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94 Cards in this Set

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What are the Standard apps?
Sales, Call Center, Marketing, Community, Site.com
What do you use object relationships for?
To associate an object with other objects in Salesforce
How can you define defferent types of relationships?
By creating custom relationship fields on an object
How do the different object relationships differ?
With how they handle data deletion, sharing, and required fields in page layout
What are the different object relationship types?
Master-detail, Lookup, Heirarchical, Many-to-Many
How does a Master-detail relationship work?
Closely links objects together such that the master record controls certain behaviors of the detail and subdetail report
What is an example of a Master-detail relationship?
(Master object) - (Detail) - (Subdetail) / (Account) - (Expense-report) - (Expense Line Item)
T or F. When a master record is deleted, the realted detail and subdetail records are also deleted.
T or F. By default, child records can be reparented in a Master-detail relationship.
FALSE - not by default
In a Master-detail relationship, how can a child record be reparented to a different parent record?
By selecting the 'Allow reparenting' option in the Master-detail relationship definition
In a Master-detail relationship, what is the owner field on a detail or subdetail record automatically set to?
The owner of the master record
T or F. In a Master-detail relationship, you can update/edit the owner field from a detail or subdetail record.
FALSE - must be updated from the master record
In a Master-detail relationship, what can custom objects on the "detail" record not have?
Sharing rules, manual sharing, and queues
Why can't custom objects on the "detail" side of a Master-detail relationship have sharing rules, manual sharing or queues?
These require the owner field, which derives from the master record.
T or F. In a Master-detail relationship, the security settings for the detail and subdetail records control the master record.
FALSE - Vice versa
In a Master-detail relationship, what field is required on the page layout of the detail and subdetail records?
The master-detail relationship field
T or F. In a Master-detail relationship, a master object can be a standard or custom object.
In a Master-detail relationship, how many child records is it recommended to not exceed?
T or F. A Master-detail relationship on an object can only be created before the object contans record data.
What is a Lookup relationship?
Simple relationship between 2 objects. Links two objects together.
Lookup relationships are similar to Master-detail realtionships, except for what?
Do not support sharing or roll-up summary fields
Give an example of a Lookup relationship.
(Primary Object) - (Related Record) / (Job Application) - (Position Record)
What can you do with a Lookup relationship?
Link two different objects together.
T or F. You can link an object with itself using a Lookup relationship.
What is the one object you cannot link with iteself using a Lookup relationship, and why?
User Object (Heirarchical) - unique standard object
When do you have the option to include a Lookup field on the page layouts for an object, as well as create a realted list on a related objects page layout?
When you define a Lookup relationship
When can't you delete an object or record in a lookup relationship?
If the combined number of records between the two linked objects is more than 100,000
In a Lookup relationship, how many records between two linked objects stop you from being able to delete them?
What must you first do before deleting an object or record in a Lookup relationship?
Delete an appropriate number of its child records
What is a Hierarchical relationship?
A special Lookup relationship available only for the user object
What object is a Hierarchical relationship used for?
User object
What type of relationship is used primarily with the user object?
What is a Hierarchical relationship used for?
To associate one user with another that does not directly or indirectly refer to itself
What is an example of a Hierarchical relationship?
(Direct Manager) - (Analyst)
What is a Many-to-Many relationship?
Links each record of one object to multiple records from another object and vice versa
What is a junction object?
A custom object with two Master-detail relationships with a sole purpose of relating the two master objects,
What is the purpose of a junction object?
Simply relating two master objects.
In a Many-to-Many relationship, a parent record cannot be deleted if how many junction objects records are associated with it?
More than 200
When one of the two master records have been deleted, what does a junction object's Roll-up Summary field roll up to?
The other master/parent record
What are the steps to create a Many-to-Many relationship?
1. Create the junction object2. Create the two Master-detail relationships3. Customize related lists on page layouts of master objects4. Customize reports to increase effectiveness of the Many-to-Many relationships
What is the first step to create a Many-to-Many relationship?
Create the junction object?
What is true in a 2 Master-detail relationship?
2nd Master-detail relationship has no effect on the look and feel of the junction object, but sharing is done through the master object
Where would you navigate to add a custom field for a standard object?
Setup > Customize > (ObjectName) > Fields
Where would you navigate to add a custom field for a custom task and event field?
Setup > Customize > Activities > Activity Custom Fields
Where would you navigate to add a custom field for a custom object?
