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34 Cards in this Set

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prep describes
what you need to do before jumping completely into action. some people sew the parachute after they leap from the plane. u dont wanna do tha
3 responses to planning process
- planning is boring
- you cant plan for the uncontrollable mysteries of life
- planning doesnt work
planning fails when..
you know the destination but not how to get there
planning can be unsuccessful when conducted with dysfunctional perfectionism
no plan is perfect so dont expect it to be
designing your goals being SMART
time specific
say where you will be in 90 days; give to ive observable characteristics of behavior
say goal in way that can be measured, so you can log it
make sure its attainable otherwise its just a dream
to YOU
time specific
specify the time frame (90 days)
first step of psych
track ur problem in order to raise awareness of it
triggers of a problem
the situation (where, what you were doing, who youre with) and your feelings (happy, sad, etc)
tracking yourself for several days
youll learn a lot about the pattern of your problem and more important, how to correct it.
- youll discover that your problem is predictable and can be increased, decreased, or eliminated
- you may find yourself experiencing reactivity. the more you monitor your behavior, the more it improves
buddying up
we work better by working together; 1-2 is good, 3-4 may be ideal
no, but thank you
not all ur friends or family will match your needs. i.e. monique's friend kept giving her unwanted advice. just say no but thank you
toxic helpers
avoid. these are the people that say "itl never work"
a formal invite
if you make a formal request, you have a much better chance of receiving a good response; most people feel honored to be asked
what do u say to your team when they ask what help do you need?
1. youve already done the first thing which is to support my efforts
2. listen to me as i express my fear and excitement
3. help me track my problem
4. keep me on track should i slip
2 way street
listen to ur team too
committing pt 2
people's mere desire to change does not predict success
their level of commitment does. however, commitment alone can result in failure. you must harness both motivation and SKILLS in the change process
difference bw commitment and desire
- commitment implies work
- desire implies wish

i.e. if you commit to washing the car, there is a plan and a particular method to accomplish the goal
overreliance on commitment at the expense of skills
often leads to motivation for a week but then it dies
make narrow choices
- prioritize your goals, and decide which methods you will use to achieve them
- we have a finite store of mental energy for exerting self control so now is the time to prioritize
your store of willpower is depleted when you direct your thoughts, control your feelings, and modify your behaviors
- let other nonessential tasks slide for a while so your willpower is conserved for the work you need to do to change. i.e. a runner does not run the day before a race bc hes saving energy, and you should save yours too
say it loud and proud
make your goal public
- it increases your commitment but it also increases the risk. its good to do this though bc itl push u harder to achieve since everyones watchin
propel the virtuous cycle
myth- you must feel motivated and inspired before acting
- start changing your behavior and the motivation will come with it.
success fuels motivation and motivation fuels success
replacing a the problem behavior with a healthy alternative. for now in the prep phase, just identify a behavior and begin practicing it
pick a start day with fewer than usual pressures so its less stressful
- start on a day that signifies a new beginning. This part isnt researched, but it just makes sense
no waiting for Godot
- in the play, the characters are waiting forever for someone else to activate them. u should not do this
- chronic contemplation- creating rationalizations for waiting for the magic moment, and blaming external situations
learn from your mistakes
mantra for a week
find a slogan/image/person that will inspire you
how long do you need to plan
as long as it takes to prepare and plan for the leap into action; a couple days or a couple weeks
Dr Judith Beck
wrote a book about dieting and explained that dieters need to learn the skills BEFORE they begin the diet phase. i.e. you have to plan before you perspire