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62 Cards in this Set

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folate supplement during pregnancy?
If prior NTD?
if prior neural tube defect--> 4mg/day
Fe during pregnancy?
Ca during pregnancy?
1500 mg /day
Initial visit labs during pregnancy?
CBC, Rh, (sickle cell in AA's), UA and culture, Pap smear/GC/Cl, Rubella, HBV Surface antigen, syphilis, PPD, HIV
Best time for gestational age ultrasound?
6-11 weeks
Triple screen (done weeks 15-20) results for NTD?
MSAFP increased
Triple screen (done weeks 15-20) results for Trisomy 18
all (MSAFP, estriol, and b-HCG) decreased
Triple screen (done weeks 15-20) results for Trisomy 21?
MSAFP dec, estriol dec, b-HCG inc
What test can evaluate after...
abnormal triple screen, women>35 years, Rh-sensitized pregnancy, or determine fetal lung maturity in 3rd trimester?
When is chorionic villus sampling done?
10-12 weeks, higher risks of fetal loss (1-5%) than amnnio and may have distal limb defects
Three items for 28 week check up
one-hour glucose challenge (want <140)
Hb/hct (RhoGam in negative patients)
fetal kick counting (10/hr)
4 things for 36 week check up?
group B strep
GC/Cl in at risk
Leopold and ultrasound
When is a non-stress test normal?
acceleration of HR >15 bpm for 15 seconds twice in 20 minutes
What do you need if there is a non-reactive NST?
biophysical profile
Four reasons for non-reactive NST?
fetal sleep cycle
GA <30 weeks
CNS anomaly
Maternal sedatives or narcotics
When is a contraction stress test abnormal?
late decels after half of contractions (minimum of three) within 10 minutes
(assess uteroplacental dysfunction)
BPP parameters and scoring?
tests The Baby MAN
fetal Tone
fetal Breathing
fetal Movements
Amniotic fluid
Nonstress test
(0-2 points for each, >8 is good, <6 is bad)
what's happening during early decel?
begins and ends at same time as contractions, --> fetal head compression --> no distress!
what's happening during variable decels?
abrupt onset and return --> umbilical cord compression
what's happening in late decels?
begin after onset of contractions and persist until contraction finished --> fetal hypoxia/distress!!
Most common medical complication during pregnancy>
HbA1C > ? before conception or during first trimester will result in higher rate of fetal malformations
How is gestational DM diagnosed?
28 week oral glucose challenge > 140, then two elevated levels during three hour glucose test
Mild preeclampsia- BP and protein?

Severe preeclampsia?
SBP > 140 or DBP >90 on 2 occasions
1+ proteinuria (0.3g/day)

SBP>160 or DBP >110 on two occasions
Proteinuria 3+ (>5g/day)
(may also have HELLP sndrome, oliguria, pulmonary edema)
treatment for mild preeclampsia?
for severe?

MgSO4 (through 24 hours post delivery), hydralazine/labetalol, delivery
HELLP syndrome?
elevated liver enzymes
low platelets
labs for preeclampsia?
UA, 24 hour urine protein and creatinine, CBC, BMP, LFTs, coag, fibrin split product and pibrinogen, toxicology screen
most common cause of maternal hyperthyroidism
graves' disease
treatment of maternal hyperthyroidism?
propylthiouracil until euthyroid then dec dose, check TCTs every month, subtotal thyroidectomy if refractory
treatment of thyrotoxicosis
loading dose of propylthiouracil,
potassium iodide
iv fluids
hyperemesis gravidarum labs and indication for hospitalization?
BMP, TSH, LFTs, ultrasound, and UA
hospitalize if weight loss, dehydration, or altered electrolytes (low Na, K and cl, metabolic acidosis)
Define post partum hemorrhage?
What is major risk?
>500 ml or 1000ml if c/section

