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77 Cards in this Set

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_____ was key in the 19th century changes
transportation (steamboats and trains)
____ also played a major role in the 19th century changes
media (newspapers, Sporting news, specialized sport sheet)
Separation of sexes reffered to as ____ _____
separate spheres
From Hoboken, NJ, he was a major part of the Racing Frat (mainly horse racing)
- He built big mansions
- In 1823, raced in "Race of the Century"
John Cox Stevens
He funded the NY Yacht Club in 1840.
- His boat was called the "America"
- Race ended up being called "America's Cup" because his boat did so well
- Also created "Great Race"
- Paid people $1000 if they could run 10 miles in 1 hr
John Cox Stevens
He set up 1st Billiards Championship in Detroit
Michael Phelan
He brought back boxing in 1880's
- won heavyweight and defended his title 14times
- Didn't fight African Americans
- Fought with gloves
- 75 round fight vs. Jeff Kirlain
- 100degrees out, drank ice
tea with whiskey
John Sullivan
First American athlete to win over 1 million $$$$
John Sullivan
He formed first baseball club and league, the New York Kinckerbockers
Alexander Joy Cartwright
He was first "business owner" in baseball, bought land, charged gate fee, put fence around field
William Cammeyer
Holbert started running this league...recruits Spaulding
- ban alcohol, no Sunday games, 50cents a game, no players running team, city has to have 75,000, approval of existing clubs
National Leauge
_______ _____ stated whenever team buys a player, they own that player forever
Reserve Clause
First black player in baseball to reach majors (played for Toledo)
Moses Fleetwood Walker
______ ______ played raquette, which was very similiar to lacrosse. Also played the Negro Baseball Championships
Black Sporting Communities
____ _____ _____ ____ was first athletic club in nation. To get in you had to be nominated by member, accepted by 2nd member, and college education (Ivy League School)
New York Athletic Club
First Country Club in nation. Located in Boston. Francis Ouimatt was important figure
Brookline Country Club
______ _____ were based on British background and set up sporting spectacles. They got together with other frats to compete. Made money through gambling, gate fees, food
Sporting Fraternities
John Cox Stevens donated fields that were turned into baseball fields called ______ ______
Elysian Fields
John Morrisey was first American Champion in this sport that was most famous in the 1830s-50s.
He fought John Sullivan and won. He was a "gentleman" and came from the upper class. First glove champion
James Corbett
First announced paid salary baseball team
Cincinnati Red Stockings
_____ _ ____ _____ allowed alcohol at games, played on Sundays, and only charged 25cents per game (immigrant fans)
Beer and Whiskey League
____ ____ played for the Chicago White Stockings, played 22 seasons (only batted below .300 twice), helped White Stockings win 5 pennants
Cap Anson
____ ____ formed once salary came into place. Only lasted 1 year
Players League
___ __________ were formed by a group of friends. Alexander Joy Cartwright played with them
NY Knickerbockers
Greatest player of the century, first man to get 3,000 hits, players didn't like him
Cap Anson
Song named after him "slide kelly slide", broke many rules, drank himself to death
Mike "king" Kelly
______ _____ included hotel, bar, restruant, political meeting place
Tavern Pastimes
______ began in the revolutionary era which banned all types of sports, gambling, leisure activities
_____ ______ was allowed which included no competition, no gambling, no being paid
Rational Recreation
______ ________: men need to come out and make themselves stronger physically and spiritually
Muscular Christianity
________ _________ were set up by sporting fraternities. They got together with other frats to compete, made money through gambling, gate fees, food. Players would take part of gate
Sporting Spectacles
______ _____ took over for Stevens in racing. He built Jerome Park in NY, banned alcohol and gambling, shortened races, bookmaking started
Leonard Jerome
_____ ____ won American Championship and World Championship. Bought gambling house in NY after he won. Made racetrack and gambling in Saratoga, NY
John Morrisey
