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114 Cards in this Set

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An advanced culture in which people have developed cities, science, and industries


A belief or behavior passed down through generations with symbolic meaning or special significance.

Ways of life

Where did the civilizations emerge?




How did they utilize theirlocation and its resources to survive?

The women collected roots, wild seeds, nuts,acorns, and berries. Men hunted for game and fished. Agriculture allowed peopleto grow and store food. Grew crops. Sticks, bones, and shells were used asgardening tools. Dead fish as fertilizer. Shells/beads as money. They tradedfor shells, flint for making fires, copper, and salt.


French for"rebirth

what contributions do we continue to use in contemporary times?

Mathematics, medicine, technology, engineering ...

Columbian Exchange
southern hemisphere the transfer of people, products, and ideas between the eastern and

Northwest Passage

a sea route from the Atlantic to the Pacificthat passed through or around North America

What was the Renaissance and how did it influence exploration?

French for "rebirth", A cultural movement, Began in Italy in the Late Middle Ages.

Heavily influenced art, literature, politics, and the general broadening of knowledge

Influenced exploration: blooming of culture, expansionist power, creation of the modern world

Henry Hudson-

The eastern New York area

Samuel De Champlain

Canada and Northern NY

Christopher Columbus

Caribbean, Puerto Rico, and Cuba

Francisco Pizarro


What was the "Con" of the Columbian Exchange?

Europeans brought diseases such as smallpox,chicken pox, and measles, which the natives had no immunity to so many nativesdied by the thousands

What were the "Pros" of the Columbian Exchange?

Europeans introduced cows, hogs, and other domestic animals

Europeans also brought wheat and oats

The Americas introduced llamas, turkeys, squirrels, and muskrats

Native Americans taught Europeans how to cultivate crops


law making body of England

Virginia Company of London

A group of wealthy people that pooled their resources to establish an English colony in North America


document issued by a government that grants specific rights to aperson or company


Native American chief that supplied food for the native americans


Daughter of Powhatan that helped colonists of Jamestown, befriended andsaved the life of john Smith, and became a lady of english society

John Smith

English “tough guy” sent to Jamestown to improve the condition of thecolony, implement strict new rules


those who wanted to separate from the Church of England

Religious Tolerance

meaning there would be no established, or official church; peopleof all faiths could worship as they see fit

Town Meetings

assembly of townspeople that decides local issues

Proprietary Colony

colony created by a part of land from a monarchy to an individualor family

Royal Colony

- a colony controlled directly by the english king

William Penn’s "HolyExperiment

started with a goal of a colony in which people from differentreligious backgrounds could live peacefully

Charles Mason and JeremiahDixon

were hired to settle a boundary dispute between Maryland andPennsylvania by conducting a survey to determine a boundary line

Mason-Dixon Line

boundary line dividing the southern colonies from the middlecolonies

Act of Toleration- welcomed all christians and granted adult maleChristians the right to vote and hold office Southern Colonies- Maryland,Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia

George Washington

Surveyor of the Virginia militia that ledsoldiers to the Ohio River valley; would become commander of the Continentalarmy

MilitiaAlbany Congress

meeting of colonial leaders in Albany, NY

Benjamin Franklin – author of the "Join or Die" political cartoon

What happened at the Battle of Quebec?

General Wolfe led the British attack, making little progress at first

At night the British found an unguarded trail that let them climb the cliffs protecting the city without being discovered

Approx. 4,000 British soldiers defeated 4,500 French soldiers on the plains front of the city

What tensions existed between the English and French prior to thewar?

Both controlled large areas of land in North America, which bordered each other

Both feared the other would increase its area of control therefore the two collided on the frontier and would go to war

The French did not threaten to seize Native American lands, however British settlers sought farmland in Native American territory, pushing into the Ohio River valley lands owned by the French

Why was there a dispute over the Ohio River Valley?

