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435 Cards in this Set

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what kidney damage can occur in a woman presenting with chronic headaches and painless hematuria
papillary necrosis 2/2 alangesic nephropathy
therapeutic INR for afib or venous thromboembolism
2.0 - 3.0
therapeutic INR for patient with prosthetic valve
2.5 - 3.5
what should you suspect in a young patient with chronic diarrhea, abd pain and weight loss
Crohn's disease
what are the values of Ca, Phos, ALP, and urine hydroxyproline in a patient with Paget's disease
Ca - normal
Phos - normal
ALP - increased
urinary hydroproline - increased
pigmented, warty, stuck-on appearance
seborrhic keratosis
mechanism of axn for cyclosporine and tacrolimus
inhibits calcineurin which is responsible for activation of IL-2
differentiate side effects between tacrolimus and cyclosporine
tacrolimus - nephrotoxicity, hyperkalemia, HTN
cyclosporine - ALL of tacrolimus + gum hypertrophy and hursitism
treatment for patient with HIV and PPD > 5mm
INH + pyridoxine for 9 months
patient presents on day 3 post-op with jaudice and needs lots of blood product replacement. ALP is elevated with normal AST and ALT
postoperative cholestasis
patient presents with asthma-like symptoms at night requires which medication
treatment of choice for filamentous, partial acid-fast gram(+) rod
TMP/SMX - Nocardia
3 treatments required for patient with recurrent hypercalcinuria
1. thiazide
2. increased fluid
3. Na restriction
most common type of diabetic neuropathy
symmetrical distal sensorimotor polyneuropathy
ring-enhancing lesion on CT in immuno competent patient with known extra cranial infection
brain abscess 2/2 anaerobic bacteria
DOC for pnemocystis jerovecci
what two types of cancers are associated with HNPCC
colon and endometrial cancer
patient presents with arthritis symptoms in MCP, PIP, wrist, and ankle joints for less than 6 month duration. what is the best diagnostic study of choice
anti-B19 IgM; most likely 2/2 parvovirus
three things associated with pulsus paradoxes
tension pneumothorax
what is the treatment of choice for a grade 3 ulcer
surgical debriment and IV antibiotics
what should you think in a patient with both decreased Ca and Phos
malabsorption because Vit. D deficiency is present
treatment of patient with severe asthma exacerbation
B2 agonist
inhaled anticholinergics
IV steroids
when should a patient with asthma exacerbation be intubated
respiratory failure marked with hypercapnia or hypoxia (SaO2 <88% or PaO2 < 55)
chronic widespread pain in women associated with fatigue, poor sleep, and depression
what OTC medication should you be careful with in a patient on warfarin
Multivitamin due to Vit. E ability to increase warfarin
skin disorder that has hyperpigmentation and some thickening associated with insulin resistance and GI malignancies
acanthosis nigracans
this treatment for breast cancer can lead to increased risk of endometrial cancer and venous thrombosis
what two drugs are associated with priapism
two most common causes of avascular necrosis (>90% of cases) leading to disruption of bone vaculature
chronic steroid use
Na, K, Aldo, and renin seen in primary hyperaldosteronism
Na - increased
K - decreased
Ald - increased
renin - decreased
what is associated with absence of peristaltic waves in the lower 2/3 of the esophagus and decreased LES
scleroderma esophageal dysmotility
how can a patient with a hx of DM present with increased PVR
autonomic neuropathy leading to overflow incontinence from decreased detrusor muscle activity
what medication should be avoided in patients with asthma
B-blockers in general, even B1-blockers (metoprolol) in high enough doses can cause bronchoconstriction
differentiate Ca and PTH levels in patients with primary hyperparathyroidism vs. chronic renal failure
CRF - higher levels of PTH with normal Ca
primary hyperparathyroidism - elevated PTH with very high levels of Ca
what is the most common complication of peptide ulcer disease
what 4 lab tests are used to ***** liver function
PT, bilirubin, albumin, cholesterol
treatment in patient with fever and new right sided heart murmur
what physical exam finding confirms the diagnosis of malignant HTN
what test is both sensitive and specific for mononucleosis
heterophile antibody
what test is used to diagnose mononucleosis if heterophile antibody test is negative, but mono is still suspected
EBV-specific antibody test
DOC for dermatitis herpetiformin in patients with celiac disease
what size renal stone typically resolves spontaneously with fluid intake
<5 mm
patient presents with hx of tick bite with No RASH, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, and elevated transaminases
patient presents with hx of tick bite with No RASH. past medical hx of significant for splectomy. patient has decreased hgb and elevated indirect bilirubin
what is the best way to decreased a pts BP who is DM, overweight, hyperlipidemia, and has HTN
weight loss
what is associated with eletrical alternans
pericardia effusion
what should always be considered in female pt with unexplained myopathy and elevated CK
what is indicated in a pt with pyelonephritis who does not repond to therapy 48-72 hrs after appropriate therapy
renal US
what is the cut-off for decision making in a pt with acetaminophen toxicity
4 hours after ingestion is when you decide to give N-acetylcysteine or not
what is required in a pt about to be treated with trastuzumab
echocardiogram due to cardiotoxicity
how can a loop diuretic be the cause for VT or potentiate digoxin toxicity
may cause decrease in both K or Mg
patient presents with transient vision loss lasting only a few seconds with change in head position
patient presents with acute back pain with absence of radiculopathy and negative straight leg test
lumbosacral strain
what is the hgb goal in a patient with pre-existing heart disease
what is associated with curved lines when looking at a grid of parallel lines
macular degeneration
what is associated with tartrate-resistant acid phosphtase (TRAP)
