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101 Cards in this Set

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strep appearance
gram pos cocci in chains
staph appearance
gram pos cocci in clusters
strep pneumo appearance
gram pos cocci in pairs (diplococci)
H flu appearance
gram neg small rods
Neisseria/Moraxella appearance
gram neg diplococci
kleb appearance
gram neg rod plump with thick capsule
clostridium, bacillus appearance
gram positive spore forming rods
candida appearance
M.tuberculosis, Nocardia appearance
acid fast
Actinomyces appearance
gram pos with sulfur granules
Pneumocystis jiroveci and cat scratch appearance
silver staining
cryptococcus appearance
positive india ink prep with thick capsule
Treponema, Leptospira, Borrelia appearance
gardener stuck by thorn
Sporothrix schenckii: tx with itraconazole, fluconazole, or oral potassium iodide
aplastic crisis in sicklers or other hemoglobinopathy
Parvovirus B19
sepsis after splenectomy or autosplenectomy in sicklers
encapsulated bugs: strep pneumo, H flu, N meningitidis
Some Killers Have Pretty Nice Capsules
Strep, Kleb, Hemophilus, Proteus, Nisseria, Cryptococcus
pna in the sw
Coccidioides immitis: tx with itraconazole, fluconazole, amphoB for severe
spelunker pna or after exposure to bird droppings in Ohio and Mississippi river valleys
Histoplasma capsulatum
pna after exposure to exotic bird
Chlamydia psittaci tx with tetracycline or macrolides
fungus ball/hemoptysis after TB induced cavitary dz
pna in pt with silicosis
diarrhea after drinking from a stream
Giardia lamblia: tx with metro
Preg women with cats
Toxo: treat HIVs with Pyrimethamine and Sulfadiazine or clinda or spiramycin for pregs. For latent infections Atovaquone or Clinda
B12 def and abdominal sxs
D latum
seizures after ring enhancing lesions on CT
Taenia solium (neurocysticercosis): tx with PZQ
squamous cell bladder cancer in middle east and africa
Schistosoma haematobium: tx with PZQ
worm infection in children
Enterobius (pinworms) use albendazole or pyrantel pamoate
fever, muscle pain, eosinophilia, and periorbital edema after eating raw meat
Trichinella spiralis (trichinosis): tx with Albendzole
Gastro in young children
reheated rice
Bacillus cereus
raw seafood
Vibrio parahaemolyticus
diarrhea after traveling to Mexico
diarrhea after abx
CDiff tx with oral Metro or Vanco
paralyzed after eating honey
Clostridium botulinum: tx with BABYBIG
genital lesions in children w/o sexual abuse/activity
molluscum contagiosum (Poxvirus)
cellulitis after cat/dog bites
Pasteurella multocida: treat/proph with ampicillin
slaughterhouse worker with fever
pna after hotel, near ac, or water tower
Legionella pneumophila, tx with Azithro or FQ
burn wound with blue/green color
bug and empiric tx for Bronchitis
viral, H flu, Moraxella
Amox, Erythro
bug and empiric tx for cellulitis
strep, staph
antistaph pcn: diclox, methicillin, Nafcillin
bug and empiric tx for endocarditis
staph, strep
antistaph pcn (or vanco) + aminoglycoside
bug and empiric tx for meningitis child and adult
strep pneumo, N meningitidis
3rd gen ceph/Meropenem + Vanco
neonatal meningitis
GBS, EC, Listeria
Ampicillin + AG, 3rd gen ceph
Staph aureus, Salmonella
Antistaph pen, vanco
table 10-1
table 10-2
appearance of c diff on colonoscopy
pseudomembranes (light colored 3-10 mm plaques scattered about mucosa)
gold standard for pna diag
sputum culture and blood cultures
what about strep pneumo pna
most common esp in older adults, uri then chills, then fever, pleurisy, prod cough
XR shows lobar consolidation
high WBC with many neutros
tx with 3rd gen ceph or FQ
who do we vacc against strep pneumo pna
children, older than 65, immunocomp, sicklers, splenectomized, chronic dz pts
what about hflu pna
2nd most common cause of pna
more common in young children
looks like strep pneumo clinically
tx with amp/amox, 2nd or 3rd gen ceph if gram neg coccobacilli seen on gram stain
what about staph pna
in hospital acquired and second to pseudomonas in CFers
also IVDA, chronic granulomatous dz (recurrent lung abscesses)