The French and the Virginia colony both staked a claim on the Ohio River Valley

Washington gave order from the governor for the French to leave; the French rejected the governor’s warning

When Washington returned to build a British fort the French were already building Fort Duquesne

Washington, with Native American allies, attacked the French fort and defeated the French

Washington built Fort Necessity, which was then attacked by a large group of French soldiers, forcing Washington to surrender

Washington and his men returned home with the message that the French would never leave the Ohio River valley

What were the components ofthe Treaty of Paris?
France lost almost all of its possessions

France ceded, or surrendered, French Canada to Great Britain

Great Britain also gained all other French territories east of the Mississippi River, with the exception of New Orleans

Britain also received Spanish Florida

New Orleans, along with all French territories west of the Mississippi,went to Spain

import tax


an organized campaign to refuse to buy certain products

Writs of Assistance

court orders that allowed officials to make searches withoutsaying what they were searching for

Samuel Adams

cousin of John adams, established the committees of correspondence


citizen soldiers who could be ready to fight in a minute

Paul Revere,

Battle of Bunker Hill

Battle between British and America- led by Israel Putnam. America lost due to lack of ammunition. America proved that they stand afight against professional British soldiers.This showed George Washington thathe needed a real army.


closing off ports through the use of ships, not allowing anyone toleave or enter


soldiers who are paid to fight for a country other than their own

Patrick Henry

youngest member of the house of burgesses that attacked the stampact through an emotional speech

Lexington and Concord

battle where the first shots of the revolution were fired

Second Continental Congress,


remained loyal to the king and parliament


favored independence

What was Britain providing the colonies that justified taxingthem?

British government had to keep troops in NorthAmerica to make sure France didn’t try to regain its lost territory and toprotect settlers against Native American attacks – British leaders believedcolonists should pay part of the debt

What acts were implemented that violated the rights of thecolonists?

Quartering Act and Writs of Assistance

What happened at the Boston Massacre and what role did John Adamsplay in the aftermath?

March 5, 1770: Parliament repealed all Townshend duties, except the one on tea was left in force to demonstrate Parliament’s right to tax the colonies

That same day an angry crowd of workers and sailors in Boston surrounded a small group of soldiers – the frightened soldiers fired into the crowd, killing 5 and wounding 6

John Adams, a well known Massachusetts lawyer, defended nine soldiers involved in the shooting arrested and tried for murder

What was the Tea Act and what was the colonist’s response?

intended to help the British East India TradingCompany: lowered the price of tea, but gave the company a monopoly by being theonly supplier of British tea to the colonies

That same day an angry crowd of workers andsailors in Boston surrounded a small group of soldiers – the frightenedsoldiers fired into the crowd, killing 5 and wounding 6

What was the purpose of the Committees of Correspondence?

to keep colonists informed of British actions, keep in closercontact with people in other colonies

unite against Britain

What two resolutions were included in the attempt to make peacewith Britain?

Was the effort to makepeace successful? What happened?

1.) Olive Branch Petition – stated thatcolonists were loyal to the king

* asked King George to stop the fighting so the colonists andBritain could make peace

2.) Declaration of the Causes and Necessities ofTaking Up Arms – stated that colonists were ready "to die freemen ratherthan live as slaves

Efforts to make peace failed and King George declared the colonistsrebels.

What happened at the Battle of Fort Ticonderoga and why was itbeneficial to the Patriots?

May 10, 1775: Ethan Allen and the Green MountainBoys attacked the British at dawn, which led the British to surrenderimmediately

1.) It controlled the main route between Canadaand the Hudson River Valley

2.) It held valuable weapon, especially cannons

What was the First Continental Congress and what were its demands?

the Committees of Correspondence organized a meeting to discuss what to do next

12 of the 13 colonies sent delegates, among them were John Adams, Samuel Adams, George Washington, and Patrick Henry

demanded the repeal, or official end, of the Intolerable Acts and declared the colonies had the right to tax and govern themselves

called for the training of militias to stand up to British troops if necessary

called for a new boycott of British goods

voted to meet again in May 1775 if these demands were not met

Thomas Jefferson

author of the declaration of independance and third president


introduction to the declaration

List of Grievances

formal complaints against King George the third of england

Battle of Long Island

When George washington and his army were kicked out of brooklyn and then removed from Nyc then into NJ by British

George Washington

Surveyor of the Virginia militia

Battle at Trenton

When they were chased into NJ, the Washingtons army surpriseattacked, no one expected a battle to begin the day after Christmas.

