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157 Cards in this Set

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Cardiac Output= ?
M/c spot for coronary artery occlusion?
when is the heart supplied with blood?
what is the next best test for a pt who presents with angina but no MI is found upon workup?
stress testing

1. exercise if pt can tolerate
2. pharm- if pt cannot exercise
when do you treat hyperlipidemia?
LDL >100- if CAD present
LDL >130- if 2 risk factors of CAD present
LDL >160- general population
when do you treat hyperlipidemia?

facial flushing
tx of STABLE angina?

further workup?
sublingual nitroglycerin

stress test w/ nuclear studies
PTCA (heart cath)
ecg/work up to dx unstable angina?
neg cardiac enzymes with st-depressions
tx unstable angina?
ASA and clopidogrel

consider PTCA or CABG
most sensitive cardiac enzyme for MI?
troponin I
tx for MI?
ASA and clopidogrel

consider PTCA or CABG
following an MI, what drugs decrease mortality?
tPA (if in window)
What does DLCO assess?
diffusion across alveolar membrane
describe FEV1and FVC in obstuctive pulm dz
FEV1 = decrease
FVC = increase

FEV1/FVC = decrease
describe FEV1and FVC in restrictive pulm dz
FEV1 = decrease
FVC = decrease

FEV1/FVC = normal to increase
name a few things that can increase A-a gradient?
Pulmonary edema
R to L shunt
definitive dx of strep pharyngitis must include what?
throat culture + for B hemolytic strep
complications of strep? (2 of them)
Rheumatic heart disease
post-strep glomerular nephritis
a peritonsillar abcess will present how?
trouble opening mouth
assymetric tonsils
uvula pointing away from lesion
differentiate between influenza and common cold on a few symptoms?
flu- DIARRHEA, vomiting, very high FEVER, headache

cold- sneezing, sore throat, nonproductive cough, rhinorrhea
M/C cause of sinusitis and otitis media?
s. pneumo
h. influenza
m. cattarhalis
complications of strep? (2 of them)
oral amoxicillin x 2 weeks
decreased breath sounds, fever, elevated WBC count, dullness to percussion. Dx?
+ PPD... next step?
Tx of TB?
R- rifampin
I-isoniazid (supplement with B6 for neuropathy)
P- pyrazinamide
E- ethambutol

all this for 6 months
+PPD, Asymptomatic, with possible TB risk exposure

Isoniazid - do not report b/c no confirmed TB
m/c cause of neonatal pneumonia?
oral amoxicillin x 2 weeks
stocatto cough pneumonia?
infant- 5yo pneumonia
5-20 yo
20-40 yo

m/c pneumonia
Strep pneumo, mycoplasma

mycoplasma, strep pneumo
elderly pneumonia?

treatment of this bug?
strep pneumo

B-lactam + macrolide (azithr0mycin)
m/c cause of hospital acquired pneumonia
staph aureus with abcess formation
m/c alcoholic pneumonia?
klebsiella- maroon (currant jelly) sputum
m/c cystic fibrosis pneumonia?
pneumonia w/ diarrhea and exposure to aerosolized water
m/c fungal pneumonia out of Southwest U.S. ?
m/c fungal pneumonia after cave dwelling especially where?
histoplasmosis in ohio river valley
elderly pneumonia?

treatment of this bug?
central America pneumonia?
TB with bone involvement called what?
Potts Disease
dyspnea, accessory muscle use, hx of sepsis, rales, respiratory alkalosis with low PaO2 and low PaCO2 is enough to dx what?
what is the difference between AV Nodal tachycardia and AV tachycardia?
AV Nodal= cycles around the AV node

AV= cycles around an accessory pathway (WPW)
mobitz type 1 is characterized by?
what are the most common PSVT (SVT) rhythms?
AV Nodal Reentrant Tachy
WPW AV reentry tachy

A-fib, sinus tach, A-flutter, and MAT are also SVT but the 2 above are of clinical concern
when can you use adenosine?
how do you tell the difference between Multifocal Atrial Tachycardia and Atrial fibrillation on ECG since they both are irregular rhythms?
MAT= 3 P-wave morphologies with distinguishable P-waves.

