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109 Cards in this Set

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AFP is elevated in what cancer?
PRIMARY LIVER (primary hepatocellular carcinoma)

Not mets to liver
CEA is elevated in what cancer?
Colon cancer
CA-19-9 is elevated in what cancer?
Pancreatic cancer
CA-125 is elevated in what cancer?
after a 3 day cruise, a pt presents to the clinic with 2 days of abdominal pain, n/v/d, and a low-grade fever. what is the most likely dx and tx?
viral gastroenteritis
hydration b/c it is self-limited
after eating rice, pt develops rapid n/v/d
B. cereus
pt presents to clinic after becoming progressively weak in the lower extremity. hx reveals she had eaten some chicken 5 days ago and "had a bad reaction" including some bloody diarrhea. Dx and etiology?

Campylobacter Jejuni
baby presents to ER after unusual fatigue and decreased muscle tone. ROS is positive for N/V/D. parents reveal they gave the child honey last night. etiology?
clostridium botulinum

floppy baby??
pt presents to ER after 3 days of diarrhea. 2 weeks earlier pt went to dentist and was prescribed clindamycin. dx?
1 day after returning home from Mexico, pt presents to ER with watery diarrhea and vomitting. top of Ddx?
ETEC (E.coli)

travelers diarrhea
a 13 year old presents to ER with N/V/d which is bloody. pt's mother states that during a birthday party, the child had hamburgers and hotdogs. other kids have also had similar problems. additional workup reveals an elevated BUN and Cr and the child has developed a fever. Dx and etiology?
E.coli O157:H7

hemolytic uremic syndrome
about 5 hours after a celebration, pt develops acute onset of vomitting and diarrhea. etiology of the food poisoning?
Staph aureus
pt has developed severe bloody diarrhea and abdominal pain. this patient is a strict vegetarian and E.coli has been ruled out. Campylobacter antigen is also ruled out. stool culture reveals no cysts in fecal material. Dx? complication?

shiga toxin- if correct species can cause HUS
pt presents with COPIOUS watery diarrhea. history is positive living at home alone and drinking from well water. pt is severely dehydrated. dx?
vibrio cholera
pt has developed watery diarrhea after eating oysters. Dx?
vibrio parahaemolyticus
pt presents to ER with excessive diarrhea described as greasy and very foul smelling. History reveals the pt was hiking and drank from a stream. etiology?
pt comes to ER with very bloody diarrhea. history reveals the pt traveled to africa and drank water out of a public source. stool culture reveals some cysts in the stool culture. etiology?
entamoeba histolytica
HIV positive patient presents with watery diarrhea...automatic top of Ddx?
pt ate some pork and got diarrhea. also has some altered mental status? dx? if this were beef, what etiology?
taenia solium

beef= t.saginatum
which hepatitis is transmitted by sex?
which hepatitis is more likely to become hepatocellular carcinoma?
tx of HBV
interferon alpha + lamivudine
tx of HCV
interferon alpha + ribavirin
describe acute hepatitis in terms of
a) HBsAg
b) HBeAg
c) anti-HBs
d) anti-HBe
e) anti-HBc
a) +
b) +
c) -
d) -
e) + IgM
describe chronic (though active) hepatitis in terms of
a) HBsAg
b) HBeAg
c) anti-HBs
d) anti-HBe
e) anti-HBc
a) + HBsAg is when virus is still replicating
b) + HBeAg is when virus is still replicating
c) -
d) -
e) + IgG

HBc so there was an infection at some point
describe past infection of hepatitis and recovery in terms of
a) HBsAg
b) HBeAg
c) anti-HBs
d) anti-HBe
e) anti-HBc
a) -
b) -
c) +
d) +
e) + igG

when anti-HBs and anti-HBc you know there was once an infection b/c of HBc
describe immunity to hepatitis in terms of
a) HBsAg
b) HBeAg
c) anti-HBs
d) anti-HBe
e) anti-HBc
a) -
b) -
c) +
d) -
e) - (b/c core has not been exposed since no virus introduced to the body)
which viral hepatitis is spread via fecal-oral route?
dysphagia related to solids only is probably what etiology?

Webs/rings, strictures, cancer
what dysphagia is related to solids and liquids?

achalasia, motilitiy disorders, stroke, tight sphincters
how do you work-up dysphagia?
1. barium swallow
2. EGD
what is achalasia and the radiologic sign associated with is?
motility disorder in esophagus with tight lower esophogeal sphincter

bird's beak
what are some presenting signs of zenker's diverticulum?
regurge of food eating days before
impaired swallowing
what is presenting signs of GERD?
sour taste, heart burn, chest pain
tx protocol of GERD?
H2- Blockers- cimetidine, ranitidine
PPI- omeprazole, pantoprazole
complications of GERD?
Barrett's esophagus
m/c esophogeal cancer?
a/w Barrett's?
squamous cell CA

adenocarcinoma (columnar metaplasia)-turns into columnar
complications of sliding hiatal hernia? paraesophogeal?

incarceration of stomach
m/c cause of gastritis?

other non-bacterial causes?

