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221 Cards in this Set

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one of the most common and troubling potential side effects of SSRI
sexual dysfunction, impotence
patients have the legal right to obtain copies of their medical records
serious side effect of clozapine
when is clozapine indicated in patients with schizophrenia
when both typical and other atypical antipsychotics fail
contrast pts with anorexia vs. bulimia
anorexia - amenorrhea and body weight below normal
bulimia - normal menses and body weight
what other condition is most commonly associated with panic attacks
common side effects of PCP use
nystagmus, hypertension, tachycardia, ataxia, muscle rigidity, seizures, psychosis, hallucinations
how can antipsychotics lead to hyperprolactinemia
by blocking dopamine in the tuberoinfundibular pathway
what adverse effect is associated with olanzapine
weight gain
rare developmental disorder that occurs more commonly in males in which there is normal development at first followed by a loss of previously acquired skills
childhood disintegrative disorder
schizophrenic patient who presents with fever, rigidity, and altered mental status most likely takes which medication
differentiate between malingering and factitious disorder
malingering - always associated with secondary gain
factitious disorder - assume the sick role
patient taking an antipsychotic develops a sustained neck contraction should be treated with what medication
benztropine or diphenhydramine
the stressor in adjustment disorder cannot be the death of a loved one
what is the timeline for normal bereavement
rarely lasts longer than two months
treatment for narcolepsy
psychostimulants - modafinil or methylphenidate
altered levels of which neurotransmitter play a role in OCD
passive-agressive behavior
defense mechanism in which an individual expresses his agression toward another person after repeated, failed passive attempts
what should be done if child abuse is suspected
1. complete physical exam
2. x-rays
3. coagulation profile
4. report to CPS
depressive symptoms not meeting full criteria for MDD that lasts two years or more
dysthymic disorder
differentiate schizotypical and schizoid personality disorder
schizotypical - odd behavior, magical thinking, lack of close friends
schizoid - lack close friends and restricted range of emotional expression; no eccentric behavior
distinguish between MDD with psychotic features and schizoaffective disorder
MDD w/ psychosis - patient's psychotic symptoms occur during times of depression
schizoaffective - time periods in which psychotic symptoms are present without mood symptoms
schizoaffective disorder
characterized by presence of both psychotic and mood symptoms with time periods of psychotic symptoms with and without mood symptoms
adjustment disorder
development of emotional or behavioral symptoms in response to an identifiable stressor that occurred within the past 3 months
excessive worry over many aspects of one's life that causes significant impairment in functioning for longer than 6 months
treatment of choice for social phobia
assertiveness training, a component of CBT and an SSRI
look for MDD symptoms in patients with cancer; depression, guilt, feelings of hopeless, or suicidal thoughts.
prescribe an SSRI
first-line treatment for patients with schizophrenia
atypical antipsychotics - risperidone
differentiate the side-effect profile between typical and atypical antipsychotics
typical - extrapyramidal symptoms, neuroleptic malignant syndrome
atypical - weight gain
first-line drug for treating GAD
drug of choice for treating performance-related anxiety
treatment of choice for specific phobias
short-acting benzos
3 medications suitable for long-term treatment of bipolar disorder
valproic acid
when should lithium not be administered to a pt with bipolar disorder
renal dysfunction
differentiate circumstantial and tangential thought process
circumstantial - deviate from the subject but eventually return
tangential - drift away without ever returning to the subject
abrupt cessation of what medication used to treat panic disorder can lead to a generalized seizure
antidepressant of choice in patients suffering from sexual dysfunction
lithium exposure during the first trimester of pregnancy is associated with what
Ebstein's anomy, a cardiac malformation consisting of: ASD, enlarged RA, and malformed tricuspid valve
reaction formation
defense mechanism consisting of transformation of an unwanted thought or feeling into its opposite
treatment of choice for schizophrenic patients who suffer relapses due to treatment noncompliance
depot antipsychotics (IV or IM typical)
diagnosis of MDD
patients have at least 5/8 depressive symptoms (SIGECAPS) for at least two weeks
what two things should be obtained in a pt presenting with refractory mania despite therapy with a mood stabilizer (lithium)
lithium blood levels
severe symptoms of of tourette syndrome are best treated with what
typical antipsychotics such as haloperidol or pimozide
differentiate medications used for acute vs. long-term symptom relief for panic attacks
short - benzo
long - SSRI
treatment of choice for adjustment disorder (symptoms develop within three months of exposure that rarely last more than six months)