A-fib= No P-wave morphologies, wavy baseline, and irregularly irregular intervals.
what are some causes of all forms of heart block?
increased vagal tone, conduction defect, drugs,

3rd degree= no conduction to ventricles from atria
causes of A-fib?
Pulm dz
Rheumatic heart dz
Thyroid (hyper)
as with any tachycardias regardless of origin, what is primary concern?
rate control with B-blocker or CCB
treatment of torasades?
identifying Vtach is at minimum what?
a run of 3 PVCs at ventricular rate of 160+
first line tx in vtach?
electrical cardiovert
in heart failure, systolic dysfxn is defined as what?
inadequate CO for systemic demand
heart failure diastolic dysfxn definition?
decrease in ventricular filling

usually caused by hypertrophy or restrictive cardiomyopathy
why does COPD lead to cor pulmonale (pulm htn)?
shunting of blood away from hypoxia in the lungs (lung physiology)
what is the lab you want to order to help dx CHF?
what will the CXR show in CHF?
kerley B lines
cephalization of pulm vessels
pharm therapy of CHF must include these 2 drugs bc of reduced mortality?
ACEI- to decrease preload and afterload

Spironalactone- aldosterone block to block cardiac remodeling
Tx for Systolic dysfxn CHF?
loop diuretic- decrease preload
ACEI/ARB- decrease preload and afterload
digoxin- increase contractility
Tx of diastolic dysfxn CHF?
CCB/ARB/ACEI- control BP
B-blocker- heart rate
spironalactone- cardiac remodeling
what is the goal of RAAS system?
increase aldosterone to keep Na retained and increase BP
systolic ejection murmur that radiates to carotids
aortic stenosis
late systolic murmur with mid systolic click
pansystolic murmur that radiates into the axilla
mitral regurge
do not give an ACEI in aortic stenosis why?
will decrease BP way too much... CO is already low...

can use B-blockers though
how does aortic stenosis usually first present?
syncope especially on exertion
why is hypertrophic cardiomyopathy both systolic and diastolic dysfxn?

what radiographic feature aids in DX?
hypertrophic septum causes outflow obstruction (systolic)

heart so big not a lot of blood can get into the heart (diastolic)

what groups are at risk for dilated cardiomyopathy?

what kind of CHF? diastole or systole?
alcoholic, preggo, and beriberi

systole....can fill a lot but not squirt blood out
restrictive cardiomyopathy is common in what patient population?

what kind of CHF? sys or dia?
sarcoidosis and amyloidosis

diastolic...cannot fill the heart up
pt presents with chest pain. it is more painful with inspiration and better with leaning forward. and ecg obtained would show what? next step?
diffuse and not contiguous ST elevation with PR depressions

MI workup just to rule it out


what triad would you expect with cardiac tamponade?
hypotension, distant heart sounds, JVD (beck's triad)
how do you treat cardiac tamponade?
name some etiological factors of mycarditis
Coxsackie virus

doxyrubicin, chlorquine
myocarditis + achalasia/megacolon?
Chagas disease (trypanosoma cruzii)

Vector- Tiduvid or kissing bug
What are the 5 major criteria for rheumatic heart disease?
<3- carditis
N- nodules
E- erythema nodosum
S- Sydenham's chorea
next step after recognizing beck's triad?
pts at risk for endocarditis?
IV drug abusers
congenital heart defects,
prosthetic valves
Lupus + endocarditis?
Libman-Sacks endocarditis
acute (quick) endocarditis bugs?

subacute (slower but not chronic)?
staph aureus
strep pneumo
staph pyogenes

strep viridans
staph epidermidis
presenting features of endocarditis?
fever, chills, night sweats

janeway lesions- periphery petechia
osler nodes- nodules on fingers/toes
roth spots-in eyes, retinal hemorrhage
splinter hemorrhages- nail petechia
properly taking BP?
quietly sitting for 5 mins
tx of HTN?
first is thiazide unles comorbid conditions
HTN Tx for these comorbid conditions
1) DM
2) CHF
3) Post-MI
4) BPH
5) osteoporosis
6) migraines
2- ACEI and diuretic
3- B-blocker, ACEI
4-terazosin, prazosin
5- thiazide- retains Ca
6- B-blocker
HTN emergency definition and Tx?

tx- nitroprusside, lebetalol, nicardipine
If pt has this, diuretics are not reccomended for tx of BP

