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24 Cards in this Set

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French and indian war causes
the french and british both wanted the ohio river valley
French and indian war results
the british defeated the french, the french were badly outnumbered.
French and indian war participants
French,British,Iruqois,Native Americans, Benjamin Franklin, Edward Braddock, General Louis Joseph Montcalm, and General James wolfe.
Treaty of paris
france lost all claims to mainland north america. Ownership of new france and most of louisianna east of the mississippi went to britain. Spain lost florida but retained cuba and the phillipines. As compensation for the loss of florida the spanish gained new orleans and western louisianna.
Proclamation of 1763
what it was
acknowleged indians owned the land that they were already residing and the white settlers had to be removed.
Proclamation of 1763
Why king george iii issued it
he didnt want to start a fight with the indians because he was in alot of debt from the 9 year war with britain so he couldnt afford the equipment to fight with the indians.
Proclamation of 1763
why it angered colonists
the colonists felt their rights where being taken away and that they shouldnt have the right to take away there land settlement rights. And they all wanted to move their to start a new life since the eastcoast was becoming overcrowded.
Sugar Act.
what it was
A tax placed by british parliament that put a 3cents tax on sugar. during the french and indian war the british went into debt and decided to tax colinists to pay it.
Sugar Act
how colonist reacted
They were alarmed and felt the sugar act toook away there basic rights. James Otis a lawyer said that parliment shouldnt be able to tax them because they had no say in parliament. New york legislature said that they would have no happiness, liberty, or security since their colonial life was interfered with.
Stamp Act
what it was
passed by parliament in 1765, required americans to pay a tax on every piece of printed paper.
Stamp Act
how colonist reacted
they boycotted the stamp act, sometimes they would compromise by giving the buyer a stamp without paying tax and then the buyer would pay for them to put the person to stamp it.
Quartering Act
what it was
parliament required colonial legislatures to provide supplies and quarters for british soldiers.
Quartering Act
how colonists reacted
protested, threatened to kill the king, killing some of the soldiers, and refuse to house them or feed them and refused to give them clothing or bedding.
Sons of liberty
what it was
A group of american patriots formed to protect the rights of colonists and to take to the streets against the taxes from the trespass by the british gov.
Sons of Liberty
who compromised it
Samuel Adams
Declaratory Acts
what it was
stated that britain could still pass laws affecting the colonies and that parliament still held power over the colonies.
Townshend Acts
was the British Parliament's tax on the American colony that led to the taxation of imported goods, one of which was tea. It eventually resulted in the Boston tea party when colonists garbed as native Americans dumped the tea in Boston Harbor. Although it was not a direct tax its effect was felt throughout the colonies. Taxation without representation became the cry of the land
Tea Act
what it was
passed by the british parliament in 1773 to reduce the tax on tea shipped to colonies
Intolerable Acts
why it was imposed
The colonists were acting up and getting out of line.
Intolerable Acts
what it was
were closing the port of Boston not letting anything in or out. The second was closing the town meetings. The third was the British taking power over the Massachussets assembly. The last was called quartering, which was when the colonists had to let the British soldiers stay in their houses. After the intolerable acts was the battle of Lexington and Concord, and the Acts were in response to the Boston Tea Party.
First Continental Congress
important because allthough the delegates were not ready to call for independence, they were determined to uphold colonial rights.
Comittee of Corespondence
what it was
patriot groups formed before the Revolution in American colonies
Committee of Corespondence
why important
because they sent messages to each other through the colonies.
Lexington and Concord
The british thought that the American colonists were storing ammunition and war supplies in concord so they went to lexington to try to stop the Americans and they killed a few colonists but no one knows who fired the first shot. Then, the british won and went to concord but American colonists militia was waiting there because they heard rever's and William dawes alarms. the American won