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212 Cards in this Set

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begins during fetal development / oogonium develops into 1 ootid (undergoing meiosis) with 3 polar bodies / polar bodies disintegrate at end of meiosis II
begins at puberty & continues until death / spermatognium develops into 4 hapliod sperm (spermatozoa) / semen consists of sperm suspended in a fluid that nourishes them & facilitates fert / produced in seminiferous tubules & mature in epididymis / delivered to urethra thru vasa deferentia
reproduction steps
fertilizationi occurs in upper region of oviducts > zygote becomes blastocyst thru cell division as it passes down oviduct > arrives in uterus & plants itself in endometrium, where placenta forms & embryo develops
male reproductive glands contributing to semen
Hypothatlamus & Pituitary Anterior y
where in the seminiferous tubule is spermatogonia located
connected to the wall of the seminiferious tubule / seminiferous tubules are within the testis / spermatogonium are the least developed stage of sperm cells (spermatogonium > primary spermatocytes > secondary spermatocytes > spermatids > differentiating spermatids
function of Leydig cells
secrete testosterone, triggered by luteinizing hormone from anterior pituitary
What stage of meiosis are primary spermatocytes in
stuck in prophase I
what hormone controls testosterone levels
luteinizing hormone secreted from the anterior pituitary
what stage of meiosis are primary oocytes in
stuck in prophase I
hormone that stimulates ovulation
LH: FSH makes the immature egg grow > rising level of oestrogen in the blood signals to the A. pituitary that egg is ready > A.pit sends out LH hormone which signals release of egg.
hormone that maintains pregnancy
hormone changes that occur during uterine cycle
estrogen level = menstration > estrogen begins to peak, followed about a week later by a spike in FSH & LH, progesterone slowly begins to rise > FSH & LH drop radically, follwed by a slower & smaller decline in estrogen > progesterone peaks, then declines after LH & Est take a second dive & FSH begins to climb
hormonal changes during ovarian cycle
estrogen slowly rises & progesterone stays level > estrogen peaks > as estrogen declines progesterone begins to rise > both dip to starting levels
examples of neg & pos feedback in female repro
estrogen triggers hypothal to produce GnRH and anterior to produce LH/FSH. Estrogen & progesterone inhibits production of the homrones liested above. POSITIVE = labor contractions & oxytocin
function of oxytocin in reproduction
triggers uteran contractions
when does ovulation occur
approx day 14 of cycle
what factors trigger birth
oxytocin released when pressure on cervix increased & uterine stretching is enough
where in the female reproductive tract does fert occur
upper regions of oviduct
where does development of the blastocyst begin
as it passes down oviduct
embryo has mutliple types of cells, has yet to implant in uterus
bulbourethral gland
secretes alkaline fluid that helps the sperm survice the acidic environ of the urethra
corpus luteum
yellow mass that forms in ruptured follicle following release of ovum > secretes progesterone thru 2nd half of menstrual cycle & into pregnancy
uterine lining
tub in each testis that carries sperm to vas deferens
Produced by ovaries / Chem = steriod / Target = breast, uterus, other tissues / Action = female characteristics, sexual behaviors
follicle-stimulating hormone
produced by anterior pit / MALE - enhances production of androgen-binding protein & spermatogenesis / FEMALE - triggers development of immature egg & helps control menstrual cycle.
human chorionic gonadotropin
produced in early pregnancy by placenta, used in some pregnancy tests
implantation of a blastocyst in the endometrium
leydig cell
testes cell that secretes testosterone, found adjacent to seminiferous tubules
luteinizing hormone
gonadotrophic hormone secreted by A.pit.; stimulates ovulation & corpus luteum in females & androgens release in males
oogonial cell
arizes from a primordial germ cell & differentiates inot an oocyte (what develops into an egg)
vascular structure/organ providing nurishment & transferring waste away from fetus
primary oocyte
immature ovum (egg), female germ cell, arrested in Prophase I
primary spermatocyte
form of the sperm cell at 1st stage of spermatogenesis, arrested in Prophase I
prepares & maintaines uterus for pregnancy, secreted by ovary
prostate gland
gland at neck of urethra that produced viscid secretion that is part of semen
secondary oocyte
haploid, produced from primary oocyte just before ovulation, stays at this stage until fertizlized
secondary spermatocyte
produced from primary, give rise to spermatids (which are haploid)
produced at ejaculation, cotains spermatozoa & seminal fluid
seminiferous tubule
long tubs in testis where spermatozoa mature
sertoli cell
elongated cells in seminiferous tubules that nourish spermatids, produce hormone that stops fetal development of female sex organs
appreviation for spermatozoon (plural of spermatozoa)
spermatogonial cell