Sheehan's syndrome
Three causes of PPH?
uterine atony (massage, oxytocin)
gential tract trauma
retained placental tissue (from placenta accreta/increta/percreta/previa)
treatment of mastitis?
dicloxacillin PO QID x 10d
chorioamnionitis vs endometritis?
chorioamnionitis is infected chorion/amnion/amniotic fluid, diagnosed during labor, has hfever with tachycardia, abdominal tenderness, leukocytosis or foul smelling amniotic fluid, treatment is delivery and 24 hr antibiotics

endometritis is infection of uterus after delivery, diagnosed by 2 fevers >38.6 first day postpartum, treat with antibiotics until afebrile x 48 hours
7w's of post-partum fever
walking- DVT, PE
wind- atelectasis, pneumonia
water- UTI
wound- incision
wonder- drugs
womb- endomyometritis
weaning- engorgement, mastitis, abscess
most common presenting syndrome of Sheehan's
failure to lactate (postpartum blood loss and hypotension--> ant pituitary ischemia --> dec prolactin)

years later may have lethargy, anorexia, weight loss, ammenorrhea, loss of sexual hair
risk of cxr during pregnancy?
0.1 mrad, need >5000 mrads during pregnancy to increase risk of teratogenicity
antibiotics good during pregnancy?
IUGR is fetal weight <10% for GA, what are the most common maternal causes (4) and fetal causes (4)?
maternal- hypertension, drugs (cigarettes, cocaine), malnutrition, genetics
fetal- trisomy 21 (then 18, then 13), infection (CMV and toxo), placental abnormalities, multiple gestation
when to suspect IUGR?
when fundal height more than 4 cm off from GA
most common causes of third trimester (>20 weeks) bleeding?
placental abruption and placental previa
risk of placental abruption?
bleeding cease spontaneously?
fetal distress?
htn, trauma, cigarettes and cocaine are risk factors,
painfull bleeding
doesn't stop spontaneously
fetal distress!
diganosis is clinical
treatment is hospitalize, type and cross, bed rest if mild, and delivery of severe
placenta previa risk factors?
bleeding stops spontaneously?
fetal distress?
prior c/s, grand multiparity or gestation are risks
painless bleeding that stops on its own
no fetal distress
diagnosis by u/s (no pelvic exams!)
tx stabilize, serial ultrasounds, c/section if in distress or total previa
risk for uterine rupture?
fetal distress?
prior uterine scar, trauma or anomalies are risks?
severe pain during labor associated with fetal distress
diagnosis is clinical
treatment is c-section and repair of rupture
Most common getational trphoblastic disease?
hydatidiform mole 80%
first trimester bleeding with preeclampsia
suspect GTD
b-hCG in GTD?
treatment of GTD?
monitor b-HCG
prevention of pregnancy
treat of malignant GTD?
(choriocarcinoma) chemotherapy
define oligohydramnios?
amniotic fluid index <5cm

causes- fetal urinary tract abnormalities, uteroplacental insufficiency, ROM

dx- u/s, rule out ROM with ferning or nitrazine test

tx- amnioinfusion during labor

complication- cord compression, m/s abnormalities, pulponary hypoplasia, IUGR
Define polyhdramnios?
GDM, multiple gestations, pulmonary abnormalities, duodenal atresia, Tracheoesophageal fistual

dx- u/s and glucose

tx- depends on cause

complications- preterm labor, malpresentation, cord collapse
what is erythroblastosis fetalis?
when anti-Rh IgG antibodies from mom cross placenta to attack fetal RBCs
treatment of PROM...
with infection?
with no infection, 24-32 weeks?
with no infection, >33 weeks?
ampicillin, induce labor

ampicillin, steroids, tocolytics

wait and watch
GBS prophylaxis
ampicillin IV q4hours
treatment of preterm labor (regular contractions with cervical change)
ultrasound to verify GA, presentation and AFI
hydration and bed rest
tocolytic and steroids
threatened abortion-
are products of conception (POC) expelled?
os and u/s?
no POC expelled
minimal bleeding/cramping
closed os, normal u/s
avoid activity, rest
inevitable abortion-
(POC) expelled?
os and u/s?
POC not expelled
cramping and bleeding
open os, normal u/s
incomplete abortion-
(POC) expelled?
os and u/s?
some POC expelled
severe cramping and bleeding
open os, normal u/s
complete abortion-
(POC) expelled?
os and u/s?
all POC expelled
slight bleeding
closed os, empty uterus on u/s
no tx
missed abortion-
(POC) expelled?
os and u/s?
no POC expelled
no sx
closed os
no fetal cardiac activity on u/s
can allow 4 weeks to pass POC, offer misoprostol or D&C
septic abortion-
os and u/s?
recent abortion followed by constitutional symptoms, cervical motion tenderness, monitor ABCs, D&C, IV antibiotics