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195 Cards in this Set

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hypovolemic hyponatremia is due to:


1. dehydration

2. diuretics

3. DM

4. primary adrenal insufficiency

hypervolemic hyponatremia ~~


nephrotic syndrome
renal failure
SBP is usually due to:


E. coli or Strep pneumo
Tx PBC =
liver transplant
achalasia =
incomplete relaxation of a hypertensive LES + loss of peristalsis

=> intermittent dysphagia, no reflux; bird beak on Barium

DES and nutcracker esophagus =
intermittent, painful spasms

Wx = corkscrew on Barium

Dx = manometry

Tx = CCB

follow Barrett with:
periodic bx’s

you cannot use Barium in:
suspected perforation

- give Gastrograffin, follow with Barium if perf excluded

do NOT perform colonoscopy or Barium enema in:
active lower GI bleed (that’s why Dx = CT)

mc hernia for men or women =

it’s scrotal (vs. abdominal of direct)

femoral hernias are the ones most likely to:

Tx open pneumothorax =


1. tape 3 sides

2. intubate

if cardiac tamponade pt is stable, perform:
an Echo to confirm, then pericardiocentesis

- o/w, pericardiocentesis right away

Tuberous Sclerosis ~~


CNS hamartomas, rhabdos, and renal tumors
Lesch-Nyhan ~~
self-mutilating behaviors
nodularities on broad ligament =

==> retroverted uterus

Tx adenomyosis =


hysterectomy or leuprolide

- must r/o endometrial cancer with bx first

anemia due to uterine fibroid = indication for:

- get bx to r/o endometrial cancer

in a woman 35 or older you will never be faulted for performing:
a bx on a breast mass

first test for anemia =

second = peripheral smear + retic count

high retic count ~~




blood loss

HmA => pigmented stones =>
you can see spherocytes in:
AI HmA ~~
lupus, drugs

teardrop cells ~~
myelofibro dysplasia
FFP for rapid reversal of:


warfarin, DIC, or liver failure

- contains all clotting factors

CryoPPT for:


Hemophilias, vWF

= fibrinogen and F.8

what blood type do you give if you can't wait for screen to come back?

Type O-negative blood

universally accepted

DIC is mcly seen in:


1. pregnancy

2. obstetrics complications

3. malignancy

4. then sepsis

features of TTP:


1. normal PT and PTT

2. purpura

3. thrombocytopenia

4. HmA

Tx TTP =
Tx hypertensive urgency =


PO Lasix or ACEI or clonidine
Tx hypertensive Emergency =


IV nicardopine or nitroprusside
giving ACEI to an elderly pt with RAS (due to athero) can ppt:
kidney failure

do not give aspirin in:


nasal polyps, chronic sinusitis, hemarthroses
positive HIV test requires confirmation with:
ELISA and Western blot
CD4 count <200 =
annual PPD only if HIV pt at high risk for:
Tx CMV retinitis =
Cryptosporidia or Isospora =>
chronic watery diarrhea in AIDS only

Bruton’s X-linked agamma ~~
low to no B cells

(vs. CVID, which shows low Ig's but nl amounts of total B cells)


normal amount of circulatingB-cells

- but dec. IG’s

(vs. Bruton’s, where *all* B-cells are low)

Chronic Granulomatous Dz =
X-linked recurrent infs to catalase-positive bugs

- positive nitrozine blue test indicates NADPH def.

other space


hyper-IgE =>
recurrent Staph skin infections
Strep pneumo can be GP ___________

aspiration PNA ~~


E. coli or Klebsiella
features of Kawasaki dz:


1. <5 y/o

2. fever >5 days

3. bilateral injection

4. changes in lips/oral mucosa

5. swelling of hands and feet

6. truncal rash

7. cervical LAD

8. arthralagias

Tx Kawasaki =


1. aspirin + IVIG

2. follow with Echo

subacute IE ~~
*other* Staph
good empiric Tx for Staph =


PCN + aminoglycoside
ribavirin for bronchiolitis only if:
chronic health problems

negative PPD =
no treatment

avoid contrast in:
*all* renal issues, including DM

to e/o else, can give N-acetylcysteine to prevent AKI from contrast

Goodpasture’s ~~

anti-BM AB’s => linear IF

damages kidneys and lungs


***Tx acute MS =
***PPx of MS =
interferon or glatiramer
fasciculations or fibrillations ~~
in dementia, always r/o:


B12 deficiency and hypothyroidism

HA worse in the morning or wakes you up from sleep ~~
IC mass
damaged right optic tract ~~
left homonymous hemianopsia
“blown” pupil =
serious cause of CN III palsy,

