reactionary
Projection = not-reactionary
Ego Defenses: Fixation
Partially remaining at a more childish level of development (vs regression)

ex. men fixating on sports games

Fixation = non-reactionary
Regression = reactionary
Ego Defenses: Regression
Turning back the maturatioanl clock and going back to earlier modes of dealing with world

ex. young children in stress, illness, punishment, new sibling. Wetting bed after older

Fixation = non-reactionary
Regression = reactionary
Ego Defenses: Identification
Modeling behavior after another person who is more powerful (not necessarily admired)

ex. Abused child identifies himself as abuser
Ego Defenses: Isolation of affect
Separation of feelings from ideas and events

Ex. Detailing a murder in extreme detail with no emotional response
Ego Defenses: Rationalization
Proclaiming logical reasons for actions actually performed for other reasons, usually avoids self-blame

ex. fail a test, say not impt information
Ego Defenses: Reaction formation
Process whereby a warded off idea or feeling is replaced by an (unconsciously derived) emphasis on opposite

Ex. former smoker desires smoking ban
Ego Defenses: Repression
Involuntary withholding of an idea or feeling from conscious awareness.

Ex. Not remembering a conflictual or traumatic experience; pressing bad thoughts into unconscious (UNINTENTIONAL)
Ego Defenses: Splitting
Belief that people are either all good or all bad at different times due to intolerance of ambiguity. Often borderline personality

ex. Say med student is best person in world but all other medical team is cold and heartless
Ego Defenses: Altruism
Guilty feelings alleviated by unsolicited generosity to others

Ex. arms dealer giving to charity
Ego Defenses: Humor
Appreciating amusing nature of an anxiety provoking response or adverse situation

Ex. Joke about test
Ego Defenses: Sublimation
Process where replace an unacceptable wish with course of action similar to but is not unacceptable

Ex. Like cutting so become a surgeon
Ego Defenses: Suppression
Voluntary withholding (vs repression) of an idea of feeling from conscious awareness

Ex. choosing not to think of something
Mature Ego defenses

Infant Deprivation Effects
Weak, Wordless, Wanting, Wary

> 6 months may be irreversible
ADHD, treatment
Onset before 7, Limited attention, poor impulse control. Normal intelligence but school difficulty.

Menthylphenidate, amphetamins, atomoxetine
Conduct disorder
Repetitive and pervasive behavior violating social norms (aggression, property destruction, theft). Over 18 it is antisocial personality
Oppositional defiant disorder
Hostile defiant behavior towards authority in absence of social norm violations
Tourrette's, treatment
Onset before 18, sudden, rapid, recurrent sterotyped movements or tics persisting over a year. Associated with OCD. Desire for tic precedes unlike myotonic seizure jerk

Treat with antispychotics (Haloperidol)
Milder autism. Autism has severe language and social impairment, and below average intelligence. Asperger's has normal intelligence and lack verbal or cognitive or language impairments

Focus on interests, repetitive behavior and problems in social relationships
Rett's disorder
Females only (male lethal) that causes regression of development starting at age 4
Neurotransmitter changes with disease
a) Anxiety
b) Depression
c) Alzheimers
d) Huntingtons
e) Schizophrenia
f) Parkinsons
Neurotransmitter changes with disease
a) Anxiety - up NE, down GABA, serotonin
b) Depression - down NE, down serotonin, down dopamine
c) Alzheimers - down ACh
d) Huntingtons - Down GABA, down ACh, up dopamine
e) Schizophrenia - up dopamine
f) Parkinsons - down dopamine, up serotonin, up ACh
Delirium vs Dementiad
Delirium - ACUTE lowered consciousness, changes in mental status, thinking, hallucinations, illusions, sleep. Often due to other things (CNS disease, infection, trauma, substance abuse/withdrawal). ANTICHOLINERGICS reverse often. ABNORMAL EEG

Dementia - GRADUAL decline in cognition without affecting consciousness. Memory, aphasia, apraxia, agnosia, abstract thought, personality changes, CAN get delirium. NORMAL EEG