hairy cell leukemia
when are diuretics indicated in a pt with recent MI
if pulmonary edema is present
how does the body compensate for hypercapnia
retains HCO3 via the kidneys
in pt on mechanical ventilation, how does one measure: lung compliance, airway resistance, PEEP
lung compliance - end-inspiratory hold
airway resistance - peak airway pressure
PEEP - end-expiratory hold
associated with IgG and C3 deposits linearly along dermal-epidermal junction
bullous pemphigoid
what is indicated in a pt with bright red blood per rectum who does not have risk factors for colon CA and is <50
majority of cause of aortic stenosis in patients < 70
bicuspid aortic valve
yellow-white patches of retinal opacification and hemorrhage in patient with CD4 < 50
CMV retinitis
pt presents with painless jaundice, elevated ALP, and conjugated hyperbilirubinemia
pancreatic cancer
what skin lesion is parkinson's associated with
seborrhic keratosis
what is post-exposure prophylaxis against rabies
both passive and active immunization
when does rabies immunization be given immediately
1. exposure to head and neck area
2. dog is not found
*If dog is found and not rabid, observe for 10 days
what is a tea and toast diet associated with
folic acid deficiency
what is the first test done a patient presenting with a thyroid nodule
-low - radionuclide scan
-high - ultrasound
what should all pts with chronic hepatitis (HCV) be immunized against
HBV, HAV, TdaP q10 years, influenza q1 year, pneumovax q5 years
what should be suspected in a pt presenting with back pain and signs of blood loss who is taking warfarin
retroperitoneal hematoma
first-line treatment for RA
DOC for prophylaxis against MAC in pt with CD4 <50
pt with testicular cancer has elevated testosterone and estrogen with decreased LH and FSH
leydig cell tumor
what should you consider in post-transplant patient presenting with pneumonia
CMV pneumonia
what is the PTH and Ca levels seen in hypercalcemia of malignancy
suppressed PTH with elevated Ca
most common cause of septic arthritis in sexually active young adult
N. gonorrhoeae
why is renal vein thrombosis a frequent manifestation in patients with nephrotic syndrome
hypercoagulable state due to renal losses of AT III
differentiate treatment of VT in stable vs. unstable patient
stable - IV amiodarone
unstable - cardioversion
what is the make-up of pleural effusion 2/2 PE
small and exudative
light's criteria
protein plasma fluid/protein serum > 0.5
LDH plasma fluid/LDH serum >0.6
prophylactic medication used in patients with esophageal varicies found on EGD
what should be suspected in patient with decreased TSH, elevated T3 and T4, with decreased iodine uptake
exogenous thyroid hormon consumption
treatment for patients with acute mechanical back pain with no neurologic signs
qearly mobilization, muscle relaxants, NSAIDs
what has been shown to prolong survival in patients with COPD with PaO2 <55 or SaO2 <88
supplemental O2
most specific test for GERD
24-hour pH monitoring
treatment for coccaine related cardiac ischemia
differentiate the DLco in chronic bronchitis vs. emphysema
normal - chronic bronchitis
decreased - emphysema
what causes orthostatic hypotension in the elderly
decreased baroreceptor responsiveness
what is associated with false positive VDRL, prolonged PTT, thrombocytopenia, and spontaneous abortion
antiphospholipid syndrome
*treated with LMWH
cause of pt being treated for acne who presents with photoxic eruptions
what bug should you suspect in an adult presenting with pneumonia who had flu-like symptoms just days earlier
S. aureus
what antiarrhythmic should be avoided in pts with pre-existing lung disease
what should be suspected in pt with diarrhea presenting with: FOBT+, thrombocytosis, elevated ESR
inflammatory diarrhea
what antibodies are associated with dermatitis herpetaformis
anti-endomysial antibodies
what anesthetic muscle relaxant is safe to use in patients with kidney and liver disease
treatment of choice in patients with WPW who develop a.fib
antiarrhythmics; avoid B-blockers, CCB, digoxin, and adenosine because may worsen arrhythmia
study of choice for diagnosis of AAA
abdominal US
treatment for 3rd degree AV block
pacemaker placement
3 conditions associated with elevated BUN/Cr
1. pre-renal failure
2. GI bleed
3. steroids
how do vagal maneuvers such a emmersing head in cold water reduce paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia
decreased conduction through AV node
first-line agent used in patient presenting with arrhythrmia and elevated K
clacium gluconate
-this will likely resolve arrhythmia
what is associated with joint space narrowing and osteophytes
preferred therapy for Grave's disease, except during pregnancy
radioactive therapy
differentiate SJS and toxic epidermal necrolysis
SJS - covers up to 10% surface area
toxic epidermal necrolysis - covers >30% surface area
two drugs of choice in pts with advanced metastatic cancer presenting with decreased appetite and catabolism of fat and muscle
first-line agent in a pt with mild acne
topical retinoids
-oral doxycycline used for papular
-isoretinoin used for noculocystic
what part of the heart is suspected to be infarcted in patient presented with hypotension and bradycardia
inferior wall MI
A - age (>75)
D - DM
S - stroke
*score >2 is indicated for warfarin use
disseminated gonococcemia typically have negative blood cultures
what are the treatment option for B-blocker overdose
IV fluids and atropine are first-line agents
glucagon if cardiac symptoms don't resolve
what is associated with both decreased Testosterone as well as decreased FSH and LH
secondary hypogonadism, usually due to prolactinoma
pancreatic mass associated with diarrhea and hypokalemia
most beneficial treatment for diabetic nephropathy
blood pressure control
treatment fo new onset acute bronchitis with blood tinged sputum without signs of serious disease
what infection is porphyria cutanea tarda associated with
patient with hx of asthma is taking aspirin, lisinopril, simvastatin, and hydrochlorothiazide presents with runny noice, itchy eyes, coughing and wheezing.