cognitive or psychodynamic psychotherapy
what are complications that could arise for fetuses born to women with anorexia
intrauterine growth retardation (small for gestational age)
how can one treat extrapyramidal side effects of antipsychotics
anticholinergic medications like benztropine
what can be seen on head CTs of patients with schizophrenia
increased ventricular size
pregnant woman who is competent has the right to refuse treatment even if it places her fetus at risk
contraindications to bupropion use
seizure disorder
eating disorder
diagnoses of schizophreniform disorder
schizophrenic-like symptoms lsat for more than one month but less than six months
when can patients with bipolar disorder taper and discontinue their mood stabilizer
if they only had a single manic episode and they received medications for at least a year
what labs should be ordered on a patient taking olanzapine
fasting glucose and lipids
delusional disorder
involved one or more non-bizarre delusions in an otherwise high-functioning individual
when should a person undergoing normal bereavement be considered for medication and psychotherapy
patients with at least 2 weeks of depressive symptoms 6-8 weeks after a major loss
treatment for patients with acute mania
hospitalized and stabilized with antipsychotics
first-line treatment for patients with psychotic disorders
atypical antipsychotics
differentiate avoidant and schizoid personality disorders
avoidant - hypersensitivity to criticism, social inhibition, and feelings of inadequacy
schizoid - social detachment and restricted range of expressed emotion
only dissociative disorder associated with travel
dissociative fugue
pt presents to ED with pupillary dilation, rhinorrhea, muscle aches, abdominal cramping most likely has withdrawal to what
one of the most common side effects associated with ECT
physiological defense mechanism in which unacceptable feelings about one object or person are put onto another "safer" option
diagnosis of somatization disorder
four pain symptoms including: two GI, one sexual, one neurological
person characterized by need for perfection, over-attention to detail and a need to strictly follow rules
obsessive-compulsive personality disorder
involuntary spasm of the perineal musculature that interferes with sexual intercourse
greatest risk factor for committing suicide
past history of suicide attempts
first-line treatment for patients with psychotic disorders
atypical antipsychotics
differentiate avoidant and schizoid personality disorders
avoidant - hypersensitivity to criticism, social inhibition, and feelings of inadequacy
schizoid - social detachment and restricted range of expressed emotion
only dissociative disorder associated with travel
dissociative fugue
pt presents to ED with pupillary dilation, rhinorrhea, muscle aches, abdominal cramping most likely has withdrawal to what
one of the most common side effects associated with ECT
physiological defense mechanism in which unacceptable feelings about one object or person are put onto another "safer" option
diagnosis of somatization disorder
four pain symptoms including: two GI, one sexual, one neurological
person characterized by need for perfection, over-attention to detail and a need to strictly follow rules
obsessive-compulsive personality disorder
involuntary spasm of the perineal musculature that interferes with sexual intercourse
greatest risk factor for committing suicide
past history of suicide attempts
patients with tourette syndrome have a significantly increased risk of developing what disorders
first-line treatment for patients with OCD
what can result in a patient taking MAOI and eating soft cheeses and wine
hypertensive crisis
side effects associated with lithium
nephrogenic diabetes insipidus
ebstein's anomy in the fetus
what is suspected in a patient presenting with weight loss, behavioral changes, and erythema in the turbinates of the nasal septum
cocaine abuse
long should medication treatment be continued in a patient with a single episode of major depression
six months following the patient's response
absolute contraindication for the use of bupropion
depressed modd lasting the majority of days for at least two years
first-line medication treatment for enuresis if behavioral techniques fail
acid-base findings in a patient that induces vomiting daily
hypokalemic-hypochloremic metabolic alkalosis
most likely adverse effect of desmopressin
medication treatment for child that presents with enuresis that has not responded to behavior interventions
intranasal desmopressin
percent chance that a identical twin sister will develop Rett disorder after her twin is diagnosed
what distinguishes MDD from adjustment disorder
symptoms do NOT persist for more than 6 months following termination of the stressor in adjustment disorder
*both can develop within 3 months of a stressor and both do not represent normal bereavement
what percent of children with type I DM develop adjustment disorder following their diagnosis
first-line treatment for tourette disorder
*atypical antipsychotics are also used but are not first-line
define tourette disorder
