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20 Cards in this Set

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21. CK-MB vs. troponin?
a. Both rise at 3-6 hrs after the start of chest pain.
b. They have nearly the same specificity.
c. The main difference between CK-MB and troponin is that CK-MB stays elevated for 1-2 days while troponin stays elevated for 1-2 weeks. Therefore, CK-MB testing is the best test to detect reinfarction a few days after the initial infarction.
22. When is Myoglobin the right answer for chest pain?
a. When the question asks “which of the following will rise first?” when the choices are all cardiac enzymes.
b. Myoglobin elevates as early as 1-4 hrs after the start of chest pain.
23. Note: Do not answer “consultation” for single best answer questions. However, “consultation” is ok to answer as a part of CCS management. In single best answer questions, a consultant should not be necessary when ordering an ekg, checking enzymes, and giving aspirin to a pt w/acute coronary syndrome.
23. Note: Do not answer “consultation” for single best answer questions. However, “consultation” is ok to answer as a part of CCS management. In single best answer questions, a consultant should not be necessary when ordering an ekg, checking enzymes, and giving aspirin to a pt w/acute coronary syndrome.
24. A 56 yo man comes to the office a few days after an episode of chest pain. This was his first episode of pain, and he has no risk factors. IN the ED, he had a normal EKG and normal CK-MB, and was released the next day. Which of the following is most appropriate in his further management?
a. Stress (exercise tolerance) testing.
b. Stress test when the case is equivocal or uncertain for the presence of CAD. Do not do an angiography unless the stress test is abnormal. Exercise tolerance testing detects CAD when the heart rate is raised and ST segment depression is detected. This case is asking you to know that a stress test is way of increasing sensitivity of detection of CAD beyond an EKG and enzymes.
25. CCS tip: Step 3 loves the phrase further management.
25. CCS tip: Step 3 loves the phrase further management.
26. When do I answer dipyridamole or adenosine thallium stress test or dobutamine echo?
a. Pts who cannot exercise to a target heart rate of >85% of maximum.
c. Amputation
d. Deconditioning
e. Weakness/Previous stroke
f. Lower-extremity ulcer
g. Dementia
h. Obesity
27. When do I answer exercise thallium testing or stress echo?
a. EKG is unreadable for ischaemia:
1. Left bundle branch block
2. Digoxin use
3. Pacemaker in Place
4. Left ventricular hypertrophy
5. Any baseline abnormality of the ST segment of the EKG.
28. When is the Sestamibi nuclear stress testing appropriate?
a. Obese pts and those w/large breasts because of the greater ability of this radioisotope to penetrate tissue.
29. A 63 yo fm is in your office for evaluation of an abnormal stress test that shows an area of reversible ischaemia. She has no risk factors for CAD. What is the most accurate diagnostic test, or what is the best next step in further management?
a. Angiography.
b. Angiogrpahy is the next diagnostic step to evaluate an abnormal stress test that shows “reversible” ischaemia. Reversible ischaemia is the most dangerous thing that a stress test can show.
c. If the stress test shows “fixed” defects-that is, a defect unchanged between exercise and rest- this is a scar from a previous infarction.
d. Fixed defects do not need angiography.
30. With the above situation, what is the answer only if the angiogram has already been done?
a. Coronary bypass.
31. Best initial test to evaluate valve function of ventricular wall motion?
a. Echocardiography.
32. Most accurate method to evaluate ejection fraction?
a. Nuclear ventriculogram.
33. A pt admitted 5 days ago for an MI has a new episode of chest pain. Which of the following is the most specific method of establishing the diagnosis of new infarction?
a. CK-MB.
b. CK-MB should return to normal 2-3 days after MI.
c. If a reinfarction has occurred, the level will go back up again 5 days later, while the troponin level will still be up from the original infarction.
34. Utility of angiography?
a. Can detect obstructive, stenotic lesions but cannot detect myocardial necrosis.
35. In whom should stress testing NEVER be performed?
a. If the pt is having current chest pain.
b. Chest pain is a reason to stop the stress test.
36. Definition of Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS)?
a. Causes acute chest pain
b. Can be w/exercise or at rest
c. Can have ST segment elevation, depression, or even a normal EKG.
d. Not based on enzyme levels, angiography, or stress test results.
e. Based on a hx of chest pain w/features suggestive of ischaemic disease.
37. Best initial therapy for all cases of Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS)?
a. Aspirin
38. Utility of Aspirin?
a. It has an INSTANT effect on inhibiting platelets.
b. Aspirin alone reduces mortality by 25% for acute MI and by 50% for “unstable angina,” which may become a non-ST segment elevation MI (NSTEMI).
39. Other drugs that should be administered in Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS)?
a. Nitrates and morphine should also be administered in acute coronary syndromes, but they do NOT lower mortality.
b. Oxygen has no benefit if the patient is not hypoxic.
40. What 1 of 2 possible drugs is added to aspirin for all patients w/an acute MI?
a. Prasugrel or Clopidogrel.
b. One of these is also added to everyone getting angioplasty and a stent.