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25 Cards in this Set

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Rose Greenshaw
A Confederate spy. Her spy work may have been why the South won the Battle of Bull Run.
Fort Sumter
A fort in South Carolina that Lincoln wanted to remain part of the United States. The people of S.C. wanted the the United States flag at this fort taken down and a Confederate flag out up. Within a month Confederate cannonc were lined up around the fort. The civil war was about to begin.
Winfield Scott
A General, the commander of the Union Army. He develpped the Anaconda Plan because he believed that the Confederate army would be hard to defeat and the way to win against them was to cut off their supplies.
The Confederate capital of Virginia. Many Northerners believed that if they captured Richmond the war would be over quickly.
Bull Run
The First Battle of the Civil War. The North was leading but The South stood their ground and evetually the North retreated. The South won.
Robert E. Lee
From Virginia. He was a Confederate General. Lincoln asked him to command the Union Army but he was more loyal to Virginia and said "I can not fight against my birthplace."
Civil War
A time when Americans fought Americans within the borders of the United States.
Anaconda Plan
The Anaconda Plan Plan had three main plans:
1) Northern ships would block off or blockade Southern seaports. The Soouth would not be able to buy weapons and suppies they needed.
2) The North would take control of the Mississippi River. This would cause the South to be split into two parts and they couldn't use the river to move supplies.
3) Union troops would invade the South from both the east and the west.
To block off.
Abraham Lincoln
Newly elected President in 1861. He believed it was unconstitutional for the Southern states to secede. He was determined to hold the country together.
Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson
A Confederate general. He led the Confederate army at the First Battle of Bull Run. His nam,e was T.J. Jackson. After the Battle of Bull Run people called him Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson because he stood firm with his troops at Bull Run.
Emancipation Proclamation
President Lincoln issued this proclamation. Emancipate means to free. This stated that all slaves were free. This ended slavery in the Confederacy.
Gettysburg Address
A speech made by President Lincoln in Gettysburg declaring the battlefied a national cemetary for Union soldiers. The Gettysburg address stated that all men were created equal.
Charlotte Forten
She was a free African American who celebrated the Emancipation Proclamation by traveling South and teaching former slves to read.
Robert Gould Shaw
He was a white colonel who led the first black regiment in the union army.
Clara Barton
She was a Northern white woman who worked as a army nurse. She began by passing out food and later perfomed many operations. After the war she went on to find THE RED CROSS.
Sally Tompkins
A Southern woman who served as a nurse. She ran a private hospital. She was the only woman to hold military rank in the Confederate army.
Ulyssess S. Grant
He led some inportant Union battles. He won the Battle of Vicksburg. He demanded unconditional surrender at the Battle at Fort Donelson. People said that he stood for unconditional surrender.
George Meade
A union general who led the Battle of Gettysburg.
George Pickett
A Confederate General who was ordered to charge the center of the Union line at the Battle of Gettysburg. Became known as Pickett's charge.Over 28,00 confederate soldiers were killed.
Site of one of the bloodiest battles in US history. Over 23,000 men were killed or wounded there in 1962.
Fort Wagner
The first balck Union regimen the 54th massachusetts Colored Regimen attacked Fort Wagner in South Carolina. Almost half of them were killed there the south won.
In Tennessee where Ulysses Grant won more battles then anywhere else.
Site of Battle. It's in Mississippi. It stood in the way of Grant mission to fulfill the Anaconda Plan of gaining control of Missippii. Won by the union army. They attcked from the Southern side and won. Sealed the fate of the Confederacy.
Another major Battle led by george meade. July 1863. Union won.