both multiple motor tics with at least one vocal tic present sometime during their illness for 1 year without 3 consecutive months tic-free
which medications is associated with development of tics
stimulants for ADHD
what percentage of children with learning disorders have a comorbid psychiatric disorder
percentage of children that benefit from stimulant for ADHD
parent of ADHD child does not want to start child on stimulant-type medication, what is the next best treatment
atomoxetine - nonstimulant NE reuptake inhibitor
lab findings in an anorexic patient
normal TSH with decreased T3
what complications is associated with indication for admitting an anorexic patient
which cluster A personality disorder is associated with schizophrenia
schizotypal personality disorder
adverse effect of clonidine seen in children prescribed for Tourette disorder
treatment of choice for panic disorder
percentage change an identical twin will develop schizophrenia is one twin is already diagnosed
delusion that the world has been reduced to nothingness, there is no world
Cotard syndrome
delusion that people have been replaced by imposter aliens
Capgras syndrome
that common mood disorder that develops into postpartum psychosis
bipolar disorder
what defense mechanism does a patient that intense mood swings, avoid abandonment, empitness, anger, impulsivity use
*borderline personality disorder
what symptoms of schizophrenia portends a better prognosis
good premorbid functioning (functioning before onset of schizophrenia)
treatment of choice for patient with catatonic subtype of MDD
a patient presents with catatonic type of schizophrenia, you start lorazepam after vitals are stabilized. pt is not responding to treatment, what is the next step in management
what is a contraindication for ECT
intracranial brain mass and recent MI
what hormone do you expect to be increased in a patient with depression
what type of medication should be discontinued in a pt that is showing signs of mania that was previously depressed
*can worsen mania
sublinical depression + hypomania
cyclothymic disorder
what benzodiazepines are ideal for treating delirium
lorazepam and oxazepam because they are not dependent on liver function for liver metabolism
percent chance of mortality in a pt not treated for delirium tremens
pt presents with large appetite, compulsitivity, sexual disinhibition, and is docile
kluber-bucy syndrome
what part of the brain is damaged in kluver-bucy syndrome
for how long can symptoms last for in adjustment disorder
up to 6 months
treatment of choice for heroin addiction in a pregnant patient
is physiologic dependence needed for substance dependence to be diagnosed
what separates substance abuse from substance dependence
inability to stop drinking despite knowing the harmful effects
differentiate acute stress disorder vs PTSD
acute stress disorder happens within 4 weeks of a trauma
PTSD has persistent symptoms after 4 weeks of the trauma
treatment for OCD
how to manage a patient in delirium that is agitated
percentage of patients taking an SSRI vs. placebo are expected to improve after 4-6 weeks
placebo - 30%
SSRI - 70%
treatment of choice for narcolepsy
treatment of choice for Tourette disorder
average untreated depressive episode in a patient with MDD vs. treated
untreated - 6-13 months
treated - ~3 months
treatment of choice for PTSD
are patients with factitious disorder doing so consciously vs. unconsciously
what medication can cause a psychotic disorder used in the hospital
high-dose corticosteroids
*substance-induced psychotic disorder
what percentage of impotence in age 30-50 is psychological etiology
what disorder is associated with sensory gating deficits, short-term memory difficulties, and abnormalities in smooth-pursuit eye movements
which type of antidepressant is associated with also used for migraine headaches
differentiate cataplexy vs. catalepsy
catalepsy - state of immobility sometime seen in catatonic states
cataplexy - transient loss of motor tone associated with narcolepsy
subjective sensation of motor and mental restlessness
type is tactile hallucination in which one has the sensation of bugs crawling on or under the skin associated with cocaine intoxication
which parts of the brain are affected in patients with OCD
caudate nucleus, frontal lobes, and cingulum
substitution of a word or description for a ward that cannot be recalled or spoken
delusion that penis is shrinking into abdomen
delusional belief that one's body is offensive
delusional belief of possession by a spirit
what type of affect is seen in a patient who is current manic
expansive and irritable
differentiate mild, moderate, sever, and profound mental retardation
mild - 50-69
moderate - 35-49
severe - 21-34
profound - <20
treatment of choice for atypical depression
how long is considered minimal adequate trial for SSRI
6 week trial
drug of choice for agitated patient 36 hours after admission in a patient with history of alcohol dependence
benzodiazepine - preferably lorazepam, oxazepam, tomazepam
treatment of choice for MDD with psychotic features
SSRI and an atypical antipsychotic
treatment of choice for akathisia, restlessness seen in use of atypical antipsychotics
treatment of choice for EPS symptoms seen in typical antipsychotics