undergoes meiosis I to produce 2 haploid secondary spermatocytes (which go on to undergo meiosis II & produce 2 haploid spermatids) / 1 primary spermatocyte = 4 spermatids
any agent or substance which can cause malformation of an embryo
male reproductive gland, pruduces testosterone & male germ cells
primarily secreted by the testes / steroid hormone of androgen group
membrane that forms the wall of the blastocyste, aids in implantation & development of placenta after implantation
vas deferens
duct that carries spermatozoa from epididymis to ejaculatory duct (testes to urethra)
blood flow thru heart
body > vena cava > R atrium > Tricuspid valve > R ventricle > Pulmonic valve > pulmonary artery to lungs > Lungs > pulmonary vein > L atrium > Mitral valve > L ventricle > Aotric valve > aorta to body
phases of the cardiac cycle (muscular, valve, fluid & electrical activity for each)
2 phases - systole (ventricles contract - force blood out) and diastole (atria contract, filling ventricles)
Normal resting values for SV, CO & EF
SV = 70ml/beat CO = 5.04L/min EF = 0.6
Given EDV, ESV & HR calculate SV, CO & EF
Average of how often RBC pass thru heart
Every minute
Three types of "---cardium" & function of each, starting with outermost
Pericardium protects > Myocardium pumps, connective tissue & nerve conduction > Endocardium is smooth inner surface
Cause of twisting motion of heart when it contracts
helps the heart eject all blood & to refill, makes it more efficient
Every 60sec how much time is spent in diastole & systole?
0.3 systole (18 sec) and 0.7 diastole (42 sec)
atrial vs ventricular contraction - strength, length, timing, valve activity & max BP
Right - triscupid opens to let blood into R vent, contraction of R vent less forceful than L because less pressure is needed
How would massive drop in blood volume affect CO? Why would tachycardia be expected result?
would availablity of O2 transport to body, so to compensate the heart would begin to pump more to try to circulate the available blood/Hb/O2 to body. Tachycardia is an increased, less effficient pumping
Factors that affect SV
degree of preload (heart muscle stretch) increases EDV / contractility decreases ESV / afterload minor except in people with high BP
Factors that influence HR
nervous system (sympathetic & parasympathetic), blood pressure & blood composition
What hormones regulate HR
epinephrine - increases heart rate / acetylcholine - slows heart rate down / atrophine - levels out heart rate
Sequence of events in the conducting system (nervous tissue) of heart thru 1 cardiac cycle?
SA node fires contracting atria (distole) > AV (atrioventricular node) node fires > Bundle of His fibers (larger 'trunk' nerve) > L & R bundle branches > Purkinje fibers start ventricular contractions
Correlate cardiac cycle events with EKG
P = atrial depolarization ( atria contracting - distole) / QRS = ventricular depolarizaiton (ventricals contracting - systole) / T = ventricles repolarizing
Why is rapid conduction of electrical signal from Bundle of His to Purkinje fibers important for efficient blood pumping
The Bundle of His gets the signal from the AV node and needs to transmit it quickly to the Purkinje so that they can make the muscle contract.
what type of vessel regulates resistance to blood flow? How do they increase or decrease blood flow to an organ?
arterioles - capable of localized vasoconstriction & vasodilation, contol BP & BF to capillary bed
most elastic vessel & why
arteries near the heart - elastin gives walls flexibility & there is high pressure there
vessel type that is least robust & how is inherent weakness associated with its function
capillaries. Thin, porous walls to aid in ease of diffusion make them weak
why does net fluid flow between capillaries & interstitial fluid reverse as the blood passes thru a capillary bed? Would this still occur if osmotic pessure (chem composition) was constant?
ARTERIOLE side has high hydrostatic pressure & low osmotic potential creating a net outward force - VENULE side has lower hydrostatic pressure & lower osmotic potential creating an new inward force. NOTES FROM CLASS - BP excess osmotic than stuff flows out of capillaries, vice versa.
mechanisms of flow thru arteries vs veins
ARTERIES - from heart, high blood flow due to large lumen & low resistance, more elastin in walls closer to heart bc higher pressure. VEINS - return blood to heart thru large diameter system, thin walled with no elastin, little muscle, flow at low pressure, have valves to prevent back flow
Viscosity, vessel length & vessel diameter affect on total peripheral resistance? Which factor can change most rapidly? How does that affect CO?
TPR = (mean arterial pressure - mean venous pressure) / CO … peripheral resistance is dependent on the capacity of the vessels. Decreased diameter = increased resistance / Increased viscosity = increased resistance / Increased length = increased resistance
Hormones that alter blood pressure, tissue that each targets, effect on that tissue & how that changes blood pressure
ADH (vasopressin) - increases water permability for reabsorption in collecting duct, INCREASES BP/BV

