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17 Cards in this Set

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Escherichia coli, Proteus Mirabilis and other bacteria species, CHAR: Dysuria, may lead to chronic cystitis, ascend or decrease in urinary tract.;;;;;BUD- TX VARIOUS ANBX- PREVENTION BY GOOD PERSONAL HYGIENE/ COMPLETE EMPTY OF BLADDER


E.coli and other bacterial species CHAR: dysuria, urgent, frequent urination low fever, back pain, can cause infertility;;;;; SPREAD OF uti INFECTIONBUD--TX: ANBX


E.coli and other bacterial species- sometimes yeast. CHAR: inflammation of pelvis kidney, Urinary tract blockage , dysuria , nocturia sometimes fever.;;;; SPREAD OF uti INFECTION

BUD--TX hard b/c Renal Failure allows drugs to accumulate to toxic levels


streptococcal or viral inf. from other sites. CHAR: deposition of immune complexes causes inflammation of glomeruli; can cause permanent kidney damage. ;;;;

BUD-- Tx; prompt tx needed - DX: usually result throat/other infect in which immune complexes deposit in glomeruli


Leptospira interrogans CHAR: FEVER, Nonspecific sx, lead to Weil's Synd with jaundice or liver disease;;;;
BUD-- TX: anbibiotics. Prevent by vaccinating pets -contaminated urine dx: microscopic exam of blood

Bacterial Vagnitis

Gardnerella vaginalis w/ anaerobes CHAR: Frothy, fishy-smelling discharge ; pn, and inflammation;;;;

BUD;;; - DX: Present of Clue cells; TX Metronidaxole to eradicate anaerobes and the restoration of NWL microflora

Toxic Shock Syndrome

Staphylococcus aureus: CHAR: toxin reach blood and cause fever, rash, shock that can lead to death.;;;;

BUD Prevention - avoiding tampons, treated Nafcillin


Trichomonas vaginalis:

CHARA: intense itching , copious white discharge- ;;;;


TX: Metronidazole- DX: smear test


Neisseria gonorrhoeae; Infectious organism release endotoxin that damages mucosa; pus-filled dischare; can cause PID and infect other system;;;; Bac. STD; TX- Ceftriaxone plus Azithromycia-DX: molecualar probe


Treponema pallidum: CHARA: Chancre develops in primary stage; mucous membrane lesions, 2nd stage rash. Permanent cardiovascular & neurological damage often in Tertiary Stage;;;.

BAC STD;; tx Benzathine PCN G -DX: immunological test


Haemophilus Ducreyi: CHAR: Pnful ;bleeding lesions on genital; often enlarged lymphatic buboes;;;;

BAC STD tx tetracycline or other anbx, IN developing country-if organism found on lesions

Nongonococcal urethritis

Chlamydia trachomatis and mycoplasma: CHAR: scanty, watery urethral discharge , inflam, sometimes sterility; can cause neonatal infection and fetal death;;;;

BAC STD TX: EES, Tetracycline or other anbx-CX

Lymphogranuloma venereum

Chalamydia Trachomatis:: CHARA:: genital lesion , fever , malaise, HA ,N&V, skin rash; lymph nodes become pus-filled buboes;;;

BAC STD tx cx- tetracycline or other anbx

Granuloma inguinal

Klesiella Granulomatis: CHAR:: Pnful ulcer on genitals and other sites ; loss of skin pigmentation as ulcer heal;;;;; BAC STD

tx wide anbx- test donovan bodies scraping of

Herpes Simplex Infection

Herpes Simplex viruses; CHAR:: fever blisters usually caused by HSV-1; genital herpes usally caused by HSV-2 (both are latent virus) Recurrent, PNFUL, Vesicular lesions, Neonatal herpes, and variety of manifestations;;;;; Viral STD tx: antiviral agents (acyclovir) no cure immunological test or culture vesicular fluids

Genital Warts

Human papillomaviruses: CHAR:: warts on genitals, vagina, cervical ; irritation ans sometimes intense itch- cause 99% of cervical carcinoma. ;;;;;; Viral STD

Cytomegalovirus Infections

Cytomegaloviruses/ herpes viruses

-5: CHARA:: aystmptomatic often But severe in fetuses, neonates, and immunodeficient patients; malaise, myalgia, fever inflamed lymph nodes, neural damage, and death in fetuses and neonates ;;;; Viral STD

no effective tx- Rapid DX: monoclonal antibody test