treatment of choice for acute dystonias seen in use of antipsychotics
three first-line agents used to treat bipolar disorder with depression currently
long-term side effect associated with hioridazine
retinal pigmentation
treatment of choice for panic disorder
which medication should be used for pain in patients taking lithium for their mood
aspirin or sulindac, NOT NSAIDS
what can be exacerbated by stimulant medication used for ADHD
treatment for tourette disorder
treatment of choice for tardive dyskinesia
adverse effect associated with SSRI use during pregnancy
persistent pulmonary HTN of the newborn
patient become acute irritable with body aches, chills, and general lethargy 3 days after abruptly withdrawing his SSRI medication
SSRI discontinuation syndrome
*need to taper off the medication
treatment of choice for patient with depression and insomnia
adverse effect associated with trazodone
EKG finding associated with lithium
T-wave depression
treatment of choice for OCD
next step in management of a patient with OCD already on clomipramine that still has significant distress
add risperidone
what receptor does cloazpine mainly act on
type of antidepressant associated with orthostatic hypotension in the elderly
first-line treatment for bipolar disorder with mani currently
valproic acid
adverse effect associated with lithium
increases risk of cardiac malformation
*Ebstein's anomaly
treatment of choice for nightmares
treatment of choice for patient with both depression and pain
*less side-effects than a TCA
most likely side effect of risperidone
orthostatic hypotension
anticonvulsant used to treat binge eating disorder
most common side effect of transcranial magnetic stimulation
treatment of choice that is safest for bipolar patient that is pregnant
which mood stabilizer is associated with increased risk of pancreatitis
valproic acid
which symptom of depression takes the most time to improve after starting an SSRI
benzos of choice in a patient with liver problems
adverse effect associated with lamotrigine
stevens-johnson syndrome
spasm of the back and neck that causes the patient to arch forward, seen in typical antipsychotics
adverse effect associated with topiramate
renal stones
delirium tremens occurs most often during which time frame
within 72 hours
adverse effect associated with oxcarbazepine
side effect associated with mirtazapine
weight gain
side effect associated with venlafaxine
mood stabilizer associated with spina bifida in pregnant patient
valproic acid
treatment of choice for NMS in patient taking typical antipsychotic
what is the brown-peterson task used to evaluation
short-term memory
what does nicotine do to the levels of antipsychotics
nicotine lowers medication levels, if a person decides to quit smoking their medication level would increase
what is the folstein mini-mental state examination used to assess
used a screening for dementia
what is the wisconsin card sorting test used to determine
person's ability to reason abstractly and solve problems
what is the draw-a-person test used for
determine is someone has brain damage
what part of the brain does the wisconsin card sorting test measure
frontal lobes
percent risk a child has of having schizophrenia is one parent is diagnosed
as high as 12%
it is unethical to engage in therapy to change the sexual orientation of a patient
malaysian origin that refers to a violent or furious outburst with homicidal intent
indian term referring to anxiety regarding the discharge of semen
characterized by a patient who responds to question by giving approximate or outright ridiculous answers
ganser syndrome
a non anti-cholinergic medication used to alleviate EPS symptoms in patients taking typical antipsychotics
projective tests lack structure and allow for a variety of responses
examples include: Rorschach, thematic apperception test, sentence completion, and draw-a-person test
what type of personality disorder uses denial as a defense mechanism
how do you calculate IQ
mental age/chronological age x 100
what does the rey-osterrieth test assess
visual nonverbal memory
*right parietal lobe
patient taking benztropine due to EPS side effects of antipsychotics develops decreased secretions, agitation, dry skin, flushing, tachycardia, dilated pupils
anticholinergic toxicity
treatment for anticholinergic toxicity
which mood stabilizer is associated with reversible hair loss
dialproex (valproic acid)
treatment for kleptomania
*anxiety-related disorder
what other anxiety disorders are related to kleptomania
dysthmymia + hypomania
differentiate treatment of OCD vs. tourettes
Tourette's - clonidine/atypical antipsychotics
drug of choice for cocaine intoxication
alpha blockade > beta blockade
neurotransmitter associated with sleep
what medication can reduce stage III/IV sleep
which stage of sleep is associated atony
which atypical antipsychotics does NOT cause weight gain
what must be ruled out before reassuring patients with a panic attack
medical problems with hear and lungs
how long is an adequate therapeutic trial for SSRI medication a patient with dysthymia
8 weeks
test used to determine hemispheric dominance
Wada test
drug of choice for bipolar patient who is pregnant if ECT is not available
treatment used to control symptoms of opioid withdrawal