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43 Cards in this Set

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_________________ research is conduted to obtain a holistic description of the quality of relationshiops, actions, situations, or other phenomena. __________ research is conducted to obtain numerical data on variables.
Whenever observation is to be used to identify or meausre a behavior, an dimportant decision is how to record or mearue that behavior. ONe method is to obtain a narrativ record of the behavior as it actually occurs, with the record taking the form of detailed written descriptoin or an audio and/or visual recording. _____________, which involves organizing the data into categories, can then be used to summarize and interpret the informaiton containd in the narrative record. ___________ can be viewed as a type of content anaylsis. It is used by psychologists interested in the cognitive processes that underlie problem-solving and other complex tasks and involves aasking a subject to "think aloud" while solving a problem.
content analysis
protocol analysis
When using this method of sampling, every member of the population has an equal chance of being included in the sample, and the selction of one member from the pouulation has no effecton the selection of another member. It reduces the probablilkyt that a sample will be biased in some way, especially when the sample size is large.
simple random sampling
When the population of interest varis in terms of specific characteristics that are relevant to the research hypothesis, an invesntigator can use this sampoling to ensure that each characteristic is represented in teh sample. Theis invovles dividing the poulaiton into the approriate characteristic and readnomly selecting subject from each one. Typical characteristics indlude gender, age, educaiton level, SES, and racial, ethnic, or cultural background.
stratified random sampling
This sampling method entails selecting units of individuals rather than idnviiduals and either indcluding all individuals in those units in the reaserach study or randomly selecting indivduals from each unit. It is useful when it is not possible to identify or obtain access to the entire ouluation of interest.
cluster sampling
_____________ variable is a source of ____________ error. It is a variable that is irrelevant to the purpose of the study but confounds its results becasue it has a effect that corrleates with the dependent variable.
extaneous (condounding)
Randomization, holding ________ variable constant, mathinc gsubject on the __________ variable, building the ______ variable into the study, and statisitical contorl of the _________ variable are all methods to control the effects of _____________
A study has _________ validity when it allows an investigator to determine if there is a causal relationsihp between independent and dependent variables.
"Can the relationshiop between the IV and DV be generalized to population?" This question refers to what type of validity?
Maturation, history, testing, and intsrumentation, statistical regression, selection, attrition, interactions with selection are all thrests to what type of validity?
_________ validity refers to the genralizaability to other settings.
Interaction between testing and treatement, interaction between selection and treatment, reactivity, multiple treatment interference (order effects, carryover effects) are all threats to what type of validity?
__________ is when subjects resopnd to the IV becasue they know they are being observed. The behavior of reserach participants can also be altered by __________, or cuse in the experimental settings that inform subjects of the purpose of the study or suggest what behaviors are expected of them.
demand characterisitcs
Whenevera a study includes two or more independent variables, it is called a ______________________. The major advantage of this is that it provides more thorough information about the relationships among variables by alowing an investigator to analyze the main effects of each indpendent variabel as well as the interaction between indipendent vairbles.
factorial design
A ________ effect is the ffect of one indpendent variable onteh dependent varialbe, disregrding the effects of all other indpendent variables, while an __________ effect refers to the effects of two or more indpendent variables considered together.
____________________ is used when the effects of different levels of an independent variable are assessed by administering each level to a differrent group of subjects and then comparing the status or performance of the groups on the dependent variable.
between group design
When using ________ all levels of the indpendent variable are administered sequentially to all subjects.
within-subjects design
A disadvantage of time-series and other within-subjects designs is that the analysis of the data can be confounded by ______________. IN other words subjects' performane on post-tests is likley to corrleate with their performance on the pretests. It can inflate the value of the inferential statitic, thereby resulting in an increased probablity of a type I error.
The _______________ designs were derived primarily from the work of behavioral psychologists especially those engaged in applied behavioral analysis, which combines behavioral principles with the techniques of experimental psychology to solve socially-relevant problems. Rat study at UWM
single subject design
The simplest single-subject design is the _______ design., which includes a singel baseline phase and a singel treatment phase.
AB design
A psychologist tests an ADHD child's response to self-instruction training and observes attention span in three different setting before the administration then again in all three settings after. What type of reserach design is this?
Single subject multiple baselin design
Continuous vs. Discrete variable
Continuous can take on an infinte number of values on measurment scale, while discret can't.
A ________ scale of maeasurement divides varialbes into unordered categories. Male and Female
An ________ scle is more mathematically complex than a nominal scale. It not only divides observations into categories but also provides information on the order of those categories. When using this scale, it is possible to say that one person has more or less of the characterisitc being measured than another person. A likert scale
A ____ scale has the property of order as well as the property of equal intervals between successive points on the measurement scale. Scores on standardized IQ tests are examples, as a reslt, we can say that difference between 90 to 100 is equal to 90 and 95.
The ______ scale is the most mathematically complex of the four measurement scales. It has the properties of order and equal intervals as well as the property of an absolute zero point. Examples include calories, number of correct items on a test, and reaction time in seconds.
IN a ____________ distribution more than half of the obeservations fall on one side of the distribution and a relatively few observations fall in the tail on the other side of the distribution. They can be positive or negative.
Measures of central tendency include the ______ which is the score that occurs most frequently in a set of data, the ________ is the middle number of an odd set of numbers and the number that falls in between the two middle numbers in a positive set of numbers, the _____ is the avearge.
Measures of variability include the _______ is subtracting the lowests score witht he highest, the ______ is a more thorough measure of variablity and its calculation includes all the scores in the distribution, it is also called mean square - it provides a measure of the average amount of variablity in a distribution by indicating the degree to which the scores are disperesed around the distribution's mean, and the __________ is most often used as a meausre of variablity. It is calulated by taking the square root of the vairance, which converts it to the same unit of measurement as the original scores.
standard deviation
The larger the the standard deviation, the greater the dispersion of scores around the distribution's _____.
When the distribution is normal __% of the scores fall between the scores that are plus and minus one stardard deviation from the mean; _____% between plus or minus two standard deveiations away from the mean; ___% 3 stardard deviations away from the mean.
The ________________ makes the following predictions:
- regardless of the shape of the distribution of individual scores in teh population, as the sample size increses, the samipling distribution of the mean approches a normal distritubtion.
- The mean of the sampling distrubion of the mean is equal ot the population mean.
- The standard deviation of the sampling distribution of the mean is equal to the population standard deviation deivided by the square root of the sample size.
central limit theorem
THe standard deviation of a sampling distribution of teh mean is known as the __________ of the mean. It provides an estimate of teh extent to which the mean of any one sample randomly drawn from a population can be expected to vary from the population mean as teh result of sampling error.
standard error of teh mean.
With a standard deviation of 10 and a sample size of 25, what is the standard error?
N in bracket squared thingy

