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115 Cards in this Set

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Name one difference between sand and indoor volleyball
Indoor goes to 25 and sand goes to 21
In what state was sand volleyball started?
T/F-America has won gold medals in every Olympic Games in sand volleyball
T/F- In intercollegiate volleyball you can play matches on grass?
Who invented sand volleyball
No one
Who invented Basketball
James Naismith
In what year was basketball invented?
What are the player positions in basketball
Forward, Guards, centers
Name two ways you can commit a turnover in basketball
Travel and Double dribble
Who was the greatest player to ever play basketball
Michael Jordan
When was boxing legalized in New york?
What is the main piece of equipment needed in boxing?
Boxing gloves
What is the smallest weight class in boxing
Bantom Weight
You can only score points by landing blows to which parts of the body in boxing
Head and Body
When an opponent is down, the other fighter must stand where in boxing?
Opposite corner
Which swimming style was mostly used in competitive swimming in the U.S. around 1800?
Name 4 different styles of swimming
Backstroke, butterfly, breastroke, freestyle
How many meters long is a long course swimming pool
50 meters
What is the name of the international governing body of swimming that approves world records?
Who is the most decorated Olympic Swimmer of all time?
Michael Phelps
Name 3 pieces of equipment needed for taekwondo
head guard, protective gloves, shin guards
Where did Taekwondo first begin?
Name one way taekwondo has evolved/ changed
Offside rules about crossing the red line in the neutral zone
when did taekwondo go worldwide
What were the standardized rules of soccer called?
Cambridge rules
What federation held the first world cup for soccer
What year was the penalty kick introduced to soccer
How many players are allowed on the soccer field
What is regulation size of a soccer ball
No. 5
Who created water polo
WIlliam Wilson
Where did water polo originate
How many players are out in the water from each team in water polo
what is the flying salmon in water polo
when a teammate jumps off the other teammate's back with the ball
who won the women's gold in 2012 in water polo
Where was indoor handball invented
How many fouls can you have in one match of handball
how many players are on the court for one team in hand ball
7 including the goalie
a player is allowed to hold the ball for how many seconds in hand ball
3 seconds
Is the player allowed to contact the ball below the knee in hand ball
Tru or false. Rugby was invented by accident.
Who invented Rugby
William Ellis
How long is a rugby pitch
100 meters
how many players on the field for each team in rugby
how many points is a "try" worth? in rugby
5 points
Who was the first person to incorporate a permanent pair of skates for iceskating
Christopher Dean
Who was the first person to perform the double axel in 1948 in iceskating
Dick Button
When was the first women's division started for iceskating
in the 1960's who brought a dominance to the Olympics making the competition more fierce with the U.S> in iceskating
Russian Pair
Points are awarded based on what three things in iceskating
jumps spins and steps
where was the first place futsal occurred
Which year was the game of futsal introduced
True or false; there is off sides while playing futsal
how many players start the game in futsal
5, including the goalie
Who has the most FIFA world cup championships in futsal
Instead of a hockey puck, what is used in Ringette
Rubber ring
in What country was ringette created
How long is each of the three periods in one game in ringette
15 to 20 minutes depending on age
t/f a player cannot carry the ring over the blue line, it must be passed in ringette
Who is the creator of ringette
Sam Jacks
How many players are on the field at once in baseball
roots of baseball an be found in what english games
cricket and rounders
who organized the first baseball club in 1842
Alex Cartwright
name 3 pieces of equipment used in baseball
ball bat glove
how many current MLB teams are there
where was golf invented
what club hits the ball the farthest in golf
a driver
what was the first golf course
St. andrews
What is it called if you shoot 1 under par for a hole in golf
Who is the most famous golfer of today
tiger woods
Who crated Slam ball
Mason Gordon
How many trampolines are at each end of the court in slam ball
4 on each end
In what year did slam ball make its tv debut
in what year did slam ball make its final comeback
what is the name of the movie based on slam ball coach ken carter
Coach carter
Who is credited with the creation of hockey
james creighton
when was the miracle on ice in hockey
how many players can take the ice at a time in hockey
10, 11 including the goalie
what material is the puck make from in hockey
who did the U.S. defeat in the Miracle game in hockey
Soviet Union
What country took badminton from india and standardized it
What was the name of the first badminton chmpionship
All England Open
On what side do you serve if you have 19 points in badminton
how high are you allowed to hold the rocket when you serve in badminton
not above your waist
What country won gold in the 2012 Olypmic men's and women's single, double, and mixed badminton?
according to legend, what two cities did Pieddippedes run between to complete the "original marathon"
Athens and Marathon
How many kilometers is a marathon today
what two distances are typical for University level men in xc
10 and 8 k
how many laps is a 10 k run on a track
25 laps
what are three main reasons to distance run
competiton, weight loss, mental health
when was volleyball invented
who invented volleyball
william morgan
what are the 5 skills of volleyball
serving, blocking, passing, hitting, and stting
what was the sport called before of volleball
why was it renamed volleyball
because of a comment a critic made about all the volleying
who is known as the father of football
Walter camp
which conference is known as fthe first in football
How namy teams are there in the NFL today
32 teams
who were the two teams that played in the first collegiate game
Rutgers and Princeton
why was football protested agains in its early years
its violent sport
what year was the first snow board make
what was the name of the first snowboard
what are the three things needed to snowboard
snowboard goggles warm jacket
what are two types of snowboard riding
freeze carb and freestyle
what are the rules to snowboarding
no rules
how long is a lacrosse field
who is known as the father of modern lacrosse
william george beers
how heavy is a lacrosse ball
1 pound
what is the name of the head of a lacrosse stick
at full strength how many players are on the field for each team
10 players
what was the final score of the first softball game
what are the two types of softball
slow and fast pitch
what are the 2 types of equipment used in softball
bat glove protective equipment and uniform
what are the 2 territories in softball
foul and fair
where did softball originate