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48 Cards in this Set

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when dealing with patient precaution iso physo motors

therapeutic communications

patient with mask asks for drawing lips or smiley faces on mask

don't do it

common response to infection

redness , fever , pain,

what prevents the spread of microorganisms

hand washing

Diagnostic , pathogen test ?

gram stain

when dealing with a patient that is being entered to a health care facility for his/her first time

orient the patient to their new place and begin nurse assessment

How are dust particles transmitted ?

air borne

compound chains of infections

causative agent- microorganism

Reservoir- source , a host

Portal Of Exit - path for microorganism to escape

Mode Of Transportation- vehicle to carry microorganism

Portal of Entry - path for micr. to get into a new host

susceptible Host- someone susceptible to micro.

infectious agent

virus , bacteria

sterilization definition

removal of all microorganisms and other pathogens from an object or surface by treating it with chemicals or high heat or radiation

what dressing goes into sterile dressing change

gauze, telfa pads, abdominal pads

patient with a wound what kind of diet should they be on

protein diet

how to perform a warm hot compressed pathogen physiology

decrease blood flow

patient with a raging UTI order Culture / sensitivity

check Urine specimen not anti biotic

Function of the Jackson pratt drainage

closed suction medical device used after surgery to collect bodily fluids , prevents fluid or blood build up in a closed space

how to assesse circulation with a patient with bandage


why are patients put into mental health units

behavior and phyc.

dressing on large abdominal area

Montgomery strap

How to assesse for pressure sores stages

stage 1 redness

, 2 thickness skin loss

, 3 full thickness

4 destruction

sit bath purpose

warm shallow that used to clean the perineum area

what is the technique for wet to dry dressing


what are risk factors in pressure uclers

hydration and nutrition mobility

what are the different types of drainage

penrose -

closed drain system-

symptoms for local infection and systemic infection

systemic infection in which the pathogens are disturbed thought-out the body rather than concentrated in one area

if patients intestines hanging out of body

evisceration , cover sterile saline bend legs , call for help stay with patient , use therapeutic communication

what is a laceration

a deep cut or tear in skin or flesh

what is a evation


what is aboration

rubbing off of skin

what is a puncture

to make a hole

when giving education to students on pressure ulcer safety

rotate , identify the risks

when doing lab value what increases during an infection

WBC's .. white blood cells

emergency disaster percasutions

emergent client vs urgent , ABC's

best potitsion insistuaion for a patient with a wound drainage


why is a wet to dry dressing performed

used for infectious wounds

who is supervised facility


the purpose of an elastic bandage

creates localized pressure

immediate steps in dealing with a patient with extermedys bandage and body part changes colors what do you do

look for circulation

patient with bandage assesse

skin break down and circulation due to cut or blood could be inchy

appropriate technique bandage to extremity

over lap each layers, check CMST

Type of bandage pressure to legs


bandage for sprain ankle

binder "micro pore"

how to bring circulation back to heart with patient with elastic bandage on lower extermidiys

add pressure on muscles

purpose of Montgomery strap

used for abdominal incisions, method of securing a bandage without having to change the dressing often

how to prevent pressure ulcers

rotate body position, mobility

redness on are doesn't blanch or go back to color

talk to the physician

role occupation therpy department


intervention on a shock patient


pressure ulcer in sacrum area what position should they be put in