aspirin sensitivity syndrome
-watch out for combination of asthma, nasal polyps, and aspirin sensitivity
what is required for all patients with new onset lupus nephritis
renal biopsy
what can high doses of acyclovir due to the kidney
cause renal tubular obstruction
thyroid carcinoma associated with propensity to invade tumor capsule and blood vessels
follicular thryoid carcinoma
thyroid carcinoma associated with psomma bodies
papillary thyroid carcinoma
what two types of arrhythmias are known as shockable arrhythrmias
VT and VF
unconscious patients presents with afib on cardiac monitoring with no palpable pulse; what is the next step in treatment
flaccid bullae associated with IgG deposits intracellularly within epidermis
pemphigous vulgaris
ruptured submucosal arteries of distal esophagus and proximal stomach
DOC for mild to moderate hypercalcemia due to malignancy
what are used to treat hypercalcemia crisis
IV fluids and furosemide
when is screening for AAA indicated
in patients who are currently or formerly smokers ages 65-75
what should you suspect in pt with recurrent PNA in same anatomic location
lung cancer
what is associated with steatorrhea and epigastric pain
inflammation of the medial canthal region of the eye
autoimmune destruction of melanocytes, especially in peri-oral area
what is the most common cause of toxic megacolon
ulcerative colitis
what is required in patients with goodpasture's syndrome
emergency plasmaphoresis
most sensitive and specific test to diagnose pancreatic exocrine failure found in chronic pancreatitis
fecal elastase
what test should be done after alcohol and gallstones are ruled out as causes for acute pancreatitis
fasting lipid profile
why is lidocaine not used prophylatically in patients with ACS
may increase risk of asystole
in a non-obese person, what is the most effective way to lower their blood pressure
diet high in fruits and vegetables followed by low-salt diet
*apparently smoking cessation doesn't matter
generalized muscle pain that is worse with exercise in middle-aged woman
patient presents with morning stiffness in DIP with sausage digits (dactylitis), nail involvement, and scaly lesions
psoriatic arthritis
side effect associated with propylthiouracil and methimazole
what electrolyte abnormality is a bad prognostic factor in patients with heart failure
how can you distinguish between benzo and opioid overdose
benzo overdose lacks pupillary constriction and severe respiratory depression
*phenytoin overdose has presence of nystagmus
rapidly developing hyperandogenism and viriluzation in a woman is highly suggestive of what
adrogen-secreting neoplasm of ovary or adrenal
*measure serum testosterone and DHEAS to find site of production
*testosterone - adrenal
*DHEAS - ovarian source
pt presents with bilateral hearing loss as well as elevated ALP with normal GGT
Paget's disease
what liver dysfunction is associated with prolonged oral contraceptive use in younger woman
hepatic adenoma - enlarged hepatocytes containing glycogen and lipid deposits
treatment for patient with lung cancer and severe hyponatremia
fluid restriction 2/2 SIADH
which acid-base disturbance is associated with aldosterone deficiency
normal anion gap metabolic acidosis - RTA type IV
*decreased Na
*elevated K
inheritance pattern of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
autosomal dominant
patients present with bullae formation and skin necrosis who is being anticoagulated for recent PE
warfarin-induced skin necrosis
number of PMN needed in paracentesis for SBP to be diagnosed
patient presents with elevated Na and decreased K, what is the initial screening test
plasma aldosterone to plasma renin activity ratio
*once primary hyperaldosteronism is confirmed an adrenal CT is performed
complication associated with temporal arteritis
aortic aneurysm
*these patients should be followed with serial CXR
patients presents with periorbital and facial edema who is taking isosorbide, ACE-I, simvastatin, and clopidogrel
angioedema 2/2 ACE-I
what should you do if a patient who is intubated develops fever and pneumonia is given cetriaxone and is still deteriorating over the next 24 hours
stop ceftriaxone and start piperacillin-tazobactam
*think of pseudomonas in this patient; cefepime is also effective
what is the first step in managing severe symptomatic hypercalcemia
vigorous hydration with IV normal saline
what is the first step in ventillator management of ARDS
decrease the FiO2 to relatively non-toxic values (<60%)
most common risk factor in the development of foot ulcers
diabetic neuropathy
medical therapy of aortic regurge
afterload reduction with CCB or ACE-I
what should be checked in pt with acute asthma exacerbation treated with IV corticosteroids and albuterol that develops tremors and muscle weakness
serum electrolyte panel due to high doses of B2-agonist developing hypokalmia
4 causes for syncope
patient presents with low back stiffness with restrictive pattern on PFTs
ankylosing spondylitis
*increased FEV1/FVC 2/2 chest wall motion restriction
when is urine culture no needed for cystitis
uncomplication cystitis - young, healthy, non pregnant women
all patients with cirrhosis of the liver should be screened for esophageal varicies
what is a strong risk factor for malignancy in pt with a mole
recently changed mole
BP goal for patients with DM
*to slow end-organ damage
what is the best screening test for acute hepatitis B infection
treatment of choice for mucormycosis
surgical debridement + amphotericin B
what other condition is associated with dermatomyositis
10% of patients develop internal malignancy, most commonly ovarian cancer
pt presents with conjugated hyperbilirubinemia and dark granular pigment in hepatocytes
Dubin-Johnson syndrome
drugs associated with drug-induced nephritis
schizophrenic patient presents with fever, AMS, muscle rigidity, and elevated DK
NMS 2/2 typical antipsychotic- give dantrolene
associated with accumulcation of endolymph within the inner ear
Meneire's disease
what prophylaxis antibiotic should be prescribed to patients with recent renal transplant
TMP/SMX to prevent PCP
when should patients under the age of 65 be given pneumococal vaccine
chronic CV, pulm, hepatic, renal, DM, or immunosuppression
pt presents with fever, fatigue, muscle aches with atypical lymphocytes and negative monospot test
CMV infection
skin condition characterized by pale, velvety pink, hypopigmented macules that do not tan but scale on scraping
tinea versicolor
treatment of choice for tinea versicolor
selenium sulfide lotion and ketoconazole shampoo
pt presents with macrocytic anemia and vitiligo
think pernicious anemia as cause
what maneuver causes an HCM murmur to increase in intensity
valsalva, standing
*both cause the LV to become smaller
