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93 Cards in this Set

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Coined phrase "anesthesia is a sleep like state that allows for painless surgery"
Oliver Wendell Holmes
Who demonstrated ether in Massachusetts at the Ether dome
William Morton
Who invented the first vaporizer
William Morton
What is anesthesia
medical/physical manipulation that makes a patient not sensitive to pain
How were most anesthetics trialed
as recreational chemicals
What were some of the early anesthetics
opium, alcohol, coca leaves, phlebotomy, nerve compression, cold, and speed
what was made from poppy seeds
used to cure altitude sickness
coca leaves
how was phlebotomy used
to bleed them dry then operate
what was the problem with nerve compression
may cause permanent damage
who used speed as a trait for surgery
Listen- killed 3 in one surgery
who produced diethyl ether
Valerius Cordus
Ether was first developed as what
recreational drug
Use of ether in Europe can be directly related to what
ETOH tax
Diethyl ether was made from what
alcohol and sulfuric acid
How did Valerus Cordus test his diethyl ether
put chickens to sleep and wake them back up
who discovered photosynthesis
Joseph Priestly
who accuratley discovered how to produce and store nitrous oxide
Joseph Priestly- burning of mercuric oxide
Who did extensive research on nitrous oxide and published a book on NO2 and its effects on the body
Humphrey Davy- it soothed his tooth ache
who was the first person to call nitrous oxide laughing gas
Humphrey Davy
where did samuel colt learn to make nitrous oxide
working in a tanning factory
what are the properties of nitrous oxide
never a liquid must be stored as a gas
not easy to prepare, purify, or store,
would give you a good buzz and is very addicting
What patent did Samuel Colt have
Colt Revolver patent- went on a traveling show tour to earn money
who perfected chloroform by purifying, detailing and publishing it
Jean Baptiste Andre Dumas
Problem with chloroform
narrow margin of error, produced lots of nausea, and more toxic than ether
who delivered the first paid ether anesthetic during what type of procedure?
Crawford Long- during a vascular tumor removal from the neck but didnt publish findings
How did Long compare his analgesic efficacy
by amputating two fingers of a slave child without the use of ether
Who called himself the professor of chemistry and went on a traveling show to show off nitrous oxide
Gardner Colton
What dentist failed in his demonstration to extract a tooth using nitrous oxide and why
Horace Wells- didnt use enough nitrous oxide
Who trained William Morton in nitrous oxide anesthesis
Horace Wells
what was the first vaporizer
a glass, pull over tube into which an ether soaked sponge could be placed
Who is credited for delievering the first ether anesthetic
William Morton- colored it orange
Who established the process of donating body to science
Edmund Andrews- A&P Professor
what did Andrews learn from dissecting bodies
That humans need oxygen delivered with the anesthetic- he put 20% oxygen with his anestheic gases to provide for the metabolic requirements while administering anesthesia
Who worked with chloroform for the relief of childbirth pain
Sir James Simpson
Who explained that pain came from tissue damage and is not only an emotion
Sir James Simpson
Who gave chloroform to Queen Victoria during the birth of Prince Leopold
Dr. John Snow
Who is considered to be the first anesthesiologist
Dr. John Snow- taught other physicians to give anesthesia and started developing it as a specialty
What drug causes Vfib adn increased mortalitiy
What was the "Blessing of the Age"
Chloroform during Childbirth
Who was the first lady to graduate nursing school- 1st nurse
Who introduced Carbolic acid to clean instruments
Who introduced the Germ Theory
Who worked together to bring cleanliness to the operating room
Nightingale, Lister, Pasteur
Who was the first nurse anesthetist
Sister Bernard
What are the traits of a good anesthetist
observant, trained in patient care and not expecting to be a surgeon
What is drug induced unconsciousness
when a patient doesn't perceive or recall
What is important to be able to study and manipulate anesthesia
must be able to measure it - example is faces pain scale
Why were people dying because of anesthesia in the beginning
part time anesthesia providers
Why did nurses patients survive more than Dr's patient
Cleanliness of the nurses
Who is the founder of the AANA
Agatha Hodgins- canadian who did post graduate work in anesthesia
Who is the Mother of Anesthesia
Alice Magaw- 14000 anesthetics delivered without a death
What % of anesthesia is administered by a CRNA
Who should administer the anesthetic
Someone who is:
good at it
pays attention to detail
has an adequate education
