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39 Cards in this Set

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Proclamation of 1763
Britain told the colonists that they could not settle west of the Appalachian Mountains. Angered colonists. Many colonists ignored the law.
Quartering Act
cost-saving measure for the Nritish. Required the colonists to house British soldiers and provide them with supplies. Keeping the troops in the colonies would raise deby for colonists even higher because they had to pay part of war debt.
King George III
British Monarch who decided to keep 10,000 soldiers in the colonies.
Sugar Act
The law placed a tax on sugar. molasses, and other products shipped to the colonies. Harsh punishment of smugglers
Colonists were angry. Colonists claimed they had no right to tax them because the colonies were not represented in Parliament.
Stamp Act
All legal and commercial documents must carry an official stamp showing that all tax has been paid. Colonial leaders vigorously protested. Delegates drew u pa petition to the thing protesting the Stamp Act. Colonial merchants organized a boycott of British goods.
Patrick Henry
A member of Virginia's House of Burgesses who called for resistance to the tax.
Sons of Liberty
One of the most famous secret societies formed by the colonists to appose Nritish policies. Many of them were lawyers, merchants, and craftspeople. They burned the stamped paper whereever they could find it. Fearing tor their saftey, many customs officials quit their jobs because of them.
How did the protests of the Stamp Act have an effect in Britain?
Merchants thought that their trade with America would be hurt. Some British political leaders agreed with American thinking about taxing the colonies. Parliament finally saw that the Stamp Act was a mistake and repealed it in 1776.
Declaratory Act
Was made after the Stamp Act was stopped. The law said that Parliament had supreme authority to govern the colonies. Colonists tried to ignore it.
Townsend Acts
Were created because the Quartering Act wasn't working because the colonists of New Yorkk thought it was unfair that most troops were there, so they refused to pay to house the troops. The first of the Townsend Acts suspsnded New York's assembly until New Yorkers agreed to provide housing for the trooops. The other acts placed import taxes on various goods brought into the colonies such as glass, paper, paint, lead, and tea. They thought that would anger the colonists less than the direct taxes of the stamp act. Colonists protested because they felt it was a serious threat to their rights and treedoms. Boston eventually announced another boycott of British goods.
Writs of Assistance
Search warrents to enter homes or businesses to search for smuggled goods.
Samuel Adams
A leader of the Boston Sons of Liberty. Adams urged colonists to continue to resist British Controlls.
Talk about the protesting of the Townsend Acts.
The colonists got really into protesting. They got shopkeepers not to tell imported goods. The Daughters of Liberty called on colonists to weave their own cloth and use American products. As a result, trade with Britain fll sharply. Tempers were running high. The rioters forced the customs officers to flee. The british called for more British troops. 1,000 troops went to the colonies. Tensions finally exploded into violence.
Boston Massacre
When a group of youths and dockworkers started trading insults infront of the Custon House. A fight broke up, and the soldiers began firing. Attacks and four laborers were killed. The incident became a tool for anti-British propaganda. The people of Boston were outraged. On the day of the Boston Massacre, Parliament proposed the repeal of the Townsend Acts because the British trade had been hurt.
John Adams
A lawyer and cousin of Samuel Adams, who defended the British. He was critisized for doing it.
Committees of Correspondence
Created by Samuel Adams, who wanted to make sure people did not forget the cause of liberty. These groups exchanged letters on colonial affairs. Before long, committeess throughout Mawssachusetts were corresponding with one another and with committees in other colonies.
The Tea Act
The parliament decided to keep the Tea Act because they stil thought they had the right to tax the colonists. It gave the British East India Company control over the American tea trade. The tea would arrive in the colonies only in the trading complany's ships and be sold there by it's merchants.
Boston Tea Party
An example of colonists protesting against the Tea Act. One night when a group of ment disguised as Native Americans boarded three tea ships docked in the Boston Harbor. They ended up destrooying 342 chests of tea. Many colonists rejoiced at the news. They believed that Britain would now see how strongly colonists opposed taxation without representation.
Intolerable Acts
They were origionally called the Coercive Acts. Parliament punishing Massachusetts for the Boston Tea Party. One of the acts would close the port of Boston until colonists paid for the destroyed tea. Others banned committees of correspondence, allowed Britain to house troops wherever necessary, and let British officials accused of crimes in the coloonies stand trial in Britain. To enforce the acts, Parliament appointed General Ghomas Gage governor of Massachusetts.
First Continental Congress
When delegates from all the colonies except Georgia met in Philadelphia. At the meeting, delegates voted to ban all trade with Britain until the Intolerable Acs were repealed. They also called on each colony to begin training troops. Georgia agreed to be a party of the actions of the Congress even though it had not voted to send delegates.
What did the representativees at the first continental congress agree to do?
Ban all trade with Britain until the Intolerable Acts were repealed and call on the colonies to start training troops. The colonists hoped the trade boycott would work, but the Parliament stood firm. It even increased restrictions on colonial trade and sent more troops.
A corce of armed civilans who pledge to defend their community
A colonist who could be ready to fight at a minute's notice.
The British had spies in the colonies and the colonies had spies in Britain. What did General Gage learn from his spies?
From them, General Gage learned that the Massachusetts militia was storing arms and ammunition in Concord. He also heard that Sam Adams and John Hancock were in Lexington. Gage ordered his tropops to arrest Adams and Hancock and to destroy the supplies in Concord. The Sons of Liberty were prepared.
Paul Revere
A patriot who helped warn colonists about British movements
What happened when British troops reached Lexington?
The British commander ordered the Americans to drop their muskets. The colonists refused. The British then went to Concord, where they destroyed military supplies. A battle broke out at a bridge north of the town, forcing the British to retreat.
Lexington and Concord
Sites of the first battles of the Revolutionary War.
Colonists who supported the British
A colonist who supported the colonial rebels and who resisted British policy
Ethan Allen
Lead the Green Mountain Boys, who captured the fort and its large supply of artillery.
Second Continental Congress
Included John and Samuel Adams, John Hancock, Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, and Patrick Henry. They agreed to form the continental army.
Continental Army
The american army during the American Revolution. George Washington was the commanding general.
The Battle of Bunker Hill
British troops of the Boston garrison against troops of the American Continental Army. The americans lost the battle. After the battle, most colonists still hoped for peace.
Olive Branch Petition
A document that asked the king to restore harmony between the British and the colonies. The king rejected the petition, and announced new measures to punish the colonies. He sent even more soldiers to the colonies.
Benedict Arnold
One of the leaders of the plan to invane Quebbec and defeat British soldiers there. They ended u plimping home in defeat.
Common Sense
A pamphlet written by Thomas Paine that made a strong case for American Independence.
Delcaration of Independence
Colonists wanted to have independance, so the Continental Congress decided to adopt a resolution authorizing the colonies to have its own goverment. A document that stares the reason the thirteen American colonies wanted to be free of Great Britain's government. If a government disregards the rights, it loses its right to govern.
Thomas Jefferson
Composed the Declaration of Independance because he was an excellent writer and he came from Virginia, a coloony that was not origionally for independance, but once a Virginian came into the picture, they liked the idea.