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45 Cards in this Set

  • Front
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Population Mean
Describing sampling distribution
Center, Spread, Shape, Unusual features
Two Assumptions
Is it simple random sampling?
Is the population normal? or is the sample size large enough to meet the clt?
Standard Distribution Summary answer
X1-X2 ~ N (Center, Spread)
When asking for probability
Use Z-Score Transformation
Answer to unusual features...
none or explain
If simple random sample is not said...
the assumptions are not met
statement about population based on data collected in sample
Population notations use....
Greek letters are used for...
Sample notations use..
Alphabet letters are used for...
population mean
population standard deviation
proportion of population
sample mean
standard deviation of sample
proportion of sample
When you know the population standard deviation and population mean for a population
Use Z score when...
When the population standard deviation and population mean are unknown
use T score when...
When a point is over or under the Y axis
influential observation
When a point is left or right of X axis
lurking variable
variable that is not accounted for
lowercase n stands for
# in a sample
uppercase N stands for
# in a population
one side of distribution is longer than other in a graph
two significant peaks in graph
three significant peaks in graph
middle quartile
mean in a quartile
lower quartile Q1
smaller than 75% of graph
upper quartile Q3
larger than 75% of graph
How to get interquartile range
Stat -> calc -> 1 -> enter -> scroll down
The standard deviation of standard normal distribution is always
This always equals one
When describing a distribution
1. Center (ex. X1 to X2, median )
2. Spread (ex. range, quartiles, or SD)
3. Shape (normal, bimodal, skewed)
4. Unusual Features (outliers)
Describing relationship between variables
1. Positive or weak correlation (direction)
2. Linear or non-linear (form)
3. Strength (weak= lots of scatter_
Y=mx+b stands for
Y= intercept + slope(X)
The intercept is...
the predicted value of Y when x=0
The slope is..
the amount that Y changes when X is increased by 1
When X haas a normal distribution with mean and standard deviation
X ~N ( μ, σ )
A standard normal distribution is denoted by __
The mean is denoted by __ & equals __
The standard deviation ___ & equals ___
Z~N (0, 1)
The probability that Z is equal to a value is...
The probability that __ is equal to a value is 0
When looking for a probability in a greater than problem
Look up the less than probability in table and subtract from 1
Null hypothesis
Ho: μ = #
Alternative Hypothesis
Ha: μ is > or < than 3
Formula for point estimate
X1-X2 or μ1- μ2
The difference between population means
The five number summary includes
Minimum, Q1, Median, Q3, Maximum are part of the...
Notation for level of significance
α (fish)