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60 Cards in this Set

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The technical term for the facial artery is the _____ artery.

External maxillary

Products used to physically remove dead cell buildup are called _________.

Mechanical exfoliants

Which gland effects almost every physiologic process of the body?

Pituitary gland

The manual or mechanical manipulation of the body by rubbing, gently pinching, kneading, topping, and other movements is called ___________.


The median nerve is a sensory-motor nerve that, with its branches, supplies the __________.

Arm and hand

The layer directly beneath the epidermis is the __________.

Papillary layer

Prior to any service, analyze the clients hair and scalp and check for which of the following conditions?

Thinning of the hair

Which type of tissue gives smoothness and contour to the body, contains fats for use as energy, and also acts as a protective cushion for the skin?

Subcutaneous tissue

Which type of salon is most likely to offer extras such as five minute head, neck, and shoulder massages as part of the shampoo?

High-end salon

An oxidizing agent is a substance that releases _________.


Excessive oiliness is caused by ________.

Overactive sebaceous glands

Water-in-oil emulsions feel __________ than oil-in-water emulsions.


Vapor is _________ that has evaporated into a gas-like state.

A liquid

A piece of fabric cut to completely cover a crack or break in the nail is a ________.

Repair patch

The ________ cranial nerve is the chief motor nerve of the face.


Which of the following is used after a scalp treatment and before styling to remove oil accumulation from the scalp?

Scalp astringent lotion

A pure substance is a chemical combination of matter in _________ proportions.


The ability to understand people is __________ to operating effectively in many industries.

The key

Bacteria that grow in pairs and can cause pneumonia Are _________


A conditioner is a special chemical agent applied to the hair to deposit protein or moisturizer to help restore the hairs strength, ___________, give hair body, and to protect hair against possible breakage.

Infuse moisture

The endocrine glands, also known as ________ glands, release hormonal secretions directly into the bloodstream.


Gel adhesives are sometimes referred to as _________.


There are many names for glossing gels, but they do not include which of the following?

Layer gel

In the maintenance service, _____________________________.

The apex of the nail is filed away

To avoid damaging nail wraps when removing existing polish, use a(n) ______________.

Non-acetone remover

The opening of a follicle is called the _____________.


Which of these terms refers to a lack of lipids?


Lotions that help rebalance the PH and remove remnants of cleanser from the skin are called _________.


A(n) __________ is an applicator for directing the electric current from a machine to the clients skin.


Which types of nail primers are most often used today?

Acid-free and Non acid primers

Which product removes surface moisture and tiny amounts of oil left on the natural nail plate?

Nail dehydrator

The amount of colored pigment concentration in a gel is called _________.


What correctly identifies the layers of skin and fat from the outermost layer to the innermost layer?

Epidermis, dermis, subcutaneous

As cells die they are pushed to the surface to replace dead cells that are shed from the __________.

Stratum corneum

Which nerve fibers are distributed to the arrector pili motormuscles attached to the hair follicles?

Motor nerve fibers

An absolute requirement for laser hair removal is that the hair being removed must be __________.

Darker than the surrounding skin

The tool used, particular to remove unwanted hair @ the nape of the neck is ________.

An electric clipper

The natural arch of the eyebrow follows the ________.

Orbital bone

The recommended time between waxing is generally __________.

4-6 weeks

If redness or swelling occurs after a waxing treatment, calm and soothe the skin with the application of __________ and cool compresses.

Aloe gel

Coating compounds such as hair sprays, styling agents, and some conditioners can interfere with ___________.

Color penetration

A daily shampoo and blow dry, an occasional permanent wave, or a few days in the pool can cause the artificial pigment in red hair to_________.

Oxidize and fade

A ___________ consistency provides the best control during the application of lightener as part of a double-process hair coloring service.


Threading, also known as ________, is a temporary hair removal whereby cotton thread is twisted and rolled along the surface of the skin, entwining the hair in the thread and lifting it from the follicle.


An advantage of sugaring is that it can be used to remove hair as short as _________ long.

1/8 inch

When heated wax is ready to be applied to the skin it should be warm but not hot and ______.

Drop smoothly off the spatula

During a body waxing using soft wax, if wax strings and lands on the client in an area you do not wish to treat, you should remove it with _________.

A lotion designed to dissolve and remove wax

An epilator removes the hair from________.

The bottom of the follicle

What method of hair removal uses intense light to destroy the growth cells of the hair follicles?


What method of hair removal required the removal of all the hair from the front and back of the bikini area?

Brazilian bikini waxing

The practice of overlapping two strands to form a candy cane effect is known as ___________.


When performing a braiding service, which essential tool is used for creating shapes and finished looks, and for trimming bangs and excess extension material?

Five-inch scissors

When you use a comb with teeth spaced closely together, it __________.

Removes definition from the curl

In Ancient Rome, hair color was used by women to indicate__________.

Class is society

The popliteal artery supplies blood to the foot and divides into two separate arteries known as the __________.

Anterior tibial and posterior tibial arteries

The median nerve is a sensory motor nerve that, with its branches, supplies the __________.

Arm and hand

The deep perineal nerve extends down _______ behind the muscle.

Front of the leg

Always make consistent and ___________ partings, which will give an even amount of hair to even subsection and produce more precise results.


The simplest form of nervous activity that includes a sensory and motor nerve is called a ________.


What tool for cutting should generally be avoided when cutting curly hair?