ANGLOSTENSIN - triggered by Renin, contracts vessels, stim's release of Aldosterone, RAISES BP

ALDOSTERONE - opens Na channels, conserves water/salt, RAISES BP/BV

ANP/BNP - released by atrial & ventricular cells, close Na channels, preventing reabsorption, LOWER BP/BV

RAA - constrictor, H2O retention, RAISES BP
How does movement contribute to circulation
skeletal muscles act as secondary pump
hypertension & criteria
hypertension = increase in BP >140/ >90
how does hypertension cause damage to organs or coronary artieries
TPR increases, so diastolic pressure increases, and blood vessels become strained/damaged.
cellular components of blood, functions of each & relative abundance within blood
ERYTHROCYTES - RBC, 5-6 mill, transport O2 & CO2 / PLATELETS - 250K -400K, clotting / LEUKOCYTES - white blood cells (5K-10K) Immune
major components of plasma & functions
WATER - solvent / SALTS (Na,K,Ca,Mg,Cl,HCO3) - regulation of membrane potential osmotic balance, pH buffering / PROTEINS (Albumin, Fibrinogen, Immunoglobulins) - clotting, immune response, osmotic balance, pH buffer
back pressure on ventricle
released in response to low blood volume or low BP, this opens sodium channels & moves sodium out of collecting ducts (conserving salt & water)
stim's release of aldosterone from adrenal cortex (promo's Na retention, raises BP) and causes blood vessels to constrict
antidiuretic hormone ADH
VASOPRESSIN (ADH) - released by posterior pituitatry / chem = peptide / target = kidneys / action = stimulates water reabsorption, increases water permeability of collecting ducts
aortic valve
semilunar valve between L vent & aorta
connects arteries & capillaries / can vasodiolate or vasoconstrict as needed - diameter changes triggered by hormones
takes O2 rich blood away from the heart for delivery to tissue/organs
atrioventricular (AV) node
helps coordinate heart rate, electrically connects atrial & ventricular chambers, sends signal from SA node (which fires first) to Bundle of His, located at the center of Koch's Triangle
atrioventricular (AV) valve
valve between atrium & ventricle, Tricuspid & Mitral are both AV valves
First chamber on each side, Fills during systole, Contracts during diastole
bundle branches
branches of the Bundle of His > electrical impluse travels from SA node, to AV node, to Bundle, the divides into the R & L bundle branches > branches divide into Purkinje fibers that cause muscles to contrict
cardiac insufficiency
heart failure (not stopping like in an attack or arrest) - gradual failure of the heart
caridac output (CO)
[CO = SV (stroke vol) x HR (heart rate)] The amount of blood being pumped out by the heart per minute
cardiac reserve
hearts ability to perform beyond basal conditions during an emergency
carotid arteries
supplies head & neck with oxygenated blood, branches off of aortic arch
strength of contraction
blood fills ventricles - ventricles relax & atria contract > blood flows from atria into ventricles > mitral & tricuspid valves open > aortic & pumonic valves close
diastolic pressure
resting blood pressure, bottom number, (diastolic - vent get filled bc atria contract)
ejection fraction (EF)
protein in connective tissue that allows for stretching & contracting
end-diastolic volume
(EDV=SV + ESV) Amount of blood in left ventricle at end of diastole
red blood cells
rapid, irregular contraction of heart muscle
portion of blood that is RBC's
hydrostatic pressure
the pressure at a point in fluid that is the result of the weight of fluid above it
inferior vena cava
lower vein leading to R atrium
white blood cells
interior cavity/space of vessel
mean arterial pressure (MAP)
average of aortic systolic and diastolic pressure
mitral/bicuspid valve
shaped by Bishop's hat, controls flow from L Atrium to L Vent
heart muscle responsible for pumping & it's connective tissue for support and nerve conduction
P wave
atrial depolarization (contraction) - current moving from SA node toward AVE node & spreads to R & L atrium
outside layer - protects heart
fluid/matrix of blood that cells & proteins hangout in
clotting, linked to tissue repair/regeneration
pressure stretching ventricle of heart
pulmonary trunk
goes from R vent to lungs - splits into R & L pulmonary arteries
pulmonary veins
carry O2 rich blood from lungs to L atrium
pulmonic valve
Semilunar valve between R Vent and pulmonary artery
