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22 Cards in this Set

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What are the 4 Calvin Laws?
1)Bible access for everyone.
2)No wickedness.(dancing/cards)
3)No rude songs.
4)9pm curfew.
3 types of Protestants.
Calvinists, Anglicans, Lutherans.
What did Martin Luther nail to the Church door?
95 theses.
What did Luther burn in public?
The bull that excommunicated Luther.
Why did people want to be Protestants?
1) High church taxes. (tithes)
2) Scandals with the Pope.
3) Poor were unfairly taxed.
4) God saves through faith, NOT money.
How did Martin Luther spread Protestantism?
Using the printing press, he made the Bible in several languages and gave many speeches.
How did the Catholics try to stop Protestantism?
1)Threatened excommunication.
2)Massacred them.
What is an Inquisition?
The Church put non-believers on trial and killed them.
What happened on Saint Bartholomew's Day?
The Queen of France, Catherine de Medici, is at a wedding and orders all the Protestants to be killed.
King Henry the Eighth
Started the Prostestant Church in England.
Leonardo da Vinci
-da Vinci was a great painter, inventor, engineer, and scientist of genius
-first to design helicopter, tank, parachute, and flying machine
-studied to be a medical doctor but soon became interested in astronomy and physics
-made a telescope taht made things appear a 1000X larger and 30X nearer
-believed that the Earth revolves around the Sun, and tried for the Church
-greatest artist of high Renaissance
-most famous for painting fresco painting created on ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in Rome, although he thought of himself as mostly a sculptor
-created the statue of David
-wrote The Prince
-disagreed with some Humanist views.
-idea of wise ruler: absolutely ruthless, "The Prince"
-very famous writer
-wrote: MidSummer NIght's Dream, Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet, etc.
Place between heaven and hell where a soul awaits
Hiring your relatives or freinds or people who give you money for a job.
Famous Humanist
When you pay a priest to forgive your sins, OR to buy yourself out of purgatory.
Variety of bubonic plague that killed 25million people.
City State
Independant city that runs itself like a country.
flying buttress
Archway that supports a wall.