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55 Cards in this Set

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Your current position. -We are winning the war, but I’m afraid our status will change if we lose this battle.
The north during the Civil War. -The Union army was stationed in Gettysburg during the Civil War.
Obtained or claimed. -The Union procured their victory over the south.
freedom. -In 1776, America declared their independence.
freedom, often referring to one’s individual freedoms. -We have the liberty to speak freely in America.
Something lines up with the Constitution. -The new law was not constitutional, since it violated American’s basic rights.
A short part of a big story. -Use the excerpt above to answer the question.
someone or something that you are referring to or speaking about. -Abraham Lincoln addressed the south, asking them to not withdraw from the Union.
people we elect to represent us.-We elected Ted Cruz as a representative from Texas.
volunteer army-Paul Revere rode through the night, calling the militia into action.
Unalienable rights
the rights that people are born with.-All people are born with certain unalienable rights-life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
to leave or withdraw.-The south seceded from the United States of America, which sparked the Civil war.
having to do with a religion or belief system.-The Pilgrims left England seeking religious freedom in America.
to keep the same status for an amount of time.-We have maintained our position, in the battle, but I fear that we will soon begin to lose ground.
to get used to something.-The Indians adapted to their environment by learning to build fires and using buffalo hides to keep
An overthrow of the current government.-The Texans fought a revolution in 1836 in order to become their own nation.
a cruel or harsh rule. -Due to the tyranny of his rule, Hitler’s subjects were afraid to speak out for themselves.
remove forcibly from power.-The people overthrew their government because they wanted freedom.
a government where the leader has absolute authority.-Santa Anna ignored the Constitution and established a dictatorship instead, placing himself in charge.
a government where the people vote on all issues.-Athens was the first place to set up a democracy in Ancient Greece.
a government system where the people elect representatives to make important government decisions and vote on issues.-I pledge allegiance to the flag, of the United States of America, and to the republic, for which it stands...
had an effect on.-Your political views will influence who you vote for.
to point out or show.-Santa Anna raised the flag, which indicated that all traitors at the Alamo would die.
churches that the Spanish built in order to claim land and teach the Indians about God.-The Spanish missions were later used for military bases.
Military bases that the Spanish built to protect the missions.-The Presidio was built about a mile from the missions.
-Large areas of land that people use for raising and breeding animals.-Mexican cowboys introduced ranching as a new lifestyle in the south.
moving to a place with the intention to stay.-The era of American colonization began with the settlement of Jamestown in 1607.
wanted or wished for.-The land in Texas was desirable because it was beautiful and cheap.
the weather conditions in an area.-The climate of Texas was good for farming because it had mild winters and summers.
to happen or take place.-The Battle of the Alamo occurred in 1836 in San Antonio, Texas.
someone who writes essays.-The essayist won first place for their exceptional writing.
someone who speaks to people.-The history teacher became a famous lecturer because of their amazing lessons.
the habit of being self-reliant.-The girl put her individualism above all else and refused to conform to society.
relying on yourself.-She practiced self-reliance daily by figuring out problems on her own instead of asking for help.
a specialist on a particular subject area.-The archaeologist was a scholar in Native American culture.
Movement (the kind where you are trying to get something accomplished)
a group of people working together to accomplish a political or social goal.-The temperance movement tried to rid America of alcoholic beverages.
keeping yourself from drinking alcohol.-Both men and women held signs and protested for the cause of temperance in America during the early 1900's.
the movement to get rid of slavery.-Harriet Beecher Stowe wrote Uncle Tom’s Cabin to spark the abolition movement in America.
Second Great Awakening
a religious revival movement in the United States.-several churches were formed during the Second Great awakening.
An American literary and philosophical movement that taught that people are basically good.-The transcendentalist movement was reflected in the writings of American authors throughout the country.
a fundamental truth for a belief system.-Our U.S. Constitution is made up of 7 principles, or beliefs that Americans hold to be true.
the order that makes sense or the order that the events happened in.-Put the following events in chronological order.
taking over of a land or people.-Americans began their conquest of ruling the land from ocean to ocean, or manifest destiny.
people who owe money to someone or to the government.-Their father was a debtor, which meant that they were doomed to be poor unless they were able to get money from another place.
give a brief statement of the main points.-Summarize the paragraph in a few sentences.
to set up on a firm or permanent basis.-The Americans established their Constitution in 1787.
a place to hide or seek safety.- The Jews sought refuge in hidden places throughout Europe in order to avoid concentration camps.8. Puritans-religious people who came to America for religious freedom.-the Puritans made the first government ever in America by signing the Mayflower Compact, which was a set of rules for their community.
a detailed examination of something.-Give me your analysis of cram.com after making your flashcards.
religious people who came to America for religious freedom.-the Puritans made the first government ever in America by signing the Mayflower Compact, which was a set of rules for their community.
something from a time period that can help us learn about the people back then.-We found several artifacts that can tell us about ancient Egypt.
someone who moves around from place to place.-The Indians were nomads because they had to follow the buffalo for food.
the movement by people from one place to another.-America’s first people migrated from Asia by crossing the Beringia land bridg
a period of time in history.-During the era of Spanish colonization, the Spanish built ranches and towns to stay.
important.-State the significance of the Battle of the Alamo.
to depend on. -The Germans relied too heavily on their leadership. When Hitler died, the war was lost.