Alzheimers, cerebral infarcts, Pick's disease, substance abuse, CJD.
Psychosis signs
Loose associations
Hallucination types
Visual - medical illness (intoxication) usually
Auditory - psych illness
Olfactory - aura of epilepsy and brain tumors
Gustatory - rare
Tactile - bugs on skin seen in withdrawal (alcohol) or cocaine use
Hypnagogic - going to sleep
HypnaPOMPic - waking up
Schizophrenia and Subtypes
Psychosis, disturbed behavior and thought, functional decline. HIGH dopamine, LOW dendritic branching. Marijuana RF

1) last > 6 months
2) Have 2 or more of
a) Delusions
b) Hallucinations
c) Disorganized speech
d) Disorganized or catatonic behavior
e) "Negative symptoms" - flat affect, social withdrawal, lack of motivation, lack of speech or thought

Brief Psychosis <1 month, Schizophreniform 1-6 months

IF just delusion and normal then Delusional disorder
Schizoaffective Disorder
At least 2 weeks STABLE mood with psychotic symptoms plus:

a) major depressive episode
b) manic episode
c) mixed episode

Often misdiagnosed as bipolar (not because have stable mood with persistent psychotic symptoms)
Dissociative disorders
a) Dissociative identity disorder - 2 or more personality states

b) Depersonalization disorder - persistent detachment or estrangement from own body, social situation or environment

c) Dissociative fugue - abrupt change in geographic locatoin, cannot recall past, confusoin about identity or assume new identity. Associated with war, trauma, natural disasters), stress and impairment
Mood disorders
Major Depressive Disorder
Bipolar disorder
Dysthymic disorder
Cyclothymic disorder

MAY have psychotic features
Manic episode
Distinct period of abnormally and persistently elevated, expansive mood lasting 1 week at least. Needs 3 of

Irresponsibility - hedonistic
Flight of Ideas
Activity/psychomotor agitation - goal directed
Sleep - LESS


Hypomanic if no marked impairment and no psychosis
Bipolar disorder
At least 1 manic (Bipolar I) or hypomanic (Bipolar II) episode, followed later by depressive symptoms

Normal mood and functioning between. Treat with mood stabilizers (lithium, valproic acid, carbamazepine) and atypical antipsychotics
MDD vs Dysthymia
Major depressive is usually episodes 6-12 months with 5 of 9 for 2 weeks


Sleep disturbance
Interest decreased (anhedonia)
Guilt or worthlessness
Energy loss
Concentration loss
Appetite/weight changes
Psychomotor retardation or agitation
Suicidal ideation
Depressed mood

Dysthymia - milder (<5) and lasting 2 YEARS or more
Cyclothymic disorder
dysthymia and hypomania

dysthymia necessitates lasting 2 years at least
Atypical depression
Hypersomnia, overeating, mood reactivity (improves with positive events)

Associated with weight gain and sensitive to rejection

MAOIs or SSRIs to treat
Postpartum mood disturbances
Maternal "blues" - MOST women, depressed affect, tearfulness, fatigue, resolves in <2 weeks. Follow up

Postpartum depression - Rare, depressed affect, anxiety, poor concentration. 2 weeks to 2 months. antidepressants, psychotherapy

Postpartum psychosis - very rare, delusions, confusion, homicidal/suicidal ideation. 4-6 weeks. May need hospitalization
ECT uses
Refractory major depressive disorder
Pregnant women with major depressive disorder

Can cause mild temporary amnesia
Suicide Risk Factors

Sex (male; though women try more)
Age (teenage or elderly)
Previous attempt
Ethanol or drugs
Rational thinking loss
Organized plan
No spouse
Social support lacking
Anxiety disorders
Panic disorder
Phobias - specific, recognized
OCD - recurrent thought to do, realizing that it is there (insight)
PTSD - LASTS > 1month (or just acute stress). Flashbacks, high arousal
Generalized anxiety disorder - 6 months (adjustment if less) GENERAL anxiety unrelated to any specific
Malingering Disorder
CONSCIOUSLY fakes or claims to have a disorder to get secondary gain (money, drugs, avoid work). Often poorly compliant with treatment or follow up