what other electrolyte should be corrected in an alcoholic with refractory hypokalemia
what is associated with decreased haptoglobin and increased LDH
hemolytic anemia
when is aortic valve replacement indicated
in a symptomatic patient with aortic stenosis
alcoholism is not a risk factor for pancreatic cancer
pt suddenly develops SOB, hypotension, tachycardia, and unilateral breath sounds while on the ventilator with PEEP for ARDS
tension pneumothorax
what PCO2 is an indicator of a severe asthma attack
next step in management of a patient with refractory hypoxemia on inspired oxygen and intubated
Add positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP)
first step in management in an elderly patient presenting with fatigue and DOE with low hemoglobin
most likely diagnosis in a patient who presents with adrenal insufficiency and calcifications in the adrenal glands from a developing country
patient presents with back pain, low-grade fever, and elevated ESR
vertebral osteomyelitis
how is MGUS differentiated from multiple myeloma
absence of renal insufficiency, hypercalcemia, and lytic bone lesions
most common causes of SVC syndrome
1. small cell lung cancer
2. non-hodgkin lymphoma
in which type of patients does acalculous cholecystitis present in
hospitalized patients for:
extensive burns
severe trauma
prolonged TPN
mechanical ventilation
patient presents with polyarthralgias, tenosynovitis, and vesiculopustular skin lesions
disseminated gonococcal infection
two diagnostic studies of choice for suspected aortic dissection
1. TEE
2. CT w/ contrast
what value of BNP helps distinguish CHF from other causes of dyspnea
BNP >100 pg/mL
patient presents with recent hx of intracerebral hemorrhage develops a DVT in the hospital, what is the next step in management
placement of an IVC filter
organism that causes malignant otitis externa in a diabetic patient
pseudomonas aeruginosa
pt presents with recent onset of left-sided weakness and fever. echocardiography shoes mass in left atrium
atrial myxoma
*leads to tumor embolization, fever, and weight loss
most sensitive and specific tests for the diagnosis of acute pancreatitis
serum amylase and lipase
formula to calculate expected PaCO2 compensation during metabolic acidosis
PaCO2 = 1.5(HCO3) + 8
treatment of supraventricular tachycardia in stable vs. unstable patient
stable - vagal maneuver followed by adenosine and AV nodal blockers
unstable - DC cardioversion
treatment of choice for fibromuscular dysplasia
percutaneous angioplasty with stent placement
most common cause of asymptomatic elevation of ALP in an elderly patient
Paget's disease of bone
ACTH and cortisol levels in a patient that was chronically on corticosteroids
low ACTH and low cortisol
*due to suppression of CRH release from the hypothalamus
most probable cause of sustained leukocytosis in a pt hospitalized for SOB from asthma exacerbation with elevated neutrophils and decreased lymphocytes
glucocorticoid induced neutrophilia
treatment of patient with suspected temporal arteritis
high-dose steroids
*this prevents damage to the retinal artery
most likely organism that causes osteomyelitis resulting from a nail puncture
pt presents with difficulty swallowing and a neck mass which increases in size while drinking fluids
zenker's diverticulum
surgical treatment of choice for zenker's diverticulum
excision and cricopharyngeal myotomy
differentiate central retinal vein occlusion vs. amaurosis fugax
central retinal vein/artery occlusion - persistent vision loss
amaurosis fugax - temporary vision loss
treatment of choice for solitary brain mass
surgical resection followed by whole brain radiation
type of shock associated with depressed CO combined with elevated PCWP
cardiogenic shock
differentiate lab values in acute cholecystitis vs. common bile duct obstruction
common bile duct obstruction would have jaundice and very high ALP
pt taking heparin presents with thrombocytopenia and thrombosis
heparin-induced thrombocytopenia
new clubbing in patient with COPD often indicates what
development of lung cancer
most common cause of massively elevated liver enzymes (thousands)
medication-induced liver damage, usually combined with alcohol use
which blood disease commonly manifests with gout due to increased uric acid production
myeloproliferative disorder
patient from greece with hypochromic microcytic anemia
think B-thalassemia minor
know how to use weber/rinne to distinguish between conduction and sensorineural hearing loss
rinne - BC > AC suggests conductive hearing loss
weber - sound lateralizes to affected ear in conductive hearing loss
patient taking corticosteroids chronically develops pain in their hip, what is the next step in management
MRI of the hip to look for corticosteroid-induced avascular necrosis of the femoral head
typical antipsychotic associated with hypothermia
fist step in management of a patient with suspected acute renal injury
place a foley catheter
patient presents with headache, low-grade fever, periorbital edema, and cranial nerve palsies
cavernous sinus thrombosis
most common cause of abnormal hemostasis in patients with chronic renal failure with normal PT, PTT and platelet count
platelet dysfunction 2/2 uremia
gallstones are most common in what type of patient
fat, female, fertile, and forty
treatment of choice for histoplasmosis
cause of massive increase in liver enzymes with subsequent milder elevation in Tbili and ALP in patient with hypotension
ischemic hepatic injury
two organisms associated with epiglotttitis
haemophilus influenzae
streptococcus pyogenes
possible blood complication associated with infectious mononucleosis
autoimmune hemolytic anemia
treatment of choice in patient with palpitations with EKG showing narrow QRS complexes without definite P waves
*supraventricular tachycardia
treatment of choice for HIV patient with bilateral interstitial infiltrate with CD4 count < 200
SMX/TMP + steroids
first step in management in patient with heparin-induced thrombocytopenia
stop the heparin, do not switch to LMWH
what is associated with bite cells and red cell inclusions in an AA patient, they experience episodic hemolysis in response to oxidant drugs and infections
G6PD deficiency
disease associated with increased head size, decreased hearing, and elevated ALP
Paget disease
*abnormal bone remodeling
what is associated with hepatomegaly, ascites, and elevated JVP in a patient post-radiation therapy
constrictive pericarditis
most rapidly acting medication to relieve the symptoms of pulmonary edema (pt presents with paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea, bibasilar rales, scattered wheezes)
bright red, firm, friable, exophytic nodules in an HIV patient are most likely what? treatment of choice?