NSAIDS, alcohol, stress, auto-immune (antiparietal cell)
workup for H.pylori and definitively Dx by?
positive urea breath test

positive IgG to H. pylori (always will be positive once positive)

antral biopsy will confirm Dx
type A gastritis features?
auto-immune (anti-parietal cells)
PERNICIOUS ANEMIA (B12 deficiency)
decreased gastric acid (loss of parietal cells)
probably low chlorine

type B gastritis features
a/w H.pylori
increased gastric acid


complication of PUD and Cancer
patient presents with burning epigastric pain, epigastric tenderness, and dark color stools and hematemesis. likely Dx? work up? tx?


PPI, H2 blockers, Tx of H. Pylori
duodenal ulcer vs. gastric ulcer?

NSAID users?
initial relief after eating- duodenal

pain with eating- gastric

NSAID users- gastric
Tx of H. pylori?
clarithromycin + PPI + amoxicillin/metronidazole
pt presents with 4 episodes of Gastric PUD, abdominal pain, and N/V. EGD reveals a mass in the duodenum. next step? likely Dx? what else do you need to look for?
gastrin level

zollinger- Ellison syndrome

check for MEN I
Pt presents to you with increasing weight loss, anorexia, and odd feeling or satiety following a very small meal. Physical exam reveals RRR, lungs CTA, and an isolated Left supraclavicular lymph node. dx? definitive dx? radiology sign?
gastric Cancer- likely adenocarcinoma

egd with Bx, follow CEA

radiological sign is leather bottle stomach
where is B12 absorbed?
how does celiac disease present? work up and definitive dx? tx?
bloating especially after eating wheat, n/v...failure to thrive

positive anti-gliadin antibodies
Bx of duodenum/jejunum shows blunted villi

avoid wheat and gluten
what is tropical sprue?
similar to celiac disease especially after returning from tropics. no anti-gliadin antibodies
what is whipple's disease? patho dx?
malabsorption syndrome caused infection of trepheryma whippelii

intestinal Bx shows PAS positive foamy macrophages
inability to eat dairy products is what dx? work up?
lactose intolerence

positive lactose tolerence test (inability to increase glucose with ingestion of lactose)
How is chronic diarrhea worked up after infection and lactose intolerance are ruled out? m/c cause of chronic diarrhea?
colonoscopy will rule in inflammatory bowel diseases if it is unremarkable workup for malabsorption and IBS

lactose intolerance
secretory diarrhea is caused by what?
hormones or enterotoxigenic bacteria
laxatives or malabsorptions
IBD or infections
pt presents with intermittent diarrhea and constipation with pain. pain is relieved after defacation. likely dx?
features of Chrohn's disease
skip lesions and cobblestoning
watery diarrhea
possible fistula formations
features of ulcerative colitis?
starts at anus and works proximally
usually just mucosal and submucosal in nature
possible colon CA formation
bloody diarrhea
m/c small bowel obstruction?
large bowel?
adhesions then hernias
Colon CA
m/c cause of acute diarrhea in children?
abdominal pain out of proportion to exam raise suspicion for?
ischemic colitis
tx for IBD (chrons and uc)
colectomy (uc), resection (chrons)
pt presents with 3 day hx of fever and increasing abdominal pain. pt has pain in llq to palpation and pain is redproduced with RLQ palpation. CBC reveals elevated WBC count. workup? dx? tx?
first get an hcg to r/o preggo if it is a woman and then get an abdominal ct w/contrast


pt comes out of surgery and complains of not having a bowel movement in 2 days as well as decreased appetite. AXR reveals dilated colon. what is dx?
post-op ileus
57 y/o pt presents with abdominal pain. AXR reveals a double bubble sign. what is most likely dx?
m/c cause of LLQ pain?
tx for diverticulosis and for -itis?
high fiber diet

metronidazole, quinolones, TMP-SMX
pt presents with painless bright red bleeding on the toilet paper. dx? anatomy involved?
internal hemorrhoids

superior rectal veins
painful rectal bleeding with bright red blood on the Toilet paper? anatomy involved?
external hemorrhoids
inferior rectal veins
pt presents with rectal pain and bright red bleeding. no hemorrhoids or source of infection is found. what other dx can be made?
anal fissure
rectal fissures are common in what pt population?
those with IBD (crohns)
pt presents with occasional bouts of diarrhea and skin flushing simultaneously. work up? dx?

