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76 Cards in this Set

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An excellent early predictor of RA. This lasts a few minutes to an hour or more each morning. Must last at least 6 months duration in order to be diagnostic:
Early a.m. joint stiffness
This is a warning sign that someone with SLE may be about to get an exacerbation:
Temperature elevation; fever
Where does the fat of a fat embolism come from after a patient has a total knee or total hip replacement?
Bone marrow
Why does a patient post-myelography get the worst headache of their life? What is best to help with this?
Because the hole where the LP was done leaks CSF and decreases the circulating amount. Keeping well-hydrated is best to treat.
This, in the morning, can help RA sufferers move more and get out of bed with more motivation:
A hot shower
A chronic connective tissue disorder characterized by inflammation, fibrosis, and sclerosis of the skin & vital organs:
A complication of total knee and hip replacements and hip fractures; can be life threatening:
DVT, fat embolism
These two surgical treatments for osteoarthritis are commonly performed when OA begins to affect ability to perform ADLs and walking:
Total knee and hip replacements
How should NSAIDs be taken to avoid GI upset?
With food
"Bamboo" spine is seen in this connective tissue problem:
Ankylosing spondylitis
Initially post-op from a knee replacement, how should the patient's leg be positioned?
Symmetrical joint swelling is diagnostic of RA if these many joints are involved for this length of time:
3 more more joints, for at least 6 months
How would a physician be able to determine whether or not a bone tumor originated in the bone or if it spread from another organ to bone?
By looking at the cells
Primary (bone-originating) bone tumors that are malignant most likely develop before this age? Is the prognosis good or poor?
Before age 30; poor prognosis
How would a patient recovering from spinal surgery be turned? Why?
By log-rolling; keeps the spine straight
Where would you watch for bleeding postoperatively in a patient who has had a total knee replacement?
Under the knee
These types of bone tumors can often be asymptomatic and are often found by accident:
These potent antiinflammatory drugs are given to RA patients when they have exacerbations:
What is the distinguishing characteristic of scleroderma?
Sausage fingers
A definitive way to tell if a bone tumor is benign or malignant:
Test done to check for tumors, metastasis, and osteomyelitis; an isotope is injected which shows "hot spots" where there is increased bone turnover:
Bone scan
These types of objects are prohibited in MRI areas:
When do symptoms of a fat embolism appear after a total hip or knee replacement?
1-7 days post-op
True of false: Post-op hip replacement patients should allow little to no flexion of their hips.
Rest would actually be encouraged for a patient with this joint disorder:
Tumor that arises from cartilage tissue; not too common but yields a fair prognosis. S/S include a dull pain and swelling for a long period of time:
True or false: There is no cure for scleroderma.
Which isoenzyme is elevated with skeletal muscle problems?
What are the three signs and symptoms most associated with fat embolism?
Fever, petechiae, and change in level of consciousness
A chronic inflammatory disorder that starts in the sacroiliac joint and moves upward until there is fusion of the entire spine:
Ankylosing spondylitis
SIADH is a complication following what kind of surgery?
The most common of the malignant bone tumors; most often involves the distal femur. Signs are swelling and pain in the affected area. Lung metastasis is common with death within 2 years:
A chronic progressive inflammatory disorder that causes organ failure; has periods of exacerbations and remissions:
What organ(s) are mostly affected by SLE and are a major cause death?
What is the primary cause of osteoarthritis? The secondary?
Age; trauma to the cartilage
A slow-acting antiinflammatory also used to treat malaria as well as RA; takes between 6 & 12 months to work; causes GI upset and retinal edema:
How would you know if a person had a dislocated hip?
Unrelieved pain, one leg longer than the other, a "popping" sound
These diagnostic tests will identify fractures and the presence of other diseases; no patient prep is needed:
In a patient receiving Plaquenil for RA, what may they need to have as a baseline and every six months after first taking the drug due to risk of retinal edema?
Eye exam
How long does Plaquenil, taken for RA, take to begin to work?
6-12 months
Another name for secondary bone tumors; more common than primary cancers. Cells spread from elsewhere to the bones:
Metastatic bone disease
These malignant bone tumors originate in the bone:
What is the treatment of choice for primary bone tumors, with or without chemo and radiation?