bacillary angiomatosis (Bartonella)
erythromycin is the DOC
use of phenytoin can lead to deficiency in what vitamin
folic acid
pt with long smoking history presents with barrel-shaped chest and bilateral scattered wheezes, he also has hepatomegaly and peripheral edema. what led to his RHF
elevated pulmonary artery systolic pressure 2/2 chronic hypoxemia
test of choice in a man with foul-smelling breath and a fluctuant mass of the neck
contrast esophagram
*zenker diverticulum
emperic antibiotic treatment for meningitis
ceftriaxone, vancomycin, and ampicillin
pleuritic chest pain, tachycardia, and dyspnea in a young female taking OCP
pulmonary embolism with subsequent pulmonary infarction
what is the sequelae of rheumatic fever
mitral stenosis --> enlarged left atrium --> elevated left main steam bronchus + afib + persistent cough
what sequelae can happen from a stab wound to the thigh
AV fistula formation and lead to high-output cardiac failure
what is a classic heart sound associated with an recent MI
S4 due to ischemic damaged leading to diastolic dysfunction
malignant metastatic tumors that are associated with bleeding in the brain
first line of treatment for a pt with TTP (low plts, fragmented RBCs, elevated Cr)
*autoantibody against ADAMTS-13 causes accumulation of large von Willebrand factor multimers and platelet aggregation
first diagnostic study of choice in pt suspected of having esophageal cancer
barium swallow followed by endoscopy
UTI organism associated with alkaline urine
why give sodium bicarb to patient with TCA toxicity
prevents development of arrhythmia by narrowing the QRS complex
gene associated with MEN II
RET proto-oncogene
young pt presents with bloody diarrhea and back pain, what two markers are associated with this disease
drugs associated with drug induced esophagitis
how would you know the etiology of the a pleural effusion
light's criteria
-fluid protein/serum protein > 0.5
-fluid LDH/serum LDH >0.6
*These equal exudative (increased capillary permeability)
**transudative is caused by increased hydrostatic pressure
what do you use to determine pulmonary cardiogenic or ARDS
PCWP < 18 = ARDS (Sepsis, truama, toxic injury)
PCWP > 18 = Cardiogenic
what lab value is askew in patients with anti-phospholipid syndrome
prolonged PTT
which drug is associated with pulmonary fibrosis and thyroid dysfunction
drug of choice in a patient with a dissecting aortic aneurysm
first step in management of an HIV patient with esophagitis
oral fluconazole
*failure to respond warrants endoscopy
how do you distinguish between viral and rheumatoid arthritis
viral - acute onset, lack of elevated inflammatory markers, resolution within two months
rheumatoid - present for at least 6 weeks, morning stiffness longer than 30 minutes
most common organism associated with epididymitis in order vs. younger patients
older - E. coli
younger - C. trachomatis and N. gonorrhea
pt presents with complaints of pain and itching red streak in their extremity, had similar symptoms a few weeks ago in a different extremity, but went away on its own. what is the next step in management
CT scan abdomen to look for pancreatic malignancy
*Trousseau's syndrome
MAC prophylaxis
Mississippi + lung nodule
infections with what organisms are patients with hemochromatosis at increased risk of developing
listeria monocytogenes
what infection should be suspected in a patient with fever, descending rash, occipital and posterior cervical lymphadenopathy, and arthritis
*arthritis not seen in measles
what pathologic marker has an important impact on future management of breast carcinoma
HER2 - found by amplification by FISH
ER/PR positivity
three physical exam findings in opioid intoxication
differentiate hereditary spherocytosis and autoimmune hemolytic anemia
spherocytosis - positive family history and negative direct coomb's test
AIHA - negative family history and positive direct coomb's test
*both will show spherocytes without central pallor
three tumors associated with MEN I
elderly man complains of increased itching, especially after bathing, and complains of headaches and dizziness. hematocrit, hemoglobin, and platelets are all elevated
polycythemia vera
next step in management of a patient presenting with erythema nodosum
chest x-ray
*look for sarcoidosis, TB, histo
**strep infection and IBD are also associated
what organism is associated with subacute bacterial endocarditis (SBE) after urologic procedure
pulmonary function tests seen in restrictive lung disease
*lung volume, DLCO, FEV1/FVC
decreased lung volumes
decreased DLCO
normal/increased FEV1/FVC
treatment of choice for central DI
*HCTZ for nephrogenic DI to increase aldosterone production
prophylaxis for PCP
SMX-TMP and oral prednisolone
treatment of choice for CML with associated Philadelphia chromosome (t9:22)
*tyrosine-kinase inhibitor
emergent treatment for an elderly patient with pain loss of vision in one eye
ocular massage and high flow oxygen
which lab test would be most useful in a patient with chest pain who had an acute MI a few days prior
*Troponins stay elevated for up to 10 days
avascular necrosis is most commonly associated with the use of what two things
patients with deficiency in what can have a paradoxical hypercoagulable state when taking warfarin
protein C deficiency
what would indicate that a chest tube is needed when evaluating pleural fluid
pH < 7.2
glucose < 60
nephrotic syndrome can lead to what sequela causing abdominal pain, fever, and gross hematuria
renal vein thrombosis
*losing AT III
differentiate prolonged QRS interval vs. prolonged QT interval
QRS - bradyarrhythmia (bundle branch block)
QT - tachyarrhytmia (torsades de points - hypomagnesemia)
antihistamines can lead to what urologic problem
urinary retention - anticholinergic properties
high-risk patients (prisoners or IV drug users) presenting with fever and chills should be suspected of what
infectious endocarditis
*septic embolic can be seen in spleen, brain, kidney, or liver
next step in management of a patient presenting with microcytic/hypochromic anemia with elevated iron and decreased TIBC
*sideroblastic anemia - caused by B6 deficiency from alcohol or drugs (isoniazid)
next step in management of a patient with uremic pericarditis, chest pain + elevated Cr
next step in management of a patient with a history of chronic pancreatitis presenting with several month history of recurrent epigastric pain and weight loss
CT abdomen
what two things lead to decrease in absorption of D-xylose
celiac disease
bacterial overgrowth
*D-xylose absorption because normal in bacterial overgrowth after antibiotic treatment
first step in management in patient with acute variceal bleeding
establish vascular access
what two things are associated with decreased calcium with elevated phosphate
chronic renal failure
primary hypoparathyroidism
what leads to increased hematocrit in an obese person with obstructive sleep apnea
hyposemia-induced erythropoietin
gold standard for making diagnosis of acromegaly
measure growth hormon levels following an oral glucose load
*unable to suppress growth hormone following glucose load