First to develop "box score", promotes baseball as the national game
Henry Chadwick
____ _____ played for the Red Stockings and formed the League for National Baseball Players in Boston
Henry Wright
"The Baseball Messiah". He started making baseballs, bats, and uniforms
AG Spaulding
He publicly announced the reserve clause, helped form the Brotherhood of Pro Baseball Players. Started the "Players League"
John Montgomerry Ward
Scottland people tried to keep own culture alive through the _____ ______ (track and field mainly)
Caledonian Clubs
______ _____ tried to keep all forms of German Culture
Turner Societies
______ _______ _______: Being appreciative, celebrating life
Britains Festive Culture
_____: non religous ceremonies
____ _____: foot races, quits (horseshoes), skittles
Folk Games
____ ________: "blood sports", throwing stones, cock fighting, cudjulyn
Violent Games
______ - whoever drew the most blood won
______ - biggest violent game, used animal bladder as ball
_________ - strict Christians, didn't think anything shuold happen on Sundays
The _____ ___ _____ was given to Churches and citizens to pass out and stated what was okay to play
Book of Sports
_ _____: 4 colonies for different reasons
4 folkways
_____ ______ was colonized by Puritans, had nothing to do with Britain, Sabatarian Law (can't do anything on Sunday) and Lawful Sport (can do something on sunday to refresh mind/body)
New England
_______ _______: NY, NJ, Penn..more mixed/leniant to sports, Quakers (strict, non-violent, refused to pay taxes), glorified God
Middle Colonies
____ ________ - single man ventures, much more leniant, gambled,
Southern Colonies
______ _____: law says you cant do anything on Sunday
Sabatarian Laws
______ _____: allowed to do something on Sundays, had to refresh mind/body
Lawful Sport
________ - strict, fled from Great Britain, NON-VIOLENT, refuse to pay taxes to support wars, glorified GOD
____ __ _______ - upper class, wanted lower class working for them, slave owners
Land of Gentry
__________: devote all time to republic beliefs, not sports
____ _____ _______: Queen Victoria, group with same moral values
Middle Class Victorianism
___ ______ - women covered, restrained idea for everything
self restraint
____ _____ - do things to refresh your mind and exercise without competition
rational recreation
_____ ________ - more fun, free based, saloons, gambling
Victorian counterculture
___ ______ - known as playboy
Leonard Jerome
He was a writer for the Cornhuskers...he officially named them
Cy Sherman
____ _____ - star of Nebraska football team, Mizzou wouldn't play them because he was black, ended up going to med school and became a doctor
George Flippin
____ ____ as the father of football. He played at Yale, seen as authority of college football.
Walter Camp
He changed the rules of college football - line of scrimmage, 3 downs to go 5 yards, tackle below waist, first to devise All-American Team
Walter Camp
____ ___ was an early Nebraska coach. He believed you needed to be bigger and stronger and run over people
Jumbo Stiehm
These games gave men an opportunity to show off their skills to women in villages. Games included stoolball, foot races, quoits, and skittles.
Folk Games (British Culture)
To be a ___ ____, it had to be dissociated from traditional revelries and it should refresh the participants so they could better execute their spiritual callings or duties
lawful sport
brought polo and tennis to USA, had first US Opens at Casino, brought back modern olympics ot Europe
James Bennett
wealthy communities in New York were also known as ____ ___
Nouveau Riche
___ also known as National Association for Amateur Athletes. It eventually collapsed, and the AAU formed.
He brought sports to YMCA and invented basketball and volleyball
Luther Gulick
Gulick left the YMCA, and eventually created the ____ ____ ____ ____
Public Schools Athletic Leauge
The Public Schoools Athletic League (Gulick) was created b/c of ______ and to keep _____ ____ ___ ___
keep youth off the streets
____ ______ happened in Chicago. It had supervisors at playgrounds, and the thought of it was if kids had something to do, it would keep them out of trouble. Only got to 10% of youth
Playground Movement
___ ____ - writer for the Huskers, officially named them the Cornhuskers
Cy Sherman