Valley Forge

Washington’s Army suffered a harsh winter of 1777-1778 in a campin Valley Forge. 11,000 soldiers were not significantly fed, clothed or housed.At any time 1 in 4 soldiers were sick with chills fever or worse. WhenAmericans learned about conditions at Valley Forge they sent help: womencollected food, medicine, warm clothes, and some ammunition. Some women even wentto Valley Forge to tend the wounded.

General Cornwallis

British Commander

What does the preamble say?

The preamble says why the Declaration waswritten. It will explain to the world the reasons why the colonists feelimpelled to separate from Great Britain.

How are Thomas Jefferson and John Locke similar in the section onNatural Rights?

They both go to state that governments are created in orderto protect people’s rights.

How did the Declaration of Independence change the nature of the Revolution?

It made the United States independent from Britain

Why was the American victory at the Battle of Saratoga a turningpoint for the war?

The American Victory ended the British threat tonew england and destroyed British hopes of an easy victory. It helped convinceEuropeans that the Americans had sound chance of winning.

How did the French and privateers aid the Patriot cause?

They secretly supplied money and arms to America so that they would win

Three-Fifths Compromise

was the decision that slaves would count as 3/5of a person for representation in government.


supported the Constitution. They favored a strong central government


feared that a too strong central governmentwould wipe out the power of the states and the people.

Bill of Rights

to protect the freedom of the people.


is the division of power between the federalgovernment and the states. This grants specific powers to the federalgovernment and specific powers to the state governments.

Limited government

means the government only has the powers theConstitution has given it. This was to prevent the government from ruling tooharshly.

Federalist Papers

Series of 85 essays in support of theconstitution published by Madison, Hamilton and Jay.

Popular Sovereignty

principle that asserts that people are theprimary source of the government's authority; right of people to vote directlyon issues.


system of government in which people choose representatives who governthem.

Checks and balances

a principle of the U.S. Constitution that gives each branch of go thegovernment the power to check, or limit, the actions of the other branches.

Legislative branch

makes laws

Executive Branch

enforces laws

Electoral College

when us citizens vote on electors and the numberis based on representatives and senators on election day they vote for thepresident

Judicial Branch

carries out laws

Judicial Review

court asserts the right to declare whether theacts of president and laws passed by congress are unconstitutional

What was the biggest criticism of the Articles of Confederationand what was the biggest difference in comparison to the Constitution?

Criticism was that it creates a weak central government


receive its power from states


receives its power from the people

How many houses were proposed in the Virginia Plan and the NewJersey Plan?

Virginia -Two houses (bicameral)

New Jersey - One house (unicameral)

What was the basis of representation in the Virginia Plan and theNew Jersey Plan?

With the Virginia Plan, representation was basedon population. With the New Jersey Plan representation was equal.

What was the structure of the Great Compromise?

The Great Compromise was the agreement uponhaving a two house legislature. The upper house (Senate) would have equalrepresentation. The lower house (House of Representatives) would haverepresentation based on population.

**Structure of the branches**

Three branches: legislative, executive, and judicial

Congress is the legislative branch. It is responsible for making laws.

The judicial branch is responsible for interpreting laws and for hearing court cases.

The executive branch is responsible for executing, or carrying out, laws.

How does a bill become a law and how can Congress override thePresident’s veto?

A bill becomes a law after it has passed thevotes of both houses in the Legislative Branch. The bill then goes to thePresident to be signed into law. However, the President has the power to vetothe bill. To override a President’s veto, there needs to be a 2/3 vote of thetwo houses.

What were the views of the opposing sides in the argument overstates’ rights?

Daniel Webster argued that the US had not been formed by the states, but by the entire American people.

Argued that nullification threatened the Union

Why was the presidential campaign of Adams and Jefferson bitter?

Andrew Jackson received the most electoral votes, but not the majority vote

Jackson was furious because he had won the most popular and electoral votes, but still lost the election

What was Jefferson’s"Revolution of 1800" ?

The election of 1800 marked the beginning of a28-year period during which Republicans dominated national politics. Jefferson’sparty won easily, in part because of the public outrage over the FederalistAlien and Sedition Acts; in many ways, the acts proved the undoing of theFederalist Party.

Why did the land out westdraw attention from the U.S.?

