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20 Cards in this Set

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caused by bacteria sometimes called the "clap"

Males: some men have a burning, white, milky discharde from penis but many are asymptomatic
Females: most women are asymptomatic since the infection is of the cervix and not the vagina

epididymitis (inflammation of the epididymis) that may caue sterility

Females: salpingitis (inflammation of the fallopian tubes) which may result in sterility or ectopic (tubal) pregnancy

a test if given by obtaining a urine sample or an examination of cervical fluids. Antibiotics such as penicillin are given to treat the disease
"inflammation of the liver" and can be passed sexually and non-sexually

some cases are like the flu, urine darkens with abdominal pain, and juandice (skin and whites of eyes turn yellow)

two types:
infectious and viral
hepatitis A:
non-sexual contact; contaminated food or water; treatment includes a shot that can help if given before 10 days, wash hands!

hepatitis B:
sexual intercource, IV drug use, no treatment available besides plenty of rest

Although rare, hepatitis can cause serious illness, liver damage, and death. For pregnant females, increased chance of premature death.
pubic lice
tiny flea-like insects which infests pubic hair and does not have to be spread sexually- usually transmitted sexually, but can be spread from bed sheets, toilet seats or sharing cloths
pubic lice

itching caused by lice sucking blood, sometimes a rash and pin head blood spots on underwear
pubic lice

can buy a special shampoo from a pharmacy that gets rid of these parasites for only a few dollars, and you must be sure to wash your cloths and put cloths in he dryer to kill eggs
This viral infection is not a life threatening disease that can be controlled by medication. There are two types of herpes, Type 1 and Type 2. Type 1 is primarily transmitted through kissing and is located on the mouth. Type 2 is primarily transmitted sexually.

Painful blisters or soars which heal on their own within a few weeks but often come back. Some may feel some itching or pain before the soars are present, and some may have herpes and never have soars from it.

since herpes is a virus, there is no cure. Medication can suppress outbreaks, and stress can bring on more soars on the body. Hperpes can cause eye problems that can lead to blindness and newborns must be delivered Cesarean section to avoid possible death or brain damage from birth.
genital warts
The Human Papilloma virus is one of the fastest growing STD in US today. Warts look cauliflower like on afflicted areas and may block body openings. Not only do they look bad, but they can produce dangerous things for the host. Mothers can pass it on to children during child birth and children can get them in the throat. For women, if you test positive, you should be checked every year for cervical cancer. Spread only sexually
genital warts

topical agents you have to go to a doctor to do such as a weaker form of acid that burns them off, freezing them and then extracting them off or by the use of lasers.
most prevalent sexually transmitted bacteria in US today with 4 million cases per year

While many do not go for treatment, simple antibiotics like Tetracycline can be used to kill the bacteria.

a bacterium that produces inflammation of the reproductive organs

Males: painful urination and watery, clear discharge, but some are asymptomatic

Females: itching, burning, discharge, dull pelvic pain but most have no symptoms

Males: inflammation of the prostate and epididymis which may cause sterility

Females: inflammation of the fallopian tubes which may result in ectopic pregnancy or sterility, while in newborns can cause eye infections and pneumonia
transmitted sexually

treatment is penicillin, but many do not go for treatment b/c symptoms 'disappear'

3 stages:
1) 10-90 days after contact a chancre appears and goes away
2) 2-6 months after contact, feeling unwell with loss of hair and a rash that disappears
3) latent- after 2 years, damange to the CNS, insanity, blindness, and death may result