If pt has this, ACEI are contraindicated for tx of BP

renal artery stenosis
if you hear an abdominal bruit with a pulsating abdominal mass suspect what?
classify the aneurysm in
stanford A
stanford B
A- ascending aorta
B-descending or ascending+ descending
m/c reason for secondary HTN?
renal disease
pheochromocytoma can present with orthostatic vitals. True or false?
refractory HTN to all meds think what?
renal artery stenosis
classify shock:
1) cardiogenic
2) septic
3) hypovolemic
4) anaphylactic
5) neurogenic
1) heart pump failure- tx: dobutamine, fluids
2) infection source- tx: antibiotics and pressors
3) low blood vol. tx: fluids, blood
4) allergy tx: fluids, epi, h1 and h2 blockers, intubate
5) widespread vasodilation d/t cns or spinal cord injury tx: fluids and presors
Virchow's triad?
endothelial damage
venous stasis
pt risk factors for DVT?
long flights
inactive pts
surgical pts
tobacco users
pts who have had surgery with risks of hemorrhage should get what?
ivc filters instead anticoagulation to prevent DVTs
polyarteritis nodosa affects small and medium arteries of what organs?
kidney, heart, GI tract
anca studies of polyarteritis nodosa are positive for what?
giant cell arteritis is dx how?

presenting features?
artery biopsy

new onset headache, fever, jaw claudication, transient monocular blindness
pt with temporal arteritis should get what?
inflamed aorta and its branches in an Asian lady, think what?
Takayasu arteritis
what is Churg-Strauss Disease?

dx features?
inflamed small or medium arteries d/t allergic reaction

asthmatic symptoms with eosinophilia
what is henoch-schonlein purpura?
IgA immunce complex- mediated vasculitis
presentation of henoch-schonlein purpura
recent URI
palpable purpura (on buttocks/legs)
abdominal pain
Kawasaki disease presentation
fever of 5 days
strawberry tongue
desquamation of hands and feet
how many umbilical artery(ies) or vein(s) are there?
2 arteries 1 vein
fixed split s2 murmur think?
machine like murmur tx?
PDA- tx is indomethacin
transposition of great vessels must have what to be compatible with life?
patent foramen ovale, PDA, or VSD
endocardial cushion defect found in what kind of pts?
downs syndrome
name the tetrology of falot and radiographic finiding
1) overriding aorta
2) vsd
3) RVH
4) pulmonary stenosis

boot shaped heart
what are the cyanotic heart diseases?
5 t's

terology of falot
truncus arteriosus (aorta and pulm art. share a trunk)
transposition of great vessels
total anomalous venous return
tricuspid atresia
relatively asymptomatic heart defects at birth?
name some H/P findings in asthma
Accessory muscle use
prolonged expiratory phase
wheezing, coughing, chest tightness
decreased O2 sats
decreased FEV1/FVC ratio
Decreased PEF rate
treatment for following class of asthma?
Mild Intermittent
inhaled B2 agonist
IV steroids- if persistent Sx

usually no daily meds
treatment for following class of asthma?
Mild persistent
inhaled B2 agonist
IV steroids- if persistent Sx

inhaled low dose steroids
mast cell stabilizer, monteleukast, theophylline
treatment for following class of asthma?
Mod persistent
inhaled B2 agonist
IV steroids- if persistent Sx

inhaled low-medium dose steroids
monteleukast, theophylline
treatment for following class of asthma?
severe persistent
inhaled B2 agonist
IV steroids- if persistent Sx

inhaled high dose steroids
Long acting B2 agonist
consider oral steroids
describe features of chronic bronchitis, H/P findings
a/w tobacco use

BLUE BLOATERS- develop cor pulmonale and cause cyanosis

productive cough
desribe H/P of Emphysema
destroy alveoli and bronchioles

dyspnea with pursed lip breathing

decreased FEV1/FVC ratio

CXR hyperinflation
what is bronchiectasis? and what kind of features are a/w it?
permanent dilatation of small/medium airways 2ndary to chronic airway obstruction, cystic fibrosis

copious sputum production
how do you differentiate chronic bronchitis for emphysema?

normal in chronic bronchitis
decreased in emphysema
when do you consider giving supplemental home O2?
when SaO2 is <88%
next step in working up a pulm nodule on cxr?
compare to old cxr films
ct scan

benign- f/u cxr 6 mo
malignant features- PET scan or FNA, resection
squamous cell carcinoma in the lung has hypercalcemia a/w it....why?
rPTH like peptide
small cell CA in the lung can cause what paraneoplastic syndromes?
cushings (ACTH)
lung adenocarcinoma can cause widespread mets.