empyema and lung abscesses common also effusions
what about gram neg pna
Pseudomonas with CFers
Kleb in alcoholics and homeless
EC with aspiration, neutropenia, hospital acquired
gram negs commonly have effusions/abscesses
tx with 3rd gen pcn/ceph + AG
what about mycoplasma pna
most common in adolescents and young adults
long prodrome, gradual worsening of HA, malaise, dry nonprod cough, sore throat
CXR worse than sxs
Look for positive cold agglutinin abs which can cause hemolysis and anemia
Tx with Macrolide (Azithro)
what about Chlamydia pna
second to mycoplasma in young adults pna, neg cold agglutinin abs
what about viral pna
RSV, flu, paraflu, adeno
what about PCP/CMV pna
HIV pts
treat PCP with bactrim, alt is pentamidine
PCP when CD4 <200 at which point you start PCP proph with bactrim
CMV has intracellular inclusion bodies, tx with ganciclovir or foscarnet
what about syphilis
bug: T pallidum
drug: PCN, doxy if allergic
can seen on dark field but not gram stain
screen all preg with RPR/VDRL
three stages: 1. primary: painless chancre that resolves in 8 wks
2. secondary: 6wks to 18mo condyloma lata, maculopapular rash of palms and soles, LAD
3. tertiary: years after untreated infection: gummas in different organs, neurosyphilis, Argyll Robertson pupil, demential, paresis, tabes dorsalis, Charcot joints, aortic aneurysms
remember false pos RPR/VDRL in lupus
what about chickenpox (varicella)
truncal macules to papules to vesicles that rupture and crust all in a day
rashes are in different stages in different areas
infectious until last rash crusts over
can see on Tzank smear multinucleated giant cells
immunize in leukemics, AIDS, newborns of mothers with chickenpox
Varicella zoster can reactivate years later to cause shingles: dermatomal dist of rash with pain and paresthesias
never give ASA to a child with fever
what about erythema infectiosum
aka Fifth's dz caused by ParvoB19
"slapped cheek" rash and constitutional sxs
1 day later maculopapular rash on arms, legs, trunk
what about impetigo
history of skin break, weeping vesicles with yellowish crust
since it's infetious tx with antistaph PCN to cover strep and staph
what about mono
EBV: fatigue, fever, LAD, pharyngitis
diff from strep pharyngitis b/c of prolonged malaise, h-s megaly, lymphocytosis, anemia, thrombocytopenia, positive monospot test
avoid contact sports and heavy lifitng in case of splenic rupture
Assoc with nasopharyngeal cancer and African Burkitt's lymphoma
what about Measles
aka rubeola, look for a reason for not immunization
Koplik's spots seen 3 days post high fever
cough, runny nose, conjunctivitis, photophobia
cephalocaudal progressing maculopapular rash
what about rickettsia
tick bite 1 week before fever, chills, HA, prostration, severe malaise
then 4 days after sxs started inwardly spreading rash on palms and soles and periungual desquamation
complications: DIC, delirium
Tx: doxy, chloramphenicol
what about Roseola infantium
high fever for 4 days
abrupt return to normal temp as diffuse maculopapular rash on chest and abd
rare in children older than 3
Tx; fluids, tylenol
what about Rubella
aka German measles
screen and immunize and woman of repro age before pregnancy
vaccine contraindicated during preg
2 day prodrome:
low grade fever, malaise, tender swelling of suboccipital and postauricular nodes
then, cephalocaudal progressing MP rash
comp: encephalitis and otitis media
what about scarlet fever
hx of untreated GAS strep pharyngitis, fever, then sandpaper rash on trunk with circumoral pallor and strawberry tongue
rash desquamates when fever subsides
Tx with PCN
endocarditis sxs
Roth spots
Osler's nodes
Janeway lesions
Nail bed hemorrhage
Endocarditis bugs
Acute: Staph aureus
Subacute: Strep viridans
Culture neg: HACEK
Endocarditis complications
chordae rupture, GN, suppurative pericarditis, emboli
Endocarditis tx
3rd gen PCN or Ceph plus aminoglycoside
Meningitis bugs for 0-6 mo
GBS, EC, Listeria
Meningitis bugs for 6mo to 6y
Strep pneumo, Neisseria, Hflu typeB, Enterovirus
Meningitis bugs 6-60y
