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44 Cards in this Set

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T or F - The constitutional mandate for the "State of the Union" address is found in Article 2, Section 3
T or F - The state of the union address is delivered only to members of the House of Representatives
T or F - President John Adams delivered the 1st State of the Union, then called "the Annual Message"
T or F - The first "Annual Message" broadcast on radio was by President Herbert Hoover
T or F - The first televised address occured in 1947 during the Truman administration
The State of the Union address, when delivered before Congress, is delivered in the larger chamber of the Capitol.....the House chamber
T or F - Recognized invited guests are seated in the lower rows of the gallery, now affectionately referred to as "Sputnik row"
T or F - Since the 1980s a member of the cabinet has been kept away from the ceremony to protect the line of Presidential succession in the event of a catastrophe
T or F - The two official seated behind the President during the speech are Senate and House majority leaders
T or f - Also present at state of the union address are top military officers of each branch of the Armed Forces and are known as the "joint Chiefs of staff"
T or f - In the state of the union address the President discusses the condition of the country and introduces his legislative agenda for the coming year
T or f - According to Pres. Bush , the state of the union "...is confident and strong"
T or F - Certain provisions of the Patriot Act are set to expire next year and the President asks Congress to renew the Patriot Act
T or F - The pres. cites the countries of Great Britain, Australia, and Poland as those providing combat forces to help end the rule of Saddam Hussein
T or F - During the address the pres. welcomed the current pres. of the Iraqi Governin Council, Moammar Gadhafi
T or F - In the address Bush said America was insisting that North Korea eliminate its nuclear program, but Iran would be permitted to develop nuclear weapons, for its defense and national security only
T or F - The pres. is proposing cutting in half the budget for the National Endowment for democracy because of the additional money needed for Iraq
T or F - In the area of education the pres. proposes a series of measures called Jobs for the 21st Century, larger Pell grants for some students, and an increase in support for community colleges to train workers
T or F - The pres. told Congress that the tax reductions passed by themw ere sufficient and should not be made permanent
T or f - The pres. suggests letting younger workers save part of their social security taxes in personal retirement accounts
T or f - In the address reform of our immigration laws is suggested by proposing a new temporary worker program
T or F - Under health care the pres. urged Congress to eliminate wateful and frivolous lawsuits
T or F - Also the pres. proposes that absolutely no money be appropriated for schools to do drug testing
T or f - In the speech the Pres. suggests that to defend the sanctity of marriage the only alternatve may be the constitutional process
T or F - Bush proposes a 4 year 300 million dollar Prisoner Re-entry initiative to help newly released prisoners
House Minority Leader
Nancy Pelosi
Senate Minority Leader
Tom Daschle
House majority leader
Tom Delay
Senate Majority Leader
Bill Frist
speaker of the House
Dennis Hastert
In the presidential process "Super tuesday" is the first Tuesday of
Head of National Security Council
Condoleeza Rice
Head of the Education Department
Rod Paige
Attorney General
John Ashcroft
Head of Defense Department
Donald Rumsfeld
"Joint Chiefs"
Richard Myers
The pres. recently appeared on this Sunday morning news' interview program
NBC - meet the press
Pres. Bush has appointed an independent commission to conduct a wide-ranging review of U.S. intelligence operations. The two leaders of this commission will be these two former public officials.
Robb and Silberman
This former Chief U.S. Arms Inspector recently created controversy when discussing intelligence reports on Iraq
Davis Kay
This state's highest court declared that gays were entitled to marriage
These two democratic candidates claim they can win the Presidency bc they are from southern states
Edward and Clark
Former candidate Rep. richard Gephardt of Missouri has now formallly endorsed
The president's proposed budget for fiscal year 2005 would cost
2.4 trillion
Senate office buildings were closed briefly to try and find the source of "ricin" found in the mailroom of this Senator