pancoast tumors can cause what?
horner's syndrome (miosis (pinpoint pupil), ptosis, anhidrosis)

SVC syndrome

brachial plexus involvement
patient with chew tobacco hx and gradual hoarseness... dx? workup?
laryngeal CA

MRI/CT to detect soft tissue mass
pt presents with cough, wt. loss, malaise, bilateral hilar lymphadenopathy on CXR, with increased ACE levels, increased alk phos and increased serum Ca. Dx? tx? bx shows?


noncaseating granulomas
ship yard and insulation workers at risk for?
asbestosis and mesothelioma (pleural tumor)

mesothelioma has pleural thickening
in any pneumoconioses (CWP, asbestosis, silicosis, beryliosis (electronic workers)) what would PFTs show?
low FEV1 low FVC
normal ratio

restrictive pattern
dyspnea and hemoptysis with hematuria. IgG deposits on kidney Bx. Dx?
goodpastures (anti-GBM antibodies confirm dx)
hemoptysis, chronic sinusitis with nasopharyngeal ulcers, and hematuria? lab test to confirm?
Wegener's granulomatosis

c-ANCA positive
dyspnea with tachycardia and tachypnea and maybe a fever. top on Ddx?
ECG pattern with PE?

S-wave in lead I and Q-wave and inverted T-wave in V3.
test to dx PE?
spiral CTA or V/Q scan

V/Q is diagnostic
tx of PE?
heparin, O2, IVF, IVC filter
a Swan-Ganz pulm catheter is useful for what?

1) >18= cardiac cause
2) <18 = ARDS
what causes pulmonary HTN?

valvular dz (pulm congestion)
COPD (shunting)
L>R shunts (RVH)

Tx of underlying cause, O2, PDE-5 inhibitor,
how do you work up pleural effusion?
thoracentesis to analyze fluid as transudate or exudate
pleural fluid analyzed as low protein and low LDH. what is it? some causes?
transudate- CHF, cirrhosis, nephotic dz

exudate (high LDH, high protein)- infxn, cancer
a tall, thin male present with sudden onset CP and dyspnea. dx?
spontaneous pneumothorax
tension PTX signs?
hyperresonant to percussion
decreased chest wall movement
tx of ptx?
<15% just give O2

>15% needs chesttube
next step for tension pneumothorax
needle decompression
fatigue, daytime sleepiness, and snoring are risks and signs for what? workup? tx?
obstructive sleep apnea

polysomnography (sleep study)

pharyngeal surgery and/or CPAP
what is central sleep apnea and tx?
when central drive to breathe is lost (ondine's curse)

cpap or tracheostomy long term
intubation modes with least pt dependent to more pt dependent
assist control, cpap, simv
presenting s/s of croup. etiological agent. radiology?
inspiratory stridor with seal barking cough

parainfluenza virus

steeple sign on ap soft tissue of neck
how will a pt with epigotitis present? cause? radiology? tx precaution and alert who?
drooling, unable to swallow, difficult breathing, leaning forward to breathe

H.influenza type b
thumbprint on lateral soft tissue neck xr

examine throat only when intubation can quickly be performed d/t increased irritation that can shut down breathing. consult anesthesia and ENT
3 mo old infant presents with respiratory distress, wheezing and retractions. cxr shows hyperinflation dx? agent?

2 day old infant in respiratory distress has increasing CO2 on blood gas and a cxr with ground glass appearance. dx? tx?
resp distress of newborn (hyaline membrane dz, or neonatal resp distress)

intubate/protect airway
O2 therapy
surfactant replacement

the key is this pt is in resp failure at 2 days old or less!!!!!!
meconium aspiration syndrome is suspected when?
tx? complications?
meconium stained amniotic fluid at birth and baby is cyanotic. tx is deep suction and supplement O2

complications are pulm htn and asthma in childhood
all resp illnesses in infancy cause a possibility of what later in life?
when do you suspect cystic fibrosis?
repeated resp. infections-especially with pseudomonas!!

THICK secretions

repeated pancreatic related problems
Dx of cystic fibrosis is made by?
sweat chloride test and confirmed by CFTR gene mutation genetic testing
treat cystic fibrosis?
antibiotics repeatedly
DNAse- to decrease secretions
pancreatic enzymes
chest physical therapy

supplement vitamins A,D,E,K since pancreatic dysfxn does not allow for fat to absorb these vitamins