Complaints CEASE after gain
Factitious disorder
CONSCIOUS creation of physical or psychological symptoms to assume "sick role" and get medical attention (PRIMARY gain)

Munchausen's syndrome - CHRONIC with physical signs and symptoms, willingness to get invasive procedures

Munchausen's syndrome by proxy - illness in a child is caused by caregiver, form of child abuse
Somatiform disorders and categories
Physical symptoms with no identifiable physical cause: Illness production and motivation by unconscious drives. NOT intentional or produced

a) Somatization - variety of complaints in many systems (4 pain, 2 GI, 1 sexual, 1 pseudoneurologic) over years

b) Conversion - sudden loss of sensory or motor function (paralysis, blindness, mutism) following ACUTE STRESSOR; Pt aware of but indifferent to symptoms

c) Hypochondriaisis - fear of having serious illness

d) Body dysmorphic disorder - preoccupation with minor defects in appearance, emotional distress, seek cosmetic surgery

e) Pain disorder - prolonged pain with no physical findings, pain is predominant focus of clinical presentation and psychological factors have role in severity, exacerbation or maintenance of pain
Cluster A personality disorders
WEIRD (Accusatory, Aloof, Awkward), no psychosis but associated with schizophrenia

a) Paranoid - pervasive distrust and suspicious; projection defense mechanism

b) Schizoid - voluntary social withdrawal, limited emotion, content with social isolation (distant)

c) Schizotypal - eccentric appearance, odd beliefs or magical thinking, interpersonal awkwardness
Cluster B personality disorders
WILD, (Bad to the Bone) associated with mood disorders and substance abuse

a) Antisocial - disregard for and violation of rights of others, criminality, conduct disorder if <18

b) Borderline - unstable mood, relationships. Impulsive, self-mutilation, boredom, SPLITTING

c) Histrionic - excessive emotion, attention seeking, sexually provacative, concerned with appearance

d) Narcissistic - grandiosity, sense of entitlement, lack empathy and requires admiration. DEMANDS BEST, RAGE with criticism
Cluster C personality disorders
WORRIED (Cowardly, Compulsive, Clingy)

a) Avoidant - hypersensitive to rejection, timid, feeling inadequate. DESIRES relationships but avoids (vs schizoid where content with isolation)

b) Obsessive-compulsive - preoccupation with order, perfection, control. Ego syntonic (consistent with beliefs, no compulsion to prevent bad stuff from happening like OCD)

c) Dependent - submissive and clinging, excessive need to be taken care of, low self-confidence
"Schizo" conditions
Schizoid - social withdrawal, limited emotion, OK with it

Schizotypal - above + eccentric thinking

Schizophrenic - above + greater odd thinking, hallucinations, may have delusions, disorganized speech, catatonic behavior, negative symptoms. Typal has less than 2/5

Schizoaffective - psychosis of schizophrenia and bipolar or deppresive mood disorder. MUST have period with psychosis and normal mood
Transexualism vs transvestism
Transvestism - like to wear clothes
Transsexualism - desire to live like other sex
Substance dependence vs abuse
Dependence - Maladaptive pattern of use with 3 of following in a year:

Substance in greater amounts
Persistent desire to cut down
Significant energy used to get or recover from
Reduced activities
Continued use despite knowledge of drawbacks

Fail to meet obligations
Use in hazardous situations
Legal problems
Use in spite of problems with use
Stages of change in substance abuse
Precontemplation - haven't acknowledged problem
Contemplation - acknowledged but not ready
Preparation/Determination - getting ready
Action/Willpower - chaning
Developmental Milestones: Social, Fine motor, Gross motor and Language at 1,2,3,4
1 - Imitation, pointing; pincer grasp; walking; Mama, Dada

2 - imitation of household tasks; page turn; jump, stand on one foot; 2 word phrase

3 - Parallel play (not together); reproduce simple shapes; tricycle, stair; simple sentence

4 - cooperative play, toilet; dress self with help; run without difficulty; complex sentences with pronoun and plurals