elderly male presents with sever pain in the back of his chest that began suddenly, he also complains of difficulty walking due to leg weakness. BP is elevated at 210/120 and he is tachycardic. what is the most likely diagnosis
aortic dissection
most likely mechanism for bilateral leg edema in patient with CHF
activation of RAAS due to renal hypoperfusion
treatment of choice in patient with sphincter of oddi dysfunction
ERCP with sphincterotomy
young asian child presents with signs of nephrotic syndrome, on further lab evaluation the patient is found to have HBV. what is the most likely glomerulopathy
membranous glomerulonephritis
next step in management of an elderly patient with a significant smoking history presenting with SOB and CXR findings of pleural effusion
diagnostic thoracentesis
*do not do in patients with clear-cut CHF
what drugs are associated with causing oxidative stress in patients with G6PD deficiency
sulfa drugs
next step in management of a patient with a high clinical suspicion of a PE
initiate heparin protocol
*then perform diagnostic testing
patient presents to the ED after a syncopal episode. he presents with hypotension, tachycardia, and an EKG showing electrical alternans (amplitute of the QRS alternates). he stated he a recent URI. what is the next step in management
*cardiac tamponade
best treatment for a patient with frostbite
rapid rewarming with warm water
somogyi effects
occurs when counterregulatory hormones (epinephrine, norepinephrine, and glucagon) react to nocturnal hypoglycemia, thereby resulting in early morning hyperglycemia
most common predisposing factor for aortic dissection
next step in management of a patient with history of BPH symptoms presenting with elevated serum creatinine during routine lab work
abdominal ultrasound to look for hydronephrosis
what plays a central role in the pathogenesis of metabolic syndrome
insulin resistance
diagnosis of a patient with swelling of the right knee with synovial fluid analysis showing rhomboid-shaped, positively birefringent crystal as well as radiographic evidence of chrondrocalcinosis
most common tumor of the eyelid
basal cell carcinoma
what single test helps differentiate between CML and leukoemoid reactions
leukocyte alkaline phosphatase
*elevated in leukemoid
*low in CML
what is the mechanism of the niacin flushing, pruritis side effects, what can counteract this side effect
prostaglandin-induced peripheral vasodilation
reduced by low-dose aspirin
diagnosis in a patient a post-op patient who presents with JVD and new-onset RBBB
massive PE
stepwise approach of the treatment of ascites
1. sodium and water restriction
2. spironolactone
3. loop diuretic
4. abdominal paracentesis
most common thyroid malignancy
papillary carcinoma
what electrolyte abnormality is a contraindication for the use of succinylcholine
*depolarizing neuromuscular blocker (Na+ rushes in while K+ rushes out of the cell)
most common side-effect of recombinant erythropoietin used in patient with end stage renal deficiency
worsening of the hypertension and headaches
patient presents with palpable purpura, glomerulonephritis, hepatosplenomegaly, and hypocomplementemia. what infection is associated with these condition
hepatitis C
*mixed essential cryoglobulinemia
what is associated with a mobile cavitary lung mass
what anti-TB drug is associated with hepatitis
common cause of bowel hypomotility and malabsorption after bowel surgery
bacterial overgrowth
sexually active young adults presents with knee pain and tenderness over his achilles tendon. synovial fluid analysis from the right knee is negative for gram stain
reiter syndrome (reactive arthritis) to chlamydia
*NSAIDs are first line drug
elderly patients presents with productive cough and sever dyspnea after recovering from and URI. CXR shows multiple thin-walled cavities
staph aureus pneumonia
what mechanism leads to foot deformity in a diabetic patient
nerve damage --> Charcot's joint due to repeated joint trauma
which drug is associated with elevated PTT and can induce thrombocytopenia in some patients
what should be screened for in all sexually active women age 24 years and younger
differentiate HSV keratitis and CMV retinitis in HIV patients
HSV - keratitis and uveitis are painful, central retinal necrosis
CMV - retinitis is painless, hemorrhages around the retinal vessels
treatment of choice for patients with moderate-to-severe acne that is predominantly nodulocystic form
oral isoretinoin
what is the cause of a patients hemolytic anemia with a malignant lymphoproliferative disorder
warm autoimmune type - anti-red blood cell IgG antibodies
*prednisone therapy
treatment of choice for Paget's disease (bone pain, hypercalcemia, hearing loss, high output cardiac failure)
elderly patient presents with bone pain, renal failure, and hypercalcemia
multiple myeloma
streptococcus bovis endocarditis is associated with what
colorectal cancer
*colonoscopy should be done
treatment of choice in a young AA patients presenting with stroke symptoms
exchange transfusion to decrease the percentage of sickle cells and prevent a second infarct
what lab test should be check in a patients complaining of headaches with elevated BP (230/110) and elevated calcium
*MEN II (pheochromocytoma, hyperparathyroidism, medullary carcinoma of the thyroid)
what is the most common cancer associated with asbestos exposure
bronchogenic carcinoma > mesothelioma
drug of choice in a pregnant patient with lyme disease
multiple myeloma mnemonic CRAB
calcium (hyper)
renal impairment
bones (lytic lesion, pain)
*associated with increased risk for infection due to decrease in functional antibodies
x-ray of a patient's spine shows decreased bone density and blurring of the spine as well as pseudofractures, what is the serum Ca, Phos, and PTH if the 25-OH vitamin D in found to be low in this patient
low serum Ca
low serum Phos
elevated PTH
low serum 25-OH vitamin D
*osteomalacia secondary to vitamin D deficiency
what is the drug of choice in a patient presenting with ear pain, drainage, and granulation tissue within the ear canal
*malignant otitis externa caused by pseudomonas
the presence of bilirubin is indicative of what
conjugated hyperbilirubinemia (water soluble)
*rotor syndrome is associated with defect of hepatic storage of conjugated bilirubin
what should be suspected in a patient with digital clubbing, recurrent nose bleeds, and oral lesions, and increased hematocrit
Osler-Weber-Rendu syndrome
*hereditary telangiectasia
**AVMs lead to right-to-left shunting
what electrolyte disturbance is associated with constipation
*seen in MM and metastatic bone cancers
what disease is associated with an elderly male presenting with increasing back pain and constipation. Labs results show anemia, renal dysfunction, and elevated ESR
Multiple Myeloma
most reliable indicator of metabolic recovery in patients with DKA
anion gap closure
what helps minimize the risk of contrast-induced nephropathy
adequate IV hydration
what is associated with flushing, valvular heart disease, and diarrhea. what vitamin deficiency is associated with this.
