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34 Cards in this Set

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Time is a concept, unique to humanity that gives order to our understanding of events that occur in our lives

Linear time

The concept of time as a progressive series of events, where in there a clear sense of before and after, this is a primarily a Western concept

Life span, timeline

Cyclical time

The concept of time as a clearly repeatable structure, endless, with neither being nor end. This is a concept of time broadly espoused in Indigenous culture.

Years, seasons

Absolute time

This is the concept of measurable time, or time that had an exact countable value

Minutes, hours


early human societies that did not leave written records

Reflective time

This is the time we personally experience, it is relative to our perception of event

The three major evolutionary factors of humans

Opposable thumbs

Upright stature

Uncommonly large brains

Physical appearance of Neathedral

Powerfully built, average 5'3, stubby arms and legs, bulging bony eyebrows, chinless


The believe in many gods

What were the four groups of Mesopotamia

Summerians 3000 B.C

Semitic Speaking People

Indo-European, Hurrians

Hammurabi's code

Inscribed on a massive stone pillar, ca 1750 B.C , this was the first set of laws recorded in writing, the punishments were designed to fire the crime "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, the consequences of the laws were however dependent on rank

Bronze Age

The period of history characterized by the use of bronze weapons and tools


Refers to ancient history, in the time immediately after the Great Leap forward, it marked the formation of roles


The common beliefs, perspective and behavior of a society

When was the Neolithic Revolution

Approximately 9000 B. C

Great Leap Forward

35 000 years ago, scientist believe this was the point in time when we developed modern anatomy and the beginning of innovative behavior

Agricultural Revolution

The shift in food acquisition from primarily hunting and gathering to primarily farming

Why was specialization a need

As civilization involved, so did the need for specialization

Political left (give two examples)

Tries to divide power among many

Communism and Socialism

Political right (give two examples)

Tries to divide power into the hands of few

Dictatorship and Monarchy


A system of government where power is held by the king and his family.


The written language of the Mesopotamians it was in the form of pictograms

Cradles of Civilization

Nile River Valley (Modern Egypt)

Tigris / Euphrates River Valley (Iraq)

Indus River Valley (India)

Yellow River Valley (China)


An independent, self-governing city


Objectivity is the quality that represents the attempt by people to relay factional information


Is the quality that communicates the ideas of truth from a certain perspective. It is not necessary without facts, but it is by definition a statement of opinion first


a religious temple constructed of mud brick, chapel on top

Homo sapiens, when

400,000 years ago

Homo erectus, when

1.7 million years ago

Where did humans come from and go too

Africa to Europe and Asia

Paleolithic timeline

2.5 to 3 millions years ago to about 12 000 B.C

Australopithecus, when

4 million years ago

Anatomically modern humans

50000 years ago.

What does religion have to do with the Paleolithic times

First time in history people were expressing the beginning of religious beliefs