=> urgent CT or MRI

facial nerve: LMN lesion ~~
forehead affected ~~ Bell’s palsy or tumor
PPx complex seizure =


valproate or CBZ or lamotrigine
benzo = 1st-line for:
aborting a seizure
avoid “heparin” as an answer for:
Tx of stroke

- if past 4.5 hrs, give aspirin

treat drug-induced Park’s with:


anticholinergic or diphenhydramine
Werndig-Hoffman =
floppy baby due to degen of AHC’s

– occurs before 6 mths

“ragged red fibers” =
mitochondrial dz

~~ ophthalmoplegia

causes of SAH:
trauma > berry aneurysms
2/3 of intracerebral hemorrhages occur in the:

- will see contralateral hemiplegia and sensory defects

Tx inc. ICP =


intubate in reverse Trendelenburg (head up) + hyperventilate to cerebral vasoconstriction

- mannitol if severe


do NOT treat HTN immediately in someone who’s got ICP – you will ischemically stroke them out
always give steroids in:
spinal shock
epidural spinal abscess in DM =
Staph aureus
syringomyelia starts out as:
*loss of sensation* first,

then involves motor once it spreads

Tx syringomyelia =
meningomyelocele ~~
Arnold-Chiari, always

Arnold-Chiari =
herniation of cerebellum into SC

- ataxia, nausea, +/- hydrocephalus

- Dandy-Walker = cerebellum develops abnormally, esp. vermis

- hydrocephalus, ID, motor skill delay

if BPP or CST are bad, consider:
next step with elevated aFP =
repeat aFP

- then, U/S

quadruple test =
2nd Tri

aFP, B-hCG, estriol, inhibin A

Toxo ~~


intracranial calcifications and chorioretinitis (vs. CMV)
Tx TB in preg. =
RIE +/- P
mag toxicity =
respiratory and CNS depression
oligo =
AFI <5 or <500 mL
polyhydramnios =
AFI >25 or >2 L
Braxxton-Hicks ~~
no cervical changes

misoprostol = PG =>
uterine contraction
incomplete abortion ~~
for ectopic, Tx =
salpingostomy if stable,

salpingectomy if HDUn

turn mom over, O2, etc. then
*measure scalp pH or fetal O2 sat*

pH >7.2 or O2 desat = immediate delivery
- o/w, continue to observe

vaginal delivery is preferred for:
spell it out
Rhogam only if mom is:
Rh *negative*
if Rh AB screen is positive at 1st Tri,
you’re too late for Rhogam – just monitor for hemolytic dz
rupture of amniotic sac before onset of labor
positive nitrazine test
=> U/S to assess for volume
spontaneous labor tends to follow:
rupture of membranes

(that’s why AROM is done)

induce labor in PROM if no labor after:
8 hours

physiologic resp. alkalosis of preg.
is a thing
acute fatty liver of pregnancy appears in:
the 3rd Tri

- treat coagulopathies with FFP

try to wait until 2nd Tri to:
perform surgeries

Tx endometritis =


clinda + gent


1. Philadelphia 9:22 / BCR-ABL

2. blast crisis

3. WBC’s >50,000

Hodgkin dz ~~


night sweats, LAD, Reed-Sternburg
Waldenstroms shows:



IgM spike

Tx polycythemia =
Tx mets to spine =
MRI + steroids + radx or surgery if not radx-sensitive
VHL ~~


1. hemangioblastomas in cerebellum

2. cysts in liver or kidney

you can treat non-small cell lung cancer confined to parenchyma with surgery; otherwise:
chemo +/- radx
fixed LN =
CEA for:
glucagonoamas cause:


HYPERglycemia, migratory necrotizing skin
watch for ______ in all islet cell tumors

intracranial calcification ~~
testicular cancer does NOT ___________
evaluate painless hematuria with:


CT pelvis and cystoscopy
aFP = screening for ______
hemangiomas of liver are:
benign and left alone
carcinoid tumors only symptomatic once they reach:
the liver

- will see inc. urine 5-HIAA

neuroblastomas show:
calcification on CT

- Wilms doesn’t

CA-125 ~~
S-100 ~~
glaucoma =
ophthalmic HTN
Tx open-angle =
BB’s or PG’s
cupping of the optic disc

never give topical steroids to:
the eye
treat both chalazion (non-erythematous) and hordeolum with:
warm compress

- add steroids to chalazion if nec.