carcinoid syndrome
niacin deficiency due to increased formation of serotonin from tryptophan
An elderly patient presents with microcytic anemia and symptoms of vague abdominal pain. physical exam reveals RUQ tenderness and hepatomegaly. what is the most likely diagnosis
metastatic colon cancer
what must be done prior to radioactive iodine treatment for patients with hyperthyroidism
antithyroid medication to avoid initial exacerbations of the thyrotoxic state
which vaccinations are recommended in all HIV-infected patients whose CD4 count is greater than 200
annual influenza
pneumococcal vaccine
what should be suspected in any patient with hyperglycemia, necrolytic migratory erythema, weight loss, and diarrhea
indications for hemodialysis
A - acidosis (pH <7.2)
E - electrolytes (hyperkalemia)
I - intoxication
O - volume overload
U - uremia (uremic pericarditis, renal failure)
acute arthritis with rhomboid crystals with positive birefringence in the setting of hyperparathyroidism
patient presents with abdominal pain, bloody diarrhea, but lack of fever and travel history
Beck's triad of cardiac tamponade
muffled heart sounds
*decreased left ventricular preload
treatment of choice for acute cholangitis
IV antibiotics followed by ERCP is no improvement
symptoms associated with ABO mismatch
rapidly develop (within an hour) fever, hemolysis, shock, and DIC
what drug should be be given to patients with pheochromocytoma to help decrease their blood pressure
Beta-blockers without alpha-blockers
*this can precipitate a dangerous increase in blood pressure
differentiate what is associated with MEN IIa and IIb
IIa - parathyroid hyperplasia
IIb - mucosal neuroma
*both have medullary thyroid cancer and pheochromocytoma
what is a deadly sequalae of aortic dissection which presents with: hypotension, JVD, and tachycardia
cardiac tamponade
patient presents with hypotension and tachycardia after passing out at work, he has had difficulty walking over the past couple of days due to infected wound. right heart cath shows elevated right atrial pressure and pulmonary artery pressure, PAWP is within normal range
massive pulmonary embolism
drug of choice in patient with variant angina (Prinzmetal's)
CCB or nitrates
*beta-blockers and aspirin should be avoided because they can promote vasoconstriction
what type of medications is contraindicated in acute coronary syndrome
dihydropyridine CCB (nifedipine) due to peripheral vasodilation and reflex tachycardia
treatment of choice in patient with torsades de points
magnesium sulfate
*alcoholism, TCAs, antibiotics, or antifungals can induce this
what is the next step in management of a simple renal cyst; thin walls, no solid component, no contrast enhancement seen on CT scan
two most common causes of acute pancreatitis
differentiate causes of symmetric and asymmetric narrowing of the esophagus in a patient with history of GERD
symmetric - stricture
asymmetric - cancer
cause of patient with hyperthyroid symptoms that have low iodine uptake on the thyroid scan. TSH is low and T4 is elevated
*subacute painless thyroiditis in the postpartum period is the most common
what should be suspected in a patient that fell on an outstretched hand and presents with weakness when lifting the arm above the head and with pushing or pulling motion
rotator cuff tear
*MRI is study imaging of choice
which organism is associated with cough, fever, lung consolidation, and GI symptoms
*treat with Levofloxacin or Azithromycin
initial drug of choice in a patient with RA
T3, T4, and TSH seen in sick euthyroid syndrome
low T3
normal T4 and TSH
*seen in patients with an acute, severe illness
is antiviral therapy needed in a patient with Hep C and normal LFTs
No treatment necessary
most common composition of kidney stones
calcium oxalate
development of clubbing and sudden-onset joint arthropathy in a chronic smoker suggests what
hypertrophic osteoarthropathy
*associated with lung cancer
most common cause of B12 deficiency
pernicious anemia
*associated with increased risk of gastric cancer
is histoplasmosis or blastomycosis associated with skin findings
*verrucous lesions that are crusted, warty, with a violaceous hue
MMR is okay to give to an HIV patients with no vaccinated before
drug of choice in a homeless patient with flank pain, CV tenderness, afebrile, with elevated BUN and Cr, hypocalemic
*Ethylene glycol poisoning
patient with recent travel history presents with diarrhea and abdominal cramping
Most likely cause is E. coli (ETEC)
suspect toxicity of what medication in a patient with fever, tinnitus, and tachypnea
*respiratory alkalosis with metabolic acidosis
what is suspected in a young AA patient with nocturia
*inability for kidneys to concentrate urine, commonly seen in sickle cell disease and trait
patients with alkalosing spondylitis for more than 20 years are at increased risk of what
vertebral fracture
drug of choice in patients with sinus bradycardia who are symptomatic
IV atropine to decrease vagal input
how do nitrates help chest pain during symptoms of angina
decreases oxygen demand by decreasing ventricular volume via a decrease cardiac preload
cervical cancer screening recommendations
every 3 years until age 65, need three consecutive negatives to stop
healthy young adult male presents with thrombocytopenia
HIV may initially present with thrombocytopenia in up to 10% of patients
what should you think of in a patient with restrictive cardiomyopathy, proteinuria, and easy bruisability
*can affect the heart, kidneys, and liver
treatment of choice in a patient with elevated ALT and detectable HCV RNA
interferon and ribaviron
*combination therapy is more beneficial
what should you suspect in a postpartum woman with pulmonary symptoms, multiple nodules on CXR, and elevated B-hCG
why are asplenic patients at risk to infection by encapsulated organisms
because they have impaired antibody-mediated opsonization for phagocytosis
what sequelae can develop from HIT in a patient given either unfractionated or low molecular weight heparin
arterial or venous thrombosis
