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64 Cards in this Set

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What hemisphere is North and South America located in?
What hemisphere is Europe, Africa, and Asia located in?
China was protected by what physical features?
Himalaya Mountains, Gobi desert, and Pacific Ocean
Who invaded from the north and gained control of the chinese empire?
Who was the new the emperor when the chinese pushed the mongols out?
Zhu Di
How did Zhu Di rebuild China?
by building bridges and roads, and repairing the Great Wall
Who was the Chinese Muslim sea captian in comand of the huge fleat?
Zheng He
What was invented by the Chinese and helped them find the cardinal directions (north, south, east, west) on the open sea?
magnetic compass
China's age of exploration ended in 1525. It ended because the emperor ordered the ships to be what?
When did people from the Eastern Hemisphere first make contact with people from the Western Hemisphere?
in the 1400s
In Asia, what empire was becoming more powerful?
China Empire
How did the Chinese move silk to Europe?
moved it on the Silk Road
China gave Europe silk. What did Europe give back to China?
oranges and horses
From 1405 to 1433, who explored India, southeast Asia, Arabia, and the east coast of Africa?
Zheng He
What did the Chinese invent to help guide them across the deserts and seas?
magnetic compass
The China's days of exploration ended when the new emperor ordered the fleet of ships to be what?
Zheng He's voyages brought China into contact with who?
Stretching across North Africa up to the _____ sea is the Sahara Desert.
What is the largest desert in the world?
Who lived in the Sahara along the Mediterranean Sea coast?
What is a group of people traveling together, especially through deserts?
What was the powerful and wealthy kingdom that ruled a large part of West Africa and most caravans went there?
Who was king of Songhai?
Sunni Ali
What river runs mostly through the present-day country of Mali?
Niger River
Sunni Ali encouraged traders of ___, ____, ____, and ____ to come to Songhai.
gold, ivory, cloth, and salt
What two kinds of mines did Songhai control making them very wealthy?
salt and gold mines
What were the major centers of trade in Songhai?
Gao, Timbuktu, Jenne
Because of Gao's skilled craftworkers and artists, the city was known as ______.
artist's paradise
What was Timbuktu?
a great cultural center
What did scholars study at Timbuktu's university?
astronomy, mathematics, music, and literature
What were the scholars at Jenne known for?
knowledge of medicine
What did Jenne discover about malaria?
They discovered that mosquitoes cause malaria
The northern part of Africa is covered by the world's largest desert called _____.
Sahara Desert
What were the groups of people and animals that traveled across the Sahara to trade Africa's gold and salt called?
What was the wealthy kingdom that controlled most of West Africa?
What did Sunni Ali, Songhai's king, encourage?
people of all religions to come there to work, trade, and study
What were the three main cities of Songhai?
Gao, Jenne, and Timbuktu
What is the disease that is cause by the bite of certain mosquitoes?
What products did ASIA have that Europe wanted?
silk and spices
What products did AFRICA have that Europe wanted?
gold and salt
Who traveled from Persia to China on the silk road?
Marco Polo
What did the Europeans want to find so that they could trade easier with China?
direct sea route
What were the first countries to send explorers throughout the world to find the direct sea route?
Portugal and Spain
What was a time of cultural and artistic growth?
What country did the Renaissance begin in?
Renaissance is the French word that means _____.
Who invented the printing press?
Johannes Gutenberg
What did the printing press do for Europe?
helped spread the learning through books
What did Europe really want from Asia?
silk and spices
What did the Europeans decide to do so that they could get goods from Asia?
find a cheaper route
What was Prince Henry known as?
Henry the Navigator
What is the science of determining a ship's sailing direction and location?
What two inventions did Henry improve?
astrolabe and compass
Who helped Prince Henry?
shipbuilders, scientists, mapmakers, and ship captains
What is a small ship that was fast and easy to steer, even in dangerous waters?
Where did Henry's caravels first sail?
the coast of West Africa
What was the westernmost point of Africa?
Cape Verde
Who was the Portuguese explorer who rounded the tip of southern Africa?
Bartholomeu Dias
What was the southern tip of Africa later named?
Cape of Good Hope
Who was the Portuguese sea captain who reached Asia when he arrived Calicut, India?
Vasco da Gama
What ocean did Spain begin sailing to find a shorter route to Asia?
Atlantic Ocean
Who traveled on the Silk Road and visited China and made Europeans interested in Asia?
Marco Polo
What were the two European countries that led the search for a more direct route to Asia?
Portugal and Spain
What was Prince Henry responsible for doing?
improving navigation