Tx dendritic keratitis =
topical antiviral
cherry-red spot
also sudden, painless loss of vision

- torturous retinal veins

optic neuritis *is*
DM and HTN can cause isolated palsies of:


CN 3, 4, and 6

– resolve

w/ all open fractures, you should give:


1. 4th-gen cephalosporin for both GP’s and GN’s

2. add vanc if MRSA

3. tetanus booster

4. then ORIF

stress fracture =
incomplete fracture
herniation at L5-S1 is mc, affecting S1; ~~


ankle reflex, weakness of plantar flexion
L4-L5 second mc, affecting L5 – will see:
weak ankle dorsiflexion
reflexes and nerve roots:


biceps ~~ C5,

triceps ~~ C7,

knee ~~ L3,

ankle ~~ S1

Tx herniated disc =
conservative (90% resolve)
wound through foot ~~
Pseudomonas osteomyelitis
diabetic osteomyelitis =
Dx AVN =
give screening and preventative care at EVERY encounter,
not just well-child checks

anticipatory guidance:


1. keep water heater under 120 degrees

2. do not use infant walkers

3. no honey before 1 year of age

4. introduce solid foods gradually, starting at 6 mths

screen for Iron-deficiency anemia with CBC if:
rf’s present
for kiddos, start iron supplementation at:
4-6 mths if exclusively breast-fed

- at 2 mths if premie

screen ALL females <25 for:
chlamydia; include gonorrhea only if high-risk
cavernous hemangiomas resolve, even if they get huge

leave em be

avoid BB’s in:


DM, cocaine, CHF

- Beta-1-selective is better if need be

SER syndrome =


hyperthermia, rigidity, myoclonus
get Mammography every:

and start at:


starting at 50 y/o

colonoscopy up to:
75 y/o
Pap Smears

Once every 3 years

starting at 30 y/o, Pap + HPV every 5 years if both were initially negative

don’t test HPV until 30 (cus much more likely to clear it as a young person)

screen for Lung cancer:
Low-dose CT chest for ages 55-80

w/ 30+ pack-year history who quit <15 years ago

screen for AAA:
ONE time in men 65-75 who have ever smoked
Tx acute dystonia = Tx Park’s =


Benadryl or anticholinergic

- BB for akathisia

1st-line for phobias =
behavioral therapy
Tx narcolepsy =
modafinil or stimulants
Tx Tourette’s =

- can be unmasked by stimulants in ADHD

cocaine WD =


sleepy, hungry, depressed
opioid WD ~~


goose pimples, diarrhea, insomnia, cramping, pain

- methadone or buprenorphine can reduce WD symps

RSV bronchiolitis =>


RSV and parainfluenza (croup) can both cause:
infant RDS ~~
immature lungs

Tx = O2, intubate if necessary, surfactant if severe

phosphatodylglyceride in the amniotic fluid means:
the lungs are*mature*
causes of epistaxis:


1. nose-picking

2. trauma

3. local tumor (angiofibroma)

4. leukemia (=> pancytopenia)

5. ITP, etc.

branchial cleft cysts are _________ to the midline
lateral to the midline, and often become infected
common causes of Cervical Lymphadenitis =


GAS, EBV, cat-scratch, or mycobacteria

Wx for unknown cancer of the neck =


triple endoscopy + triple bx
Tx OE =
topical abx
Tx infectious myringitis =
macrolide (vesicles on TM)
Tx otosclerosis =


hearing aid or surgery
1st-line for burns =
Lactated Ringers
burned skin infection is usually due to:


Staph aureus or Pseudomonas
be ready to give tons of IVF in any:
muscle breakdown/rigidity question
Heberden and Bouchard ~~
Gout: colcichine or NSAIDs acutely,
allopurinol or probenecid for prevention
Psoriatic arthritis looks like RA, but:
RF is negative

1st-line = NSAIDs

Tx Ank Spond =
NSAIDs, MTX, etc.

polyarteritis nodosa ~~ positive ________

Dx = vessel bx

pulseless ~~ Takayasu ~~
aorta or major branches ~~ steroids
painful oral and genital ulcers in young man ~~
Bechet ~~ uveitis, arthritis ~~ steroids

after 2 fluid boluses that did nothing, insert:
Swan-Ganz catheter to m. hemodynamic numbers
TSS ~~
Staph aureus *toxin*
seminoma ~~
B-hCG, never aFP

struvite stones ~~
Proteus ~~ staghorn
allow testes to descend in:
the 1st year of life, then surgery if not
hyperacute organ rejection ~~
preformed AB’s, acute organ rejection ~~ T-cells
chronic rejection is mediated by:
AB's *or* T-cells
Potter syndrome is:
incompatible with life
carotid stenosis in asymp pts >
>60% occluded => carotid endarterectomy
mcc of death during vascular surgery =
Dx mesenteric ischemia =
Tx = revascularization
“thumbprinting” of bowel walls ~~
bowel infarction
cervical rib or inc. muscle mass =>
thoracic outlet syndrome