most common valvular abnormality observed in patients with infective endocarditis no related to IV drug abuse
mitral regurge
*tricuspid regurge is associated with IV drug abuse
LDL goals in patients with CAD risk factors
0-1 = <160
2+ = <130
CAD or CAD equivalent (multiple risk factors)= <100
DM2 = <70
*initiate drug therapy if LDL is 30 above goal in the lower risk category and initiate if above goal at all in the higher risk groups
what organism is associated with cutaneous and visceral angioma-like blood vessel growths in immunocompromised patients
what is associated with hypokalemia, metabolic alkalosis, urinary chloride >60 and normal BP
Bartter syndrome
what is associated with hyponatrmia and maximally diluted urine
primary polydipsia
lower GI endoscopy with biopsy reveals dark brown discoloration of the colon with lymph follicles shining through as pale patches
melanosis coli
*laxative abuse
pulmonary cavitation seen in an HIV-infected patient that is partially acid-fast
what is the best way to confirm PCP infection in an HIV-infected patient before beginning treatment
Bronchoalveolar lavage
what is C1 esterase inhibitor deficiency associated with
*elevated levels of bradykinin
drug of choice for catch scratch disease
patient presents with SOB, JVD, hepatomegaly, lower extremity edema, and faint heart sounds. Lungs auscultation reveals clear breath sounds
Cor pulmonale
what is associated with a "water bottle" shaped heart, normal JVD, CTAB, and muffled heart sounds; patient recently had URI symptoms
pericardial effusion 2/2 viral infection
which form of syncope is associated with prodrome of lightheadedness and blurred vision and has rapid recovery of consciouness. syncope is provoked by an emotional situation
*upright tilt table test
which form of glomerulonephritis is associated with HCV infection
membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis
what is associated with recurrent episodes of hematuria, sensorineural deafness, and a family history of renal failure
Alport's syndrome
the best initial screening test in a patient with suspected adrenal insufficiency
cosyntropin (ACTH) stimulation test
most common cause for iron deficiency anemia in an adult male or post-menopausal woman
chronic GI blood loss
which organism is associated with PNA, hyponatrmia, and GI symptoms
best next step in management of a patient with recurrent painful swelling of the eye lid that progresses to a nodular rubbery lesion
histopathological exam due to risk of underlying sebaceous carcinoma or basal cell carcinoma
what should be suspected in a patient with new-onset diabetes, arthropathy, and hepatomegaly
what is associated with persistent ST elevations and a holosystolic (pansystolic) murmurs at the apex in a post-MI patient suggest
ventricular aneurysm
precipitating and reversible risk factors for premature atrial complexes
*B-blockers are used in symptomatic patients
cleaves angiotensinogen into angiotensin I
differentiate acute cholangitis and emphasymatous cholecystitis
cholangitis - high fever, jaundice, and RUQ pain (Charcot's triad) causes by biliary tract obstruction; markedly elevated WBC, Tbili, and ALP
emphy cholecystitis - infection of gallbladder wall with gas-forming bacteria; no increase in ALP or Tbili
what is the best next step in management of a patient presenting with pain from a radiolucent kidney stone
alkalinization of the urine with potassium bicarb or potassium citrate
differentiate the joints affected in RA vs. Osteoarthritis
RA = MCP and PIP
multi-systemic inflammatory condition characterized by recurrent oral and genital ulcers and skin lesions
Behcet's syndrome
what should you be concerned about in a young patient presenting with signs of IBD, previously undiagnosed, but has worsening symptoms accompanied by signs of sepsis
toxic megacolon
treatment of choice for a cervicofacial infection with multiple abscesses, fistulae, an draining sinus tracts with sulfur granules (yellow)
IV penicillin for 6-12 weeks
what should be suspected in an HIV-infected patient presenting with bloody diarrhea and normal stool studies
CMV colitis
next step in management in a patient with VF or pulseless VT
what is the next step in management in a patient with morning back stiffness that lasts for an hour and goes away with use
x-ray looking for fusion of the sacroiliac joints and/or bamboo spine
what three things can chagas disease lead to
cardiac dysfunction
what is the most frequent origin for ectopic foci causing atrial fibrillation
pulmonary veins
what is the next best step in management of a patient presenting with hemolytic anemia, thrombocytopenia, and renal failure
peripheral blood smear to look for schistocytes
what is a useful test to help differentiate liver and cardiac causes for lower extremity edema
hepato-jugular reflux
*positive indicates cardiac related edema
**negative suggests liver disease
what should be suspected in a patient with hemolytic anemia and venous thrombosis (especially hepatic)
paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria
*defective binding of CD55 and CD59 which leads to autoimmune destruction of RBCs
what should be suspected in a patient with periorbital edema, myositis, and eosinophilia
treatment option for a patient presenting in afib who is stable
<48 hours = electrical or pharmocologic cardioversion
>48 hours = rate control due to risk of thromboembolism with cardioversion
what can lead to falsely low levels of calcium
low serum albumin
what electrolyte abnormalities are seen in iatrogenic cortisol use
*corticosteroids have some mineralcorticoid activity
what is suspected in a patient with kidney stones that are hexagonal shape in a patient with a family history of kidney stones
*urinary cyanide nitroprusside test is screening test, detects elevated cystine levels
what ares some side effects associated with thiazide diuretics
increased LDL cholesterol
most commonly used drug in the treatment of primary biliary cirrhosis as it relieves symptoms and lengthens transplant-free survival time
ursodeoxycholic acid