pulse pressure
difference between systolic (vent contracting ) and diastolic (atria contracting) / difference between highest & lowest BP
purkinje fibers
responsible for contracting ventricles / branch off of branch bundles (which branch off of Bunclde of His)
QRS complex
Ventricular depolarization (contraction)
blood going the wrond direction in the heart due to valve generally due to valve problems
semilunar valves
3 cusps shaped like cresent moons - Aortic (L Vent to Aorta) and Pulmonic (R vent to Pulmonary artery)
sinoatrial (SA) node
upper right atrium, first to fire
stroke volume (SV)
volume of blood pumped out of ventricle
subclavian arteries
supplies blood to head & kneck - how is this diffent than the coratid??
superior vena cava
brings blood to the heart from the upper body
systemic circulation
between heart & body - carries O2 blood away from the heart & returns used blood back to heart
blood pushed out of heart - ventricles contract & atria relax > blood flows out of heart into pumonary & aorta > mitral & tricuspid valves close > aortic & pumonic valves open
systolic pressure
maximum blood-pressure bc vent's contracting
T wave
ventricular repolarization - (recovery)
total peripheral resistance (TPR)
sum of resistance of all peripheral vessels in systemic circulation
Controls flow from R atrium to R ventricle
tunica adventitia
strong outer layer of arteries & veins, composed of connective tissue, collagen & elastin
tunica intima
inner lining of artery or vein
tunica media
muscular middle layer of artery - NOT IN VEINS
shrinking of vessel diameter
enlarging of vessel diameter
ADH - secreted by posterior pituitary gland - constricts blood vessels, raises blood pressure, reduces urine excretion
vein venous return (VR)
blodo returning to the heart via inferior & superiour vena cava
connect veins to capillaries
blood flow circuits
Pulmonary, systemic (peripheral) and coronary circuit
Pulmonary Circuit
between heart & lungs > pulmonary artery (O2 down & CO2 up) and pulmonary vein (O2 up and CO2 down)
Systemic (Peripheral) Circuit
between heart & rest of body > aorta (O2 up & CO2 down) and vena cava (O2 down & CO2 up)
Coronary Circuit
supplies blood to heart > coronary artery (O2 up & CO2 down) and coronary sinus / cardiac veins (O2 down & CO2 up)
how is gas diffusion between lungs & blood maximized
alveoli increase surface area, partial pressure gradients maximized across surfaces, exchange surface thickness minimized
principal functions of respiratory sytem
to deliver constant O2 supply to cells and to provide continuous removal of CO2 using ventilation (air in/out of lungs), external respiration, transport & internal respiration
defferent cell types in lung & their functions
alveoli - TYPE I for exchange surface with capillaries / TYPE II are scattered amoun Type I and make surfacant that coats alveoli to reduce surface tension / ALVEOLAR MACROPHAGES (dust cells) - PHAGOCYTIC cells that consume microbes & dust particles
how is air taken into lungs during inhalation
gas exchange in Type I cells of capillary bed of alveoli > contractions of diaphragm & intercoastal muscles create negative pressure in thoracic cavity by expansion of pleural cavity
how is air expelled during exhalation
relaxation of diaphragm & intercostal muscles increase pressure in thoracic cavity causing pleural cavity to contract & push air out
what determines inhalation or exhalation
pressure gradients (relative to atm pressure - air moves down pressure gradient
shape of the diaphragm when relaxed
convex (dome)
what cell produce surfactant & what is it's purpose
Type I and make surfacant that coats alveoli to reduce surface tension & makes lung inflation easier
external vs internal respiration
EXTERNAL = gas transfer between lungs & blood / INTERNAL = gas transfer between tissue & blood / Both are over a short distance & across a membrane
what is tidal volume & what is the normal tidal volume
volume of air displaced between inhalation & exhalation / average volume 500mL / tidal means air goes in the same way it goes out
what is dead space volume & how does it change during respiration
air inhaled by that does not participate in gas exchange, can be minimized by breathing deeper & more slowly. Alveolar dead space is air contacting alveoli w/o bloodflow in adjacent pulmonary capillaries, this is increased in diseased lungs
