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43 Cards in this Set

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Middle ages

During this time people suffered from war and plague and began to question the system in which they lived, even the church.


A period where art and learning was reborn.


Where the renaissance began due to thriving cities, wealthy merchants and heritage.

Bubonic plague

It hit the cities hard but survivors reaped the benefits of wealth. It also caused a first ever surplus of food and resources.

Medici family

Dominated France by using their money to influence everyday life in the city-state; eventually ruing as a dictatorship.


Fell in 1453, scholars fled to Rome with ancient text that helped in the rediscovery of classic Greek and roman ideas.

Renaissance thinkers

Focused on humanism or the individual


Was reborn and became huge as a way for people to be remembered. Churches and wealthy men often paid painters/sculpters for portraits.


Looked to glorify the human body and created many religious based works of art, evident in his statue, David.


Looked to create realistic and natural postures.

Da vinci

Renaissance man, painted, sculpted, invented, and was a scientist. Studied the movement of muscles and how flight was possible. Painted the Mona Lisa.


Created many great works for Pope Juliuell


Was one of the first writers to use the vernacular of his native writing. Petrarch used poetry and sonnets to explore the human nature and love.


Wrote the prince as a political guideline for rulers at the time.

Northern europe

By the late 1400s, renaissance ideas spread to northern europe


Hired renaissance artists to paint and sculpt for their own personal collections.


A popular German painter who focused on realism in his work.


Produced works so life-like that he was hired to paint the royal family in england, Henry VIII


Soon became the center of the renaissance movement in Northern Europe

Van eyck

One of the first to use oil paints that allowed for greater blending of colors

Erasmus + Thomas more

Wrote book that focused on social morals aimed at improving society.


Known as one of the greatest poets of all time.


Invented the printing press and completed the Gutenberg bible

Printing press

Allowed for books to be produced on a large scale and a cheap price

Criticism of the Church

Popes of the time period fell under ridicule for overspending on the arts, priests spoke out and called for reform of the church. Which some were executed for.

Martin luther

Became a monk in 1505 and taught at the university of witenburg, became upset over frank selling indulgences.

95 thesis

Written by Luther to challenge Tetzel and his practices in debate

Luther's beliefs

Salvation is obtained only through faith, church teachings should be based only on the bible, and people with faith could interpret the bible for themselves.

Leo X

A pope, excommunicated Luther after he refused to take back his statement

Peace of augsburg

An agreement that each German prince could decide what religion would be practiced in their realm

Henry VIII

seperated from the catholic church after they refused to annul his marriage. Married 6 wives and has two daughters


Returned England to dissume throne before her sister, Elizabeth, assumed the throne


Lifted up her power and freedom from the pope when her navy defeated the Spanish armada


Calvin, our afterlife is already determined by god, who will be saved or not.


City, country ran by religion


In scotland , they took hold of clavin's ideas after john Knox returned home from genova


Battled for years with catholics resulting in thousands of death


Believed in seperation of church and state that young children should be baptized when old enough to accept the responsibility

Catholic reformation

The catholics reform of their own church


Of Loyola, introduced Jesuits, founded supers schools, converted non Christians and tried to stop Protestantism to stop spreading

Council of trent

Council called by catholic church to go through guidelines such as only the church interprets the bible, and you will be saved through faith and good works


Intense questioning


Published a book called institutes of Christian religion, in 1536 believed that people were rotten by nature