carcinoid syndrome
pt presents for colonoscopy with current positive stool guaiac test. hx is noted for several isolated polyp removals in the past. what tumor marker may aid in ruling in or out colon cancer?
colonoscopy reveals several hundred polyps and a review of history reveals a strong family hx component. dx?
familial adenomatous polyposis
pt presents with colonic polyps + skin pigment changes in mouth. dx?
peutz-jagher's syndrome
colon cancer + bone involvement?
gardner's syndrome
colon cancer + cns tumor
turcot's syndrome
coffee ground emesis is indicative of what?
upper GI bleed
sx consistent with upper gi bleed?
hematemesis, coffee ground emesis, melena
sx consistent with lower GI bleed?
bright red or maroon stools
iron def. anemia in an elder is what till proven otherwise?
colon CA
what are some causes of pancreatitis?
gallstones, alcohol, high trigs, viral
what are some lab values in pancreatitis? physical findings?
increased amylase/lipase
increase WBCs
possible increased LFTs

epigastric tenderness radiating to back
grey-turner and cullens sign
increased CA 19-9 is indicative of what?
exocrine pancreatic cancer
pt comes in with abnormal symptoms of severe hypoglycemia. pt has never had symptoms of hypoglycemia before. fasting labs reveal hypoglycemia and an increased insulin level. Dx?
endocrine pancreatic cancer
pt comes in with abdominal mass and watery diarrhea. mass is identified in pancreas. workup? what tops Ddx?
increased serum VIP

a 40 year old female presents to ER with n/v and RUQ pain radiating to shoulder. she states pain is worse after meals. next step? tx?
gallbladder abdominal US

a 40 year old female presents to ER with n/v and RUQ pain radiating to shoulder. she has a positive murphy's sign. she states pain is worse after meals. US reveals mildly thickened gall bladder wall without obstructing stones. dx? next step?

HIDA scan- to see if cholecystectomy will need to be done
a 43 yo female presents to ER with RUQ pain and jaundice. she states she has had a fever for 3 days and the RUQ pain is worsening. WBC count is elevated. US shows mildly thickened gall bladder walls but Ejection Fraction on HIDA scan is decreased. Dx?
a 61 year old female presents to ER with n/v and RUQ pain radiating to shoulder. she has a positive murphy's sign. she states a 25 lbs. wt loss over the past 4 months. AXR shows a calcified Gallbladder. next step?
gall bladder Bx. (porcelain GB suggestive of cancer)
what is the best test to detect alcoholic liver disease?
AST;ALT ratio in alcoholics? hepatitis?
increased GGT

2:1 (B6 def. and cannot make ALT)

1:1 but both are significanly elevated
cirrhosis complications are what?
ascites (no albumin, decreased Cap. Onc. Press.)
bleeding disorders (no clot factors, no platelets)
asterixis, palmar erythema, spider telangectasias
portal HTN (caput medusea, esophogeal varices, hemorrhoids)
what is suggestive of acute liver injury? bile stasis? stone at the ampulla?
elevated AST and ALT

elevated AST and ALT, elevated alk phos

elevated AST and ALT, elevated alk phos, elevated amylase/lipase
pt presents with polyuria and polyphagia. on exam you not hepatomegaly and a bronze hue rash. labs reveal increased iron level and ast and alt. dx?
pt presents with altered personality and a wing-beating tremor. brown-green rings around the eyes are noted. workup? what is the dx?
increased free copper
decreased ceruloplasma

Wilson's Disease
decreased PFTs and increased LFTs, think what?
alpha-1-antirypsin deficiency
anti-smooth muscle antibody?
autoimmune hepatitis
anti-mitochondrial antibody?
difference in PBC and PSC?
jaundice at stressful periods is what disease?
Gilbert's Dz
Crigler-Najjar is more serious than gilbert's dz, how?
deficiency in glucuronosyl-tranferase is more severe
weight loss and increased AFP raises flag for what?
hepatocellular carcinoma
3 day old baby presents with failure to thrive and increasing vomiting after bottle feeding. AXR shows air bubble in the stomach. dx?
tracheoesophogeal fistula
baby presents to clinic with failure to thrive. mom states baby projectile vomits after feeding. a palpable olive size mass is noted in epigastric area. workup? dx? definitive tx?
abdominal US

pyloric stenosis

baby presents 4 days after birth with hematchezia and vomiting. mom reports a low birth weight. radiology studies shows air in bowel wall. dx?
necrotizing enterocolitis
sausage-like mass palpated in belly of child with maroon streaked stool. dx?
2 year old boy presents with bloody stools. a colonoscopy is performed and a bleed is noted about 58cm proximal to ileocecal valve. dx?
meckel diverticulum
rotor and dubin-johnson pathology?
cannot get conjugated bilirubin transported out of the hepatobiliary system
m/c cause of neonatal jaundice?
physiologic undersecretion, breast-feeding failure
ABO incompatability
in children failing to thrive, always suspect what?
child abuse/neglect