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15 Cards in this Set

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CSF with elevated protein count, but normal WBC count
Guillain-Barre syndrome

(high prot, normal WBC = albuminocutyologic dissociation)
Xanthochromia seen in CSF

(yellowish appearance of CSF)
Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
Classic labs in Obstructive vs Restrictive Lung disease:
Obstructive: ⬆TLC, ⬇FEV1, ⬇ FVC, ⬇ FEV1/FVC

Restrictive: ⬇TLC, ⬇FEV1, ⬇ FVC, Normal or⬆ FEV1/FVC
Classic labs in DKA
⬆ Glucose (300-800)

⬆ K+ or can be normal (acidosis causes K+ to shift out of cells, but total body K+ is actually decreased)

⬇ Na+ (why--b/c high Glucose spills into the urine, taking water and solutes, like Na+ & K+, along with it in a process known as OSMOTIC DIURESIS)

⬇ Phosphate

High Anion gap metabolic acidosis

(+) Serum & Urine Ketones
Lab findings in Hemolytic anemia
⬇ serum haptoglobin
⬆ bilirubin
+ Crohn's dz
+ Allergic granulomatosis with polyangiitis (Churg-Strauss syndrome)
+/- PAN (sometimes)
+/- Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis
+ pauci-immune Crescentic Glomerulonephritis (RPGN)
-Granulomatosis with polyangiitis (Wegener's)
What are the abnormal values for a 2-hour glucose tolerance test
2-hour glucose tolerance test:

> 140 = Insulin resistance

>200 = Diabetes
Thyroid cancer than histopathologically demonstrates invasion of the capsule and blood vessels
Follicular thyroid cancer....this invasion of capsule and blood vessels is required for differentiating between follicular cancers and follicular adenomas

Follicular cancers have an early hematogenous spread to the lung, brain, and bone.
Hurthle cells
are seen in both papillary and follicular thyroid cancer, so can't be used to differentiate them
Bone scan with increased uptake in several spots in patient with hip pain for several months
Paget's disease of bone

labs will also show an increased alkaline phosphatase
Cutoff number for having proteinuria to qualify you for preeclampsia: _____/24 hr
≥ 300 milligrams / 24 hr for mild preeclampsia
(i.e. ≥ 0.3 grams / 24 hr)

for severe preeclampsia it's ≥ 5,000 milligrams / 24hr (5 grams)

so if 24 hour protein is 1 gram, thats equal to 1,000 milligrams, so she definitely has preeclampsia!!!!
A positive pronator drift test indicates:
Upper motor neuron lesion

UMN's cause a weakness in supination that results in the pronator muscles becoming dominant...so when they close their eyes and extend their arms with palm up, the affected arm will tend to pronate)
Abnormal Romberg (keeping balance with eyes closed) test indicates:
Impaired Propioception
Lab findings in AntiPhospholipid Antibody syndrome ("Lupus anticoagulant")
⬆ or normal PTT
⬆ or normal D-dimer

Normal Bleeding time, platelet count, and vWF

The longer PTT is just due to this IgG or IgM binding the phospholipids used in the laboratory assay--so strictly a lab artifact...

Makes the patient hypercoaguable...in its with Lupus and VTE, APA syndrome must be suspected.