two major types of alveolar cells in the lung & their funx
TYPE I for exchange surface with capillaries / TYPE II are scattered amoung Type I and make surfacant that coats alveoli to reduce surface tension & makes lung inflation easier
how is O2 transported in blood? Trace steps from O2 pick-up in lung to O2 drop off in tissue
Bound to hemoglobin (Hb) / Hb is saturated with 4 O2 molecules / Hb's affinity of O2 depends on the pressure of O2 > Hb picks up O2 as it flows thru respiratory exchange structures (high in pO2) and delivers it to metabolically active tissue (low pO2) > Hb is able to 'drop off' O2 when it reaches areas that have pO2 levels that are too low for it to maintain the bond
how is CO2 transported in blood? Trace the steps from CO2 pick-up to drop off
As HCO3-, which buffers pH in blood because the affinity for Hb for oxygen is decreased in acidic environments > CO2 waste product is picked up from metabollicaly active tissue and delivered to the lungs > reacts with H2O to form HCO3- in capillaries - in the lungs it breaks back down to CO2 and is excreted thru the alveolus
what controls hemoglobins affinity for oxygen? Explain oxy-hemoglobin dissociation curve
The pressure of the O2 to which it is exposed. The higher the pressure, the higher the affinity for O2. The curve plots the proprtion of hemoglobin saturated on the vertical axis (ox saturation) & pO2 on horizontal
Effect of a left-ward shift in oxy-hemoglobin dissociation curve on hemoglobin affinity for O2
increased affinity for O2 because the P50 (pO2 required for 50% Hb+O2 saturation) is decreased
Rank order the following hemoglobins in terms of affinity for O2 - hemoglobin, fetal hemoglobin & myoglobin
Myoglobin < Fetal < adult
what blood gas is primary control for breathing rate
How is metabolically active tissue able to get more oxygen from the blood
The O2 levels are lower, so the pO2 is lower, which causes Hb to release O2 because it cannot maintain it's saturated state when the pO2 levels are too low
Input & output in the feedback loop for contolling breathing rate
Level of CO2 in blood provides feedback stimulus for breathing rate / Breathing rhythm is sensitive to feedback from chemoreceptors on brain stem and carotid & aortic bodies on vessels leaving heart
alveolar ventilation
breathing - the gas exchange w/ air within the lungs
a small outpouching along wall of alveolar where gas exchange between alveolar air & blood occurs
fine, thin-walled extension of bronchus > communicates directly with alveolar ducts, has alveolar outcroppings & divides into several alveolar ducts
one of the larger passages conveying air to a lung, branch of trachea that leads directly to the lungs
carbonic anhydrase
enzymes that catalyze the rapid conversion of carbon dioxide to bicarbonate and protons, a reaction that occurs rather slowly in the absence of a catalyst.
separates abdominal cavity from thoracic cavity, major muscle in respiration
intercostal muscles
muscles that run between ribs & form chest wall, aid in inhalation (external intercostal) & exhalation (internal intercostal), expand dimensions of thoracic cavity
refers to the middle (as opposed to 'cortex') / adrenal medulla that produces epinephrine & norepinephrine
mucociliary escalator
chain of cilia layered in mucus along throat that are constantly beating inorder to trap & move foregin bodies upward to the pharynx to be swallowed
protein found in muscle cells / functions as an O2 storage unit & provides O2 to working muscles / has strongest affinity for O2 binding bc of how it binds
oxygen-hemoglobin dissociation curve
The higher the pressure, the higher the affinity for O2. The curve plots the proprtion of hemoglobin saturated on the vertical axis (ox saturation) & pO2 on horizontal
partial pressure of carbon dioxide
This measures how much carbon dioxide is dissolved in the blood and how well carbon dioxide is able to move out of the body.
partial pressure of oxygen
This measures the pressure of oxygen dissolved in the blood and how well oxygen is able to move from the airspace of the lungs into the blood.
pulmonary ventilation
inflow and outflow of air between the lungs & atmosphere
the rate at which gas enters or leaves the lung.
Major functions of the kidney
Maintenance of salt & water balance