Jefferson's plans for the nation depended uponwestern expansion and access to international markets for American farmproducts. New American settlements west of the Appalachian Mountains dependedupon river transport to get their goods to market since overland trade to theeast was expensive and impractical.

How did the U.S. go about purchasing the Louisiana Territory?

Jefferson and other leaders instructed Robert R. Livingston, theU.S. minister to France, to attempt to purchase New Orleans for $2 million fromFrance's officials Napoleon Bonaparte and his ministers. After disagreements,President Jefferson quickly sent Secretary of State James Monroe to Paris tojoin Livingston in the negotiations. After sometime, Napoleon Bonaparterealized he no longer had a need for the Louisiana Territory, and knew that hisforces were insufficient to protect it from invasion. Napoleon authorized hisministers to make a counteroffer to the Americans. Instead of simplytransferring the ownership of New Orleans, France would be willing to part withthe entire Louisiana Territory. The Louisiana Purchase Treaty was signed by Robert Livingston, James Monroe, and Barbé Marbois in Paris.

What was the purpose of the Lewis and Clark Expedition?

Jefferson hoped that Lewis and Clark would find a water routelinking the Columbia and Missouri rivers. This water link would connect thePacific Ocean with the Mississippi River system, giving the new western landaccess to port markets out of the Gulf of Mexico and to eastern cities alongthe Ohio River and its minor tributaries. Jefferson instructed them to learn asmuch as possible about the Native Americans, geological features, and plant andanimal species of the Louisiana Territory.


selling goods in another country below market prices


a meeting of members from a political party

Nominating Conventions

large meetings of party delegates to choose candidates for office.

What was the "Era of Good Feelings"?

President Monroe’s presidency was called the "Era of GoodFeeling".

He promoted a new sense of national unity

The name stuck and would be used to describe his two terms in office

How were Republicans going about building the national economy?

Americans believed that the federal governmentshould take action to increase economic prosperity in all regions of thecountry.

Creating a second bank ofthe united states

it lent money to individuals and controlled the money supply, giving a boost to American businesses

Congress implemented theTariff of 1816

which put a tax on foreign textiles, iron, leather goods, paper, and other products

Why were Indians forced to move off their land?

They held land titles in the Appalachian valleysof Georgia and the Carolinas. At the same time, white immigrant communitieswere encroaching and voicing increasing resentment of the Cherokee propertyholds. Pressure increased when a gold strike occurred in northern Georgia. Manywhites decided that it was time for the Indians to leave their farms, homes,and lands.

What were the arguments for and against the second Bank of theU.S.?

Why was there a need for a second bank?

its charter had run out, therefore the economysuffered

state banks made too many money loans and issuedtoo much money, causing an increase in spending and rising prices

What did the second Bank do?

it lent money to individuals and controlled themoney supply, giving a boost to American businesses

Why was there a question of States’ Rights, particularlyNullification?

John Calhoun said that States had the right of nullification tocancel a federal law if the state objects.

Cotton Gin

Eli Whitney’s cotton gin sped up the process of removing seedsfrom the cotton, which were hand-picked prior to its invention – a very slowprocess

slave codes

controlled every aspect of their lives, Zero rights – seen as a "thing"as opposed to a human.

Free States

states that prohibited slavery Slave States - statesthat permitted slavery

Missouri Compromise

It permitted Maine to be admitted into the Union as a free state and Missouri to be admitted as a slave state

The Louisiana Territory would be free of slavery

Southern slave owners had the right to pursue escaped fugitives into "free" regions and return them to slavery

What are the economic andsocial statuses of the North?

How are African Americansliving in the North?

African Americans faced discrimination – the denial of equal rights or equal treatment to certain groups of people

were often denied the right to vote

not allowed to work in factories or in skilled trade

Suffered from racial segregation in schools and public facilities


About 6% of the African American population in the South was free, many having bought their freedom

Laws denied basic rights to African Americans:

- excluded from most jobs, children denied the right to attend public school, could not vote, could not serve in juries, or testify against whites in court, and were discouraged from travelling

Lived in fear of slave catchers that could capture you and sell you back into slavery

Whatcolonies were a part this time:

NewEngland Colonies: Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Rhode Island

MiddleColonies- New York, Pennsylvania, Delaware, New Jersey