Setup > Create > Objects > (CustomObjectName)
Where would you navigate to add a custom field for custom settings?
Setup > Develop > Custom Settings > (NameOfSetting)
What can you add a custom field to?
Standard objects, custom tasks and fields, custom objects, and custom settings
What can you use custom settings for?
To create and manage custom data at the organication, profile, and user levels
Where is custom settings data stored?
In the Appliation cache
What can use custom settings?
Formula fields, Visualforce, Apex, and the Force.com Web Services API
T or F. Relationship fields do not count towards custom field limits.
When might field types not listed in custom field types appear?
If our organization installed a package from the AppExchange that uses those custom field types
T or F. The Roll-Up Summary option is available on all objects.
FALSE - only available on certain objects
T or F. The Field Name is automatically populated based on the Field Label you enter.
What are the naming requirements for a Field Name?
- Can only contain underscores and alphanumeric characters- Must be unique in your organization- Must begin with a letter- Cannot include spaces- Cannot end with an underscore- Cannot contain two consecutive underscores
If a standard field and custom field have matching name or labels, what does the merge field display?
The value of the custom field
In what Salesforce editions can you specify a custom fields access setting per profile when creating a custom field?
Enterprise, Unlimited and Developer Editions
When you create a custom field, by default the field isn't visible or editable for portal profiles, unless why?
The field is universally required
Where is a custom field added on a oage layout? (default location)
Last field in the first two-column section
Where is a long text area field added on a page layout?
The end of the first one-column section
How do you change the label of a custom related list? (as it will appear on the page layout)
Edit the Related List Label
What does checking ' Append related list to users existing personal customizations' do?
Adds the new related list(s) to page layouts that users have customized.
In what Editions are page layouts available?
Enterprise, Unlimited and Developer Editions
What is the permission needed to create page layouts?
"Customize Application"
Where would you navigate to create a new page layout?
Setup > Customize > (ObjectName) > Page Layouts
Where would you navigate to create/edit page layouts for products on opportunities?
Setup > Customize > Opportunities > Opportunity Products > Page Layouts
Where would you navigate to create/edit page layotus for campaign members?
Setup > Customize > Campaigns > Campaign Members > Page Layouts
What are record types?
Specified categories of records that display different picklist values and page layouts
T or F. You can associate record types with profiles, to specify the picklist values and page layouts.
Why would you associate record types with profiles?
So you can specify the picklist values and page layouts
T or F. You cannot delete a custom field that is referenced elsewhere.
What happens when you delete a custom field?
All of the field history data is deleted and changes are no longer tracked
A background process periodically runs that removes metadata from deleted custom fields. What fields will this affect on page layouts, record types, and custom objects?
Last Modified Date and Last Modified By fields
How long is delete custom fields and their data stored?
Until your organization permanentally deletes them or 45 days has elapsed, whichever happens first.
T or F. UNtil a deleted custom field and its data is permanently deleted, it counts against the max number of custom fields.
What do cross-object formulas do?
Spans to related objects and references merged fields on those objects
T or F. Formula field updates, also update last modified date fields.
FALSE - they are read-only on record detail pages
T or F. Default value formulas for a type of record can only reference fields for that type of record.
T or F. Formula fields that a user can see may reference fields that are hidden or read-only using field level security.
What s the formula charcter limit?
Can contain up to 3,900 characters, including spaces, return characters, and comments

What can you do if you reach the character limit in an unfinished formula?

Create seperate formula fields and reference in another formula field
What is the formula size limit?
4,000 bytes (4MB)
What is the formula compiled size limit?
5,000 bytes (5MB)

What fields can you not use with formulas?

Long text area, encrypted, and Description fields

T or F. Fields refenced in formulas cannot be deleted.

What type of formulas cannot reference Campaign Statistic fields?
Field updates, Approval Processes, Workflow rules, and Validation rules

What type of formula can reference Campaign Statistic fields?

Custom formula fields
T or F. Date and times are always calculated using the user's timezone?
The output of your formula must be less than?
19 digits
What is a Cross Object formula?
A formula that spans two or more objects by referencing merge fields from related records

What is the maximum uniqie relationships per object Salesforce allows in cross-object formulas?


T or F. You can reference cross-object formulas in Roll-Up Summary fields.


When referencing a record type ina formula, what should be used instead of RecordType.Name?

Why is it suggested to use RecordType.Id instead of RecordType.Name when referencing a record type in a formula?
If the record type name changes, your formula will break. Record type ID never changes