K+/Na+ levels critical for physiological processes

excretion of nitrogenous waste

regulation of blood pH

erythropoietine hormone to stimulate RBC production when O2 is low

renin to regulate blood pressure

converts vit D to it's active form
Functional unit of kidney & how many in each kidney?
1 million nephrons per kidney - 2 different types (80% long & 20% short)
How much oxygen do kidneys consume daily?
1/4 of oxygen supply
What percentage of 180L of blood filtered is excreted as urine
Parts of the nephron & their functions
GLOMERULUS - where blood is filtered across the walls of a knot of capillaries / RENAL TUBULE - processes glomerular filtrate into urine / PERITUBULAR CAPILLARIES - reabsorption of water & various solutes from renal tubule
2 blood components not filted by the kidneys
cells & proteins
where in nephron is blood filtered
where in nephron are most sustances reabsorbed
peritubular capillaries
purpose of the Loop of Henle
loop in part of Renal tubule
Functions of distal convoluted tubule vs proximal convoluted tubule
Both inside Renal - PROXIMAL is primary location of reabsorption -DISTAL is the final resoption point of water, heavily regulated by aldosterone, secretes waste into urine
ascending limb vs descending limb of Henle loop
DECENDING - low permeability to ions, moderate to urea & highly permeable to water / ASCENDING - not permeable to water, but is to ions
why does the kidney require energy to filter blood
active transport of Na out of filtrate & secondary active transport of some components back in requires E
where in nephron is water & iron re-absorption regulated?
in the distal convoluted tubule (within the Renal Tubule) and collecting ducts - regulated by aldosterone & ADH
4 mechanisms of how water & BP are controlled by kidney
ALDOSTERONE released by adrenal cortex in response to low blood volume or low BP, this opens sodium channels & moves sodium out of collecting ducts (conserving salt & water) > ATRIAL & BRAIN NATRIURETIC PEPTIDE (ANP & BNP) released by atrial cardiac cell when blood vol or BP too high, ANP closes sodium channels to reduce Na & water resoption > ANTIDIURETIC HORMONE (ADH) produced by posterior pituitary increases water permeability of collecting ducts - w/o ADH water cannot enter tubular cells and all fluid will be excreted - w/ ADH urine volume is minimal & concentration is maximal
Renin, angiotensinogen, angiotensin I & angiotensin II
Renin helps regulate BP by stimulating production of angiotensin, which causes blood vessels to constrict, increaing BP > Angiotensin II increases BP in kidney by causing blood to build up in Glomerulus.
ADH action on kidney to raise BP
ANTIDIURETIC HORMONE (ADH) produced by posterior pituitary increases water permeability of collecting ducts - w/o ADH water cannot enter tubular cells and all fluid will be excreted - w/ ADH urine volume is minimal & concentration is maximal
what happens to the kidney to increase BP & is a result of
Hypothalamus signals posterior pit to release ADH, which binds to receptors in renal tubule & causes aquaporin channels to be inserted into collecting duct cells, resulting in reabsorption of more water
afferent arteriole
blood vessels that supply nephrons
Mineralcorticoid steroid / Causes water retention by kidney
angiotensin I
precurser to II
angiotensin II
Angiotensin II increases BP in kidney by causing blood to build up in Glomerulus.
a serum formed by liver that is cleaved by renin to form angiotensin I
proteins in cell memebrane that regulate water flow
bowman's capsule
at begninning of nephron tubular, glomerulus inclosed inside, fluids from blood are collected & further processed along nephron to form urine
collecting duct
connect nephrons to ureter, participates in reabsorption & excretion regulated by aldosterone & ADH
cortical nephron
in renal corext instead of renal medulla like other type of nephron,
ball of capillaries supplied by afferent arteriole / Capillaries re-join to form the efferent arteriole / Cap's are 1000x more porous than most and only cells & proteins can't pass / Cap's also have high BP to increase filtration rate
juxtamedullary nephron
deeper than most nephrons, responsible for development of osmotic gradients in renal medulla
peritubular capillaries
alongside nephrons allowing reabsportion & secretion between blood & nephron
proximal convoluted tubule
this is where most water & slats are reabsorbed into peritubular capillaries
renal cortex
outer portion of kidney between renal capsule & medulla, contains renal tubules except for parts of Henle and cortical collecting ducts
renal medulla
innermost part of kidney; juxtamedullary nephrons drop their Henle's to this level
distal convoluted tubule
DISTAL is the final resoption point of water, heavily regulated by aldosterone, secretes waste into urine
efferent arteriole
help maintain glomerulus filtration rate despite BP fluctuations
renin vasopressin (antidiuretic hormone)
ANTIDIURETIC HORMONE (ADH) released by posterior pituitary increases water permeability of collecting ducts - w/o ADH water cannot enter tubular cells and all fluid will be excreted - w/ ADH urine volume is minimal & concentration is maximal