Strep pneumo, Neisseria, Enteroviruses, HSV
Meningitis bugs 60+
Strep pneumo, GNRs, Listeria
Meningitis bugs in HIV
Cryptococcus, CMV, Toxo, JC virus
Meningitis sxs
Kernig's and Brudzinski signs
lethargy, hyper or hypothermia, poor tone, bulging fontanelle, vomiting, photophobia, AMS, signs of sepsis, seizures
most common neuro sequela of meningitis
hearing loss
what do you look for in a baby if mom has HSV lesions at birth
temporal lobe abnormalities on CT/MRI. Give acyclovir
causes of aseptic meningitis
mumps, measles if unvaccinated
if meningitis is due to Neisseria, what do you give contacts
cipro or Ceft, or rifampin as proph
3 most common types of peds resp infections
croup, epiglottitis, bronchiolitis
what about bronchiolitis
0-18 mo old, fall or winter
bugs: RSV, paraflu, flu
sxs: uri sxs then 1-2 d later rapid resp, intercostal retractions, exp wheezing, crackles on auscultation
CXR shows diffuse hyperinflation with flattened diaphragm
Tx with O2, mist tent, bronchodilators, IVF, ribavarin if sxs severe
what about croup or acute laryngotracheitis
1-2 y old, fall/winter, paraflu/flu
start with a viral URI then 1-2 d later barking cough, hoarseness, insp stridor
Steeple sign on CXR
tx: racemic epi
what about epiglottitis
2-5 y, Hflu type B / Staph aureus
little/no prodrome
high fever, drooling, resp dist, no coughing
thumb sign on lateral neck XR
don't irritate the pt
tx: ceftriaxone and be ready to est airway
what about diphtheria and pertussis
Corynebacterium diphtheria: grayish pseudomembranes on pharynx/tonsils/uvula/myocarditis
Bordetella pertussis: severe paroxysmal coughing and high pitched whooping inspiratory noise
tx both with abx and antitoxin for diphtheria
common rabies animals
bats, skunks, racoons, foxes
what about rabies
incubation period 1-2 months, sxs: hydrophobia, CNS signs
1. cleanse with soap, don't close
2. observe/kill animal/tissue
3. prophylax with Ig and vaccine if animal has rabies, if wild animal escapes, or if unprovoked attack from dog/cat
4. do not give prophylaxis for bites by rodents
what does E faecalis cause
endocarditis, UTI, sepsis
what does Strep agalactiae cause?
GBS: neonatal meningitis/sepsis
Tx: amox, amp
what does strep pneumo cause
pna, otitis media, meningitis, sinusitis, sepsis
what about GAS
Strep pyogenes: pharyngitis: sore throat, fever, exudate, LAD, WBCs. Dx with rapid strep test, avoid treating without confirmation of diagnosis. ASLO and anti DNAse titers used retrospectively. Tx with PCN to avoid rh fever and scarlet fever
what about Rh fever
Jones criteria
and history of strep pharyngitis
Tx with ASA, steroids for severe carditis
what about scarlet fever
GAS pharyngitis untreate progresses to scarlet fever if erythrogenic toxin produced. red blanching flush in skin, circumoral pallor, truncal rash, strawberry tongue, late skin desquamation. Looks like kawasaki's
what about PSGN
most commonly after GAS skin infection, but can occur after pharyngitis. strep infection 1-3 wks prior, onset of hematuria, proteinuria, RBC casts, HTN, edema esp periorbital, high BUN and creatitine
Tx: supportive: control BP and use diuretics for severe edema
PSGN can't be prevented with treatment of GAS infections with abx
what about impetigo
usually staph more than strep
staph is furuncle or carbuncle is present
strep is PSGN is present
watch for sick contacts
treat with antistaph PCN like dicloxacillin
what about erysipelas
superficial cellulitis: red shiny swollen tender
what about cellulitis
deeper than erysipelas, strep most common
tx with antistaph PCN or vanco
suspect pseudomonas if diabetic ulcer, burns, trauma, tx with broad spec PCN plus AG
if Pasteurella multocida (dog or cat bite) then tx with IV Ampicillin
if Vibrio vulnificus (fisherman/saltwater exposure) then tx with Tetracycline
what about nec fas
look for necrosis, gangrene, crepitus, systemic toxicity
Tx: IVF, I&D, broad spec abx (broad spec PCN, ceph plus AG)
what about endometritis or puerperal fever
endometritis is postdelivery fever and uterine tenderness. Tx with amox or amp