cares well for their patient
is a team player
What is the ideal anesthetic
Rapid onest
side-effect free
100% reversible
Provide all 4 components of balanced anesthesia
What are the 4 components of Balanced Anesthesia
Muscle Relaxation
Physiologic homeostasis
What is anlegisic
pain control
What two types of responses to pain do we have
Somatic response-dermatome man
Autonomic Response-response of our vital signs to painful stimuli
What do most post-op complications come from
not blunting the sympathetic response to stress
What is the #1 post surgical complication
What is the cost of SNS response
Hypermetabolism, Icreased cardiac workload, Impaired pulmonary function, Pain, Decreased GI motility, Hypercoagulation, Immunosuppression (Cortisol), Loss of muscle mass (catabolism), Decreased cognition
What does decreased GI motility lead to
infection from bacterial trasmigration- sepsis
Visceral response to pain
organ pain
how do you get no movement to surgical stimulation
Muscle relaxation
what muscles relax
What is retrograde amnesia
loss of recall of previous instances before anesthesia given- this does not exist
what is the loss of the ability to recall past experiences
When does amnesia begin
antegrade- when the drug gets to the receptor site in sufficient quantity to have a physiologic action and continues for a certain period of time
What is physiologic homeostasis
is the patient positioned correctly- is the IV working well- what are the Vital Signs- what is the urine output
not following verbal commands
allows patients to respond to verbal commnands
what is recall
the retention of memory from perceived experiences
What effects do sedatives have
calming and soothing effect- may or may not be amnistic
what is a hypnotic
a drug that induces a sleep-like state
can a patient be aware without having recall
yes aware is just knowing whats going on around you
What are the five phases of an anesthetic
Pre-operative Period
Induction of anesthesia
maintenance of anesthesia
emergence from anesthesia
post operative period
when is the most critical time for anesthesia incidences
during the maintenance phase due to lack of attention
What all did Dr. Arthur Guedel develop
had four stages of anesthesia accepted doctrine
eye signs for anesthesia
further defined the third stage into 4 planes
Invented the cuffed ETT
Why did Guedel invent the cuffed ETT
wanted to do low flow anesthesia- proved he could isolate the airway by submerging his dog into a fish tank
What are the four stages of anesthesia
Medullary Paralysis
Describe stage 1- analgesia
Typical narcotized state
patient still conscious
has smooth ventilation(guarding own airway)
all reflexes intact
some relief from pain
Describe stage 2- delirium
excitement stage and begins with loss of conciousness
ventilations are irregular- sensitive airway
patient may have motion
nystagmus present- excitable pupils
What can happen during delirium stage
bronchospasm, laryngospasm
vomit from very little stimulus
airway is vulneralbe
do not extubate
room should be quite during this stage
Describe stage 3- surgical
4 planes
plane I- respirations are smooth, regular, and deep
lots of eye movements
Plane II- IV - patient will go through remaining planes - pupils will dilate respirations get shallower, all protective airway reflexes are lost but patient is still breathing on his/her own
Describe stage 4- Meduallary Paralysis
cardiovascular and respiratory collapse
if patient is anesthetized adequately and you are giving an inhaled anesthetic what will the patient do upon incision
Take a nice deep breath- which will deepen anesthesia
if not patient will hold breath and not breath any anesthetic and become lighter
How can you tell if a patient is deep enough to remove the airway
if you suction the pharyngeal are and they dont hold their breath
Balanced anesthesia stage I
analgesia (Preliminary Induction)- sedate with opiods, benzo, or start inhaled GA
Balanced anesthesia stage II
Excitement (transition)(Induction of General Anesthesia)
Administer IV GA +/- NMB or continued inhaled GA
Secure airway, treat hiccoughs, myoclonus, decerebrate posturing, and masseter spasms
Balanced anesthesia stage III
General Anesthesia (Maintenance of GA)
Adjust IV or inhaled GA, +/- opiods, +/- NMB.
Avoid under dosing and overdosing
Last stage of balanced anesthesia
reenter stage II- (Emergence from GA)
stop IV or inhaled GA and reverse NMB
Treat breath holding, laryngospasm, vomiting and shivering PRN
Who redefined the elements relevant to anesthesia stating the muscle relaxation is not a logical part of anesthesia
Prys Roberts
What did Prys Roberts Depth of Anesthesia Chart contain
Somatic and Autonomic Response to Pain
He stated that anesthesia should be classified according to the physical responses to pain rather than the drugs we are administering