Scores falling in the retention vs rejection region.
The size of the rejection region is defined by _____
rejection region - lies in one or both tails of the sampling not due to error.
rejection - central may be due to error
ALPHA .05 OR .01
Type I vs. Type II error
Type one error is when you reject a true null hypothesis and Type II error is when you retain a false null hypothesis.
Parametric tests vs. nonparametric tests
parametic are for interval and ratio and non are for nominal and ordinal
The _____ test is used to copare only two means at a time and that the choice of this test depends on how the two means were obtained.
The _________ is used to compare two or more means. An advanteage of this is that it simultaneaously makes all comparisons of group means while holding the probabiliy of making a type I error at the level of signficance set by the investigator.
Construct Validity
most important kind. If a measure has contruct validity it measures what it purports to measure. Establising construct validity is a long and complext process.
Criterion validity
Criterion validity consists of concurrent and predictive validity.
Concurrent validity: "uDoes the measure relate to other manifestations of the construct the device is supposed to be measuring?"
Predictive validity: "uDoes the test predict an individual’s performance in specific abilities?"
convergent validity
It is important to know whether this tests returns similar results to other tests which purport to measure the same or related constructs.

Does the measure match with an external 'criterion', e.g. behaviour or another, well-established, test? Does it measure it concurrently and can it predict this “behaviour”?

Observations of dominant behaviour (criterion) can be compared with self-report dominance scores (measure)
Trained interviewer ratings (criterion) can be compared with self-report dominance scores (measure)
Discriminant validity
Important to show that a measure doesn't measure what it isn't meant to measure - i.e. it discriminates.

For example, discriminant validity would be evidenced by a low correlation between between a quantitative reasoning test and scores on a reading comprehension test, since reading ability is an irrelevant variable in a test designed to measure quantitative reasoning.