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30 Cards in this Set

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What is Spring?

An open-source Java application framework that streamlines development through use of Inversion of Control in its modules.

What are common Spring modules?

Core, Context, AOP, MVC, Data, Boot, ORM

What are some exceptions from common Spring modules?

BeanInitializationException, AOPConfigException, NestedCheckedException, HttpRequestMethodNotSupportedException

What is an aspect?

Is the "what" you are injecting. This is usually a function.

What is a join point?

The "where you can inject." It is the place a new service will be added into the normal flow of the business method. This point could be a method being called, an exception being thrown, or even a field being modified.

What is a point cut?

The "where" advice should be executed. The join points an advice should be executed on.

What is an advice?

The "when" to inject. Executes either Before, After Returning, After Throwing, or Around the targeted method execution.

What do @Before, @After, @AfterThrowing, @AfterReturning, and @Around do?

@Before is before the method is executed. @After is after the method is executed, regardless of success or failure. @AfterReturning is only upon success. @AfterThrowing is only upon failure. @Around occurs before and after the method execution.


Provides a name the can be used by advice annotations to refer to that pointcut.


Declares the point where the method execution should continue during an Around advice.


Marks a java class as a spring bean and enables it to be found and pulled into the application context.


A class that performs functionality for cross-cutting concerns.

What is IOC?

Inversion of Control. It is the concept of the developer giving control to a container.

What is AOP?

Aspect-oriented programming. It aims to increase the modularity by allowing separation of cross-cutting concerns through the use of aspects. It adds behaviors without modifying the code itself.

What is a cross-cutting concern?

A problem that spans several areas of a program. Examples are logging and transactions.

What is dependency injection?

Required objects, or dependencies, are given from a container upon creation of that reference/dependency.

What are the different forms of dependency injection?

Setter, constructor, and interface.

What is a bean factory?

Older system that fetches objects lazily.

What is an application context?

A BeanFactory with more features, such as text messaging, generic resource loaders, and bean event listeners. It fetches bean eagerly.

What is JNDI?

Java Naming and Directory Interface. It is a Java API that provides a unified interface to multiple naming and directory services. It is used to organize and locate components in a distributed computing environment.

What is the lifecycle of a Spring bean?

Find bean, instantiate bean, inject bean, bean name aware, bean factory aware, bean post processing before intialization, init, post processing after initialization, destroy.

What are the scopes of beans?

Singleton, Prototype, Request, Session

What is bean wiring?

The creation of associations between java classes within Spring.

What is auto wiring?

It enables Spring to resolve dependency relationships between collaborating beans without using explicit element naming. The order of resolution is by name, by type, by constructor, default, and no.

What is an ORM and what does it do?

Object Relational Mapping bridges the gap between java objects and tables in a database. It consists of a database and POJOs that are mapped to tables and properties of the POJOs that are mapped to the columns in the table.

What is Hibernate?

Hibernate is a Java ORM for bridging the gap between Java OOP and SQL.

What are core interfaces for Hibernate?

SessionFactory, Transaction, Session, Query, Criteria and Configuration.

What is the difference between L1 and L2 cache for Hibernate?

L1 cache is automatically provided by Hibernate. An L2 cache must be explicitly set up, and can use a number of distributed caches for setup, one of which is EH Cache.

Where do you configure Hibernate, and what does it need?

hibernate.cfg.xml, or hibernate.properties. It requires information about the database to be accessed, including location, dialect, driver, username, and password. If you are using JNDI, you need to give a location to the datasource that it can pull connection data from (location, username, password). This file should sit at the application root, or META-INF for web.

What is the difference between ordering and sorting in Hibernate?

The correct answer is: Sorting uses Java collections sorting, and ordering uses the SQL order by clause