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54 Cards in this Set

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What is the definition of an STI?
infection or syndrome that is PRIMARILY transmitted by sexual intercource
What is primary prevention of STIs?
Preventing the infection from occurring

-encouraging abstinence or safe sex
-talking about risky behaviors
What is secondary prevention of STIs?
Timely dx and tx

-education about dx and tx
-Must also tx the partner
What is the most common BACTERIAL STI in the US?
What are the symptoms of chlamydia? for men?
Rarely symptomatic but may have

-mucopurulent discharge
-postcoital bleeding

-Men often have a drainage or painful testes
What group is affected the most by chlamydia?
Under 25 yrs old and MSM
When do SxS of chlamydia appear?
1-3 weeks after exposure
What is the first line tx for chlamydia?>
What are the common complications of chlamydia?
-Pelvic inflammatory disease PID
-fallopian tube infection
-chronic pelvic pain
-ectopic pregnancy
15% of all people with untreated chlamydia will get _____?
Pelvic inflammatory diease
Which 2 STIs are seen together most often?
Gonorrhea and Chlamydia
Who is most at risk for gonorrhea?
Young adults and african americans
What type of environment does gonorrhea prefer?
warm moist environment!
Other than the reproductive tract, where else can gonorrhea affect?
Throat, eyes, mouth, nose and anus
What are the symptoms of gonorrhea?
Rarely symptomatic but can have
-purulent discharge (green)
-painful swollen testicles
-Bartholin's abcess: pus pocket that is hard to treat
Do men need to ejaculate to transmit gonorrhea>
No, just need contact
What is the Tx for gonorrhea?
Ceftriaxone injection
What disease is a complication from un tx'd GC/CT?
Must have all 3!

1. Lower abdominal pain
2. bilateral adnexal tenderness
3. CERVICAL MOTION tenderness (knee jerk reaction when you move the cervix)
Other than untxd'd GC/CT, what else has been attributed to PID?
excessive douching which disrupts the normal flora
Who is most at risk for PID?
-Young age <25
-multiple partners
-high rate of new partners
-h/o STD's
-IUD use
What is the primary stage of syphilis?
10-90 days after infection and can last 3-6 weeks

-Chancre and inguinal lymphadenopathy
What is a chancre?
single, small painless sore
How many stages are there of syphilis?
What is syphilis known as and why
the great imitator

-because it SxS are similar to many different disease
What SxS occur in the second stage of syphilis?
-Palmar and plantar rash
-condyloma lata (rash) not itchy (red --> brown spots)
mucus membrane lesions
-general malaise, fever, headache
Syphilis allows for easier contraction of ____ because of the presence of the Chancre.
What effects are seen in the tertiary stage of syphilis?
-multiorgan system complications
What are the screening and Dx methods for syphilis?
-nontreponemal antibody tsts
-BDRL and RPR (screening only)
-Treponemal test FTA-ABS
(diagnostic) positive within 7 days of exposure
What is the Tx for syphilis?
What is the most common VIRAL STI?
HPV is the virus that causes _____ ______?
genital warts
Genital warts (ARE/ARE NOT) linked to cervical cancer?
are not!
What is the Tx for genital warts?
-they can be frozen off it they get uncomfortable
What change in 2010 was added to gardisil?
Men are now approved for the vaccine
What is the management for HPV?
-There is NO CURE
-Episodic therapy by topical podofilox
What are the comfort measures for HPV?
-Oatmeal bath
-cotton underwear
-loose fitting clothing
Which STI is associated with painful, recurrent ulcers?
Herpes Simplex Virus
What is the Tx for HSV?
Acyclovir, famcyclovir, valcyclovir

Comfort measures:
-Keep lesions dry
-cotton underwear
-loose fitting clothing
-oatmeal baths
What are the 3 routes of transmission for HIV?
Which group is most at risk for HIV? who is the 2nd?
1. MSM
2. High-risk heterosexual contact
Which female adults and adolescents are most at risk for HIV?
Those that engage in high risk sexual contact
When a woman is dx and HIV+, what happens immediately onsite?
COunseling and referral for appropriate case management behavioral, psychosocial, and medical implications
If an HIV+ woman uses proper antiretroviral Tx, what is the likelihood of transmitting the virus to the fetus?
less than 2%
What must an HIV+ mother refrain from postpartum?
breastfeeding (US only)
What are the SxS of Trichomoniasis?
may be asymptomatic or
-Yellow-green, FROTHY, malodorous dc
-inflammation of the vulva and vagina
-irritation and pruitis
-dysuria and dyspareunia
What does the cervix appear like with Trich?
Strawberry cervix
How do you Dx and Tx Trich?
Dx: Wet saline prep with trichomonads

Tx: with systemic metronidazole
What is the most common type of vaginitis?
Bacterial vaginitis
What are the major SxS of BV?
-difuse, milky, thin, white -->gray discharge that smells FISHY
How do you Dx and Tx BV? What is the most common cause of BV?
Dx: wet mount and look for clue cells

Tx: metronidazole

Cause: douching
What are the SxS of candidiasis?
A lot of itching, cottage cheese like drainage (thick and sticky)
vulva is red and swollen and has a musty odor
How do you treat a yeast infection?
topical antifungal or oral diflucan

-provide comfort measure and hygiene
In preparing the wet mount, what type of liquid solution is used for BV and yeast?
BV use saline solution

yeast use KOH