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38 Cards in this Set

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Wrote letters inviting delegates to what became known as the Constitutional Convention
Alexander Hamilton
The place where Congress met in 1787 to fix the Articles of Confederation
Opponents of the Constitution
Left the central government weak and gave most of the power to the states
Articles of Confederation
A document that describes the basic rights of the people
Bill of Rights
Was formed by the heads of the departments and the Attorney General
The powers of one branch of government are balanced by the powers of another. Each branch can check, or stop, another branch
Checks and Balances
A Massachusetts farmer who organized over a thousand farmers to protest against the heavy taxes on land
Daniel Shays
The concept of the people holding the power in a country
Headed by the President, this branch carries out the laws made by Congress
Executive Branch
The division of power of government between the states and the central government given by the constitution
Federal System
Supporters of the Constitution
Wrote The Demand for Rights, this country's first Bill of Rights, as part of Virginia's constitution
George Mason
The only president to ever receive every electoral college vote
George Washington
Wrote the Constitution by putting together the resolutions and decisions of the Convention
Gouverneur Morris
Stated that the new Congress would have two seperate houses, the House of Representatives and the Senate
Great Compromise
Came to the convention 11 days early and read all about the governments of other countries
James Madison
He is said to be " the best informed man on any point in the debate"
James Madison
Decides the meaning of laws
Judicial Branch
A lawmaking body called the Congress that would make laws for the country and raise money for the central government
Legislative Branch
Gave all states the same # of representatives in the central government
New Jersey Plan
The country's temporary capital in 1789
NYC (New York City)
Passed in 1787, this law set out a plan for new territories to become states
Northwest Ordinance
Land that became the states of Indiana , Ohio, Wisconsin, Michigan and Illinois and was part of the Treaty of Paris
Northwest Territory
Groups of people who share similar ideas about government
Political parties
The introduction to the Constitution
Officially approve
A system of government in which the people choose representatives to make the laws and run the government
A former slave that started the Free African Society in 1787, which was the first organized movement for rights by Africans in North America
Richard Allen
A judge from Connecticut that saved the Convention by proposing the Great Compromise
Roger Sherman
The title given to each head of office in the three government departments needed to run the government
The bloody protest between Daniel Shay's farmers and the local Massachusetts militia
Shay's Rebellion
To become a state
A body of judges who head the judicial branch
Supreme Court
An area of land that belongs to a government
To refuse to approve
Madison's plan that he already worked out before the Constitutional Convention began and was presented by Virginia's popular governer, Edmund Randolph
Virginia Plan