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48 Cards in this Set

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measures the strength of a certain type of relationship
a numerical method for trying to predict the value of one measurement variable from knowing the value of another one
Statistical relationship
differs from deterministic relationship
Deterministic relationship
if we know the value of one variable, we can determine the value of the other exactly
Statistically significant
To determine, we ask what the chances are that a relationship that strong or stronger would have been observed in the sample if there really were nothing going on in the population
Correlation of +1, -1, zero
+1: perfect linear relationship
-1: perfect linear relationship; as one increases, other decreases
Zero: no linear relationship or indicates that the best straight line through the data on a scatterplot is exactly horizontal
Positive correlation
indicates variables increase together
Negative correlation
one variable increases, the other decreases
Equation for line
y = a +bx
Out of 100%, there will be about ___ statistically significant relationships
Even minor relationships can achieve statistical significance if the ___ ____ is ____
sample size, large
The regression equation is the ___
line equation
Problems that can affect correlations
outliers, groups combined inappropriately
_% of all data points are corrupted
7 Reasons two variables could be related
1) explanatory variable is the direct cause of the response variable
2) The response variable is causing a change in the explanatory variable
3) The explanatory variable is a contributing but not sole cause of the response variable
4) Confounding variables may exist
5) Both variables may resulst from a common cause
6) Both variables are changing over time
7) The association may be nothing more than coincidence
Evidence of a possible causal connection exists when
1) There is a reasonable explanation of cause and effect
2) The connection happens under varying conditions
3) Potential confounding variables are ruled out
Percentage with the trait
(number with trait/total)x100%
Proportion with trait
number with trait/total
Probability of having trait
number with trait/total
Risk of having trait
number with trait/total
Odds of having the trait
numberwith trait/number without, to 1
Baseline risk
risk without treatment or behavior
Relative risk of an outcome for two categoris of an explanatory variable is
the ratio of the risks for each category
Increased risk
(change in risk/baseline risk) x 100%
Increased risk
(relative risk - 1) x 100%
To compute odds ratio
Compute odds of a, odds for b, then a/b
Common ways the media misrepresent stats about risk
Baseline risk is missing, time period of risk not identified, reported risk is not necessarily your risk
Simpson's Paradox
Relationship appears to go in one direction if third variable is not considered, and another direction if it is
Selection ratio
ratio of the proportion of success from one group compared to another
Statistically significant
If a relationship as strong as the one observed in the sample (or stronger) would be unlikely without a real relationship in the population
Basic steps for hypothesis testing
1) determine the null hypothesis and the alternative hypothesis
2) Collect the data and summarize them with a single number called a test statistic
3) Determine how unlikely the test statistic would be if the null hypothesis were true
4) Make a decision
Null hypothesis
there is no relationship between the two variables in the population
Alternative hypothesis
There is a relationship between the two variables in the population
Sacred rule
not acceptable to use the same data to determine and test hypotheses
Chi-square test
steps two to four of hypothesis testing
probability of observing a test statistic as extreme as the one observed or more so if the null hypothesis is really true. If p-value is .05, statistically significant
How to compute a chi-square statistic
Compute the extected counts, assuming null hypothesis is true. Compare the observed and excted counts. Compute the chi-square statistic.
If chi-squre statistic is at least 3.84, the p-value is .05 or less
Conclude that the relationship in the population is real. Relationship statistically significant, reject null hypothesis (no relationship in population), accept alternative hypothesis (there is a relationship).
If chi-square statistic is less than 3.84, the p-value more than .05
Isn't enough evidence to conclude that the relationship in the population is real. Relationship not statistically significant, do not reject null hypothesis (no relationship in population), relationship in sample could have occured by chance
Expected count =
(row total)(column total)/(table total)
Statistically significant doesn't always mean
the two variables have a relationship
Relative-frequency interpretation
Simply the relative frequency, over the long run, with which the coin lands heads up
the proportion of time it occurs over the long run
Determining probability of an outcome, two methods
1) make an assumption about the physical world (know how coins are made)
2) observe relative frequenct over many, many repetitions of the situtions (flip the coin)
Personal probability
the degree to which a given individual beliefs the event will happen
Probability rules
1) If there are only two possible outcomes in an uncertain situation, then their probabilites must add to 1
2) If two outcomes cannot happen simultaneously, they are said to be mutually exclusive; the probability of one or the other of two mutually exclusive outcomes happening is the sum of their individual probabilities
3) If two events don't influence each other (independent), then the probability that they both happen is foud by multiplying their individual probabilities
4) If probability b is a subset of probability a, then b can't be higher than a's probability
Expected value
represents average value of any measurement over the long run, expected
Computing expected value
multiply possible mounts with their associated probabilities, then add them all together