An increase of serum calcium is seen in this because the calcium is leaking out of the bones and is going into the bloodstream:
Bone demineralization
Bone cancer common in kids less than 20 y/o; highly malignant. Usually involves pelvis and lower extremities. Pain, swelling, low grade fever, anemia, and leukocytosis are s/s. Usually goes to the lungs, causing death:
Ewing's Sarcoma
What is the main treatment goal for degenerative bone and joint disorders?
Slow disease progression and allow patient to be as independent as they can for as long as possible
Up to 3,000 mL of fluid a day is recommended after a myelography using dye for this reason:
To help the body flush out contrast dye
An increased level of serum calcium results in a decreased level of this:
Serum phosphorus
How should a patient with ankylosing spondylitis sleep in bed?
Flat with no pillows
People taking new and expensive RA drugs, like Humira and Enbrel, are more at risk for infections and shouldn't take them if they've ever had TB:
Biological response modifiers
Found in 90% of all people with RA; little bumps up underneath the joint skin. Collections of debris that have settled there:
RA nodules
What is the most distinguishing characteristic of SLE?
Butterfly rash on the face
How often should neurovascular checks be done post-myelography?
Every hour
This machine decreases post-op swelling of the joint, decreases pain, prevents adhesions, helps with early ambulation, prevents contractures, and facilitates healing:
Assumption of the Risk
If the plaintiff expressly or impliedly consents to relieve the defendant of an obligation of conduct toward the plaintiff and to take his chances of harm from a particular risk, he is held to have assumed that risk and he is barred from recovering. (Murphy v. Steeplechase Amusements - the "flopper" ride. 'One who takes part in such a sport accepts the dangers that inhere in it so far as they are obvious and necessary.")
Problem in which the walls of arteries become inflamed and causes ischemia to the tissues involved; treated with steroids:
Systemic necrotizing vasculitis
A radiologic exam of the spinal canal; radiopaque dye is injected into the arachnoid space. Used to detect herniated discs and tumors:
What is the most important thing to remember in taking care of a post-op hip replacement patient?
Never cross the hips over the body's midline - NO ADDUCTION!
A chronic, systemic, progressive inflammatory disease that causes symmetrical joint involvement with remissions and exacerbations; exact cause is unknown:
Malignant bone tumor that has started someplace else (like the breast, liver, or colon) and has spread to the bone:
Secondary tumor
Disease that occurs as part of the aging process; the spinal disc space narrows and loses resiliency; back pain, decrease ROM, numbness, paralysis, and tingling occur:
Degenerative spinal disease
True or false: Unilateral joint stiffness and swelling are indicative of RA.
False - Symmetrical joints are affected.
What should be between the legs of a patient who has just had a hip replacement and needs turned?
A pillow or abduction pillow
True or false: one of the goals for RA treatment is for the patient to NOT become immobile.
Measures electrical activity of the muscles; can be used to distinguish between nerve problems and muscle problems. Needles are stuck into the muscle and electricity is applied:
EMG (electromyelogram)
An inherited disorder in which the patient has skeletal, ocular, cardiopulmonary, and CNS problems; excessively tall with long hands and feet, scoliosis, decreased vision and glaucoma, and a funnel-shaped chest:
Marfan's Syndrome
What information is most important to obtain before a patient has a procedure involving radiopaque contrast dye?
Taking amphetamines, phenothiazides, or tricyclic antidepressants 12 hours before a myelography may increase the risk of these:
This acid, present in the urine, may be elevated in bone demineralization:
Uric acid
This type of exercise program is excellent for RA patients to take pressure off of the joints while working out:
Water exercise
Bone demineralization is commonly seen in patients who don't have any orthopedic problems if they are:
Immobile or bedridden
What usually causes the death of Marfan's Syndrome patients?
Cardiac problems
Test done to measure bone density to help in the diagnosis of osteoporosis, predict risk of fractures, and to monitor treatments:
Bone densitometry
Degenerative hypertrophic joint changes manifested by pain, swelling, decreased ROM, crepitus & grating, and stiffness worse in the morning:
True or false: Patients who have RA have problems in their joints ONLY, nowhere else.
False - it can affect any body part
These are now the first line treatments for RA; patients are started off on them: