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65 Cards in this Set

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A religious group of people from England who wanted not to separate from the church but rather purify the religion.
General Court
A representative assembly
Fundamental Orders of Connecticut
A plan of government in which Conn set up
Religious Tolerance
Willing to let others practice their beliefs freely
The holy day of rest(Sunday)
Town Meeting
A meeting between the townspeople
Charles I
Became the king of England...disagreed with the puritans
Massachusetts Bay Colony
The colony set up by the puritans
John Winthrop
Governor and minster of MBC
The Great Migration
When tons of people came to the newly discovered America
A city in MBC big port for trading
Thomas Hooker
Founder of Conn, left MBC
The Capital of Conn
Roger Williams
Founder of Rhode Island, kicked oout of MBC
Anne Hutchinson
Kicked out of MBC went to Rhode Island
King Phillips nickname, leader of the wampanoag
King Phillip
leader of the Wampanoag tribe also know as metacom
The Common
The center of each village
Where Puritans met for worship and meetings
The idea that colonies should benefit from their mother country
goods sent to markets outside of their country
goods brought into a country
Navigation Acts
The english laws that controlled the trade between its colonies
A nickname for the merchants in New England
Triangular Trade
A three way trade
The group of people that had the power to make laws
Glorious Revolution
Removed King James II from the throne
Bill of Rights
A list of freedoms and government promises to protect
English Bill of Rights
The government protection where anyone accused of a crime could have a trial before a jury
Mason Dixion Line
The "boundary" that separated Maryland and Pennsylvania, and the middle colonies from the southren
Act of Toleration
The laws that allowed all catholics freedom
Bacons Rebellion
Where he was angry with the government and raided all the natives towns and burned Jamestown
A cash Crop used to make blue dye
People who owed money but could not pay it back
Slave Codes
"rules" that slaves had to follow
The belief that one race is superior to another
Top of the social class
Middles Class
2nd of the social class
Indentured Slaves
last on the social ladder signed contracts to work
English and African language combo
Great Awakening
A religious movement
Public School
School supported by taxes
Private teachers
Dame school
A private school run by woman at their homes
The movement that started natural laws
that act of publishing that may harm ones reputation
A young worker
Jonathan Edwards
A preacher who set off the Great Awakening
George Whitefield
A popular preacher during the great awakening
John Locke
A english philosopher
Benjamin Franklin
A very sucessfull inventor lived in MBC
Poor Richard's Almanack
A book created by Ben Franklin
John Peter Zenger
A german born printer
A owner of a large piece of land
Proprietary Colony
A piece of land given by the king to someone else for a yearly payment
Royal Colony
Where is the colony is under direct control by the English King
a religious group of people who believed all are equal
Pennsylvania Dutch
The descendants of German people who traveled to North America
Cash Crop
A crop that is grown for profit
William Penn
Founder of Pennsylvania
Peter Stuyvesant
The last Dutch general of New York
The Duke of York
the title of a british nobility
the "holy" experiment
The attempt of the quakers setting up a colony in Pennsylvania
A city in Pennsylvania
The great wagon road
a old trail from Philadelphia to south carolina