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71 Cards in this Set

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Spirit v1/n16 verb

Spirit away

spirit somebody/something away/off

to take someone or something away quickly and secretly

After his speech, Jackson was spirited away through a back door

Spirit n6 'spirit'

the qualities that make someone live the way they do, and make them different from other peoplein spiritI’m 85, but I still feel young in spirit

the way someone feels at a particular time, for example if they are happy or sad → moodbe in good/high spirits (=be excited and happy)Cooper was still in high spirits after winning the race

Stink n3/v

Verb 2 bad/dishonest

used to say that something is bad, unfair, dishonest etc:Don’t eat there – the food stinks!The whole justice system stinks

to have a strong and very unpleasant smell:It stinks in here!stink ofHis breath stank of alcohol

Smother v5 sma^the^r

to completely cover the whole surface of something with something else, often in a way that seems unnecessary or unpleasant

noodles smothered in garlic sauce

to kill someone by putting something over their face to stop them breathing → suffocate:A teenage mother was accused of smothering her 3-month-old daughter

Bouquet bouke^i n2

a bunch of flowers arranged in an attractive way so that it can be carried in a ceremony or presented as a giftThe little girl presented the princess with a large bouquet of flowers. a bridal/wedding bouquet

Whine wain verb

to complain in a sad annoying voice about something SYN moan:Oh Charlotte, please stop whining.‘I don’t understand,’ whined Rose

to make a long high sound because you are in pain or unhappy:He could hear the dog whining behind the door.

if a machine whines, it makes a continuous high sound

Quit kwit v3 stop

to stop doing something, especially something that is bad or annoying → give up:The majority of smokers say that they would like to quit the habit

to leave a house or apartment that you have been renting:The landlord gave them notice to quit the premises within seven days

Turn-off n2

a place where a road leads away from another larger or more important roadWe missed the turn-off for the airport

a person or thing that people do not find interesting, attractive or sexually excitingThe city's crime rate is a serious turn-off to potential investors

Give sb the creeps

give somebody the creeps if a person or place gives you the creeps, they make you feel nervous and a little frightened, especially because they are strange:That house gives me the creeps

Scaredy cat skaedi

a children's word for a person who is easily frightened

Theme park

a large park where people go to enjoy themselves, for example by riding on large machines such as roller coasters, and where much of the entertainment is connected with one subject or ideaa western-style theme park

Theme thi:m n5

the main subject or idea in a piece of writing, speech, film etc:The book’s theme is the conflict between love and duty

2theme music/song/tune music or a song that is often played during a film or musical play, or at the beginning and end of a television or radio programme

style a particular style:Her bedroom is decorated in a Victorian theme

Tender adj5/n/v adj of food

of food) easy to bite through and cutThis meat is extremely tender. Boil the beans until they are tender

more tender and most tender are also common1 kind, gentle and lovingtender words

easily hurt or damaged delicatetender young plants

a formal offer to supply goods or do work at a stated price bidCleaning services have been put out to tender (= companies have been asked to make offers to supply these services

Diversion n4 road dai

a road or route that is used when the usual one is closedDiversions will be signposted

something that takes your attention away from sb/sth while sth else is happeningFor the government, the war was a welcome diversion from the country's economic problems

n activity that is done for pleasure, especially because it takes your attention away from sth else

Token n4/adj3

a round piece of metal that you use instead of money in some machines

l something that represents a feeling, fact, event etca token of your gratitude/respect/appreciation etcPlease accept this gift as a small token of our appreciation.

a token action, change etc is small and not very important, and is usually only done so that someone can pretend that they are dealing with a problem:The government thinks it can get away with token gestures on environmental issues

Runt ra^nt n2

the smallest, weakest animal of the young that are born from the same mother at the same time

a rude way of referring to a small, weak or unimportant person

Slave n/v away to sth

To work very hard .

I've been slaving away all day trying to get this work finished

Wear off phe verb 1 wer

if pain or the effect of something wears off, it gradually stops:The effects of the anaesthetic were starting to wear off

Chow tsau n2/v noun

old-fashioned informal

food:I ordered some chow and sat down

Dope doup n4

What a dope

Spoken a stupid person SYN idiot:What a dope

a drug that is not legal, especially marijuana:Jeff used to smoke dope all the time

Stick your neck out

Stick out

to risk giving your opinion about something, even though you may be wrong or other people may disagree with you:I’m going to stick my neck out with some predictions for the next two years

Appetizer aepitaize^r

a small dish that you eat at the beginning of a meal

Radish raedish n1

a small vegetable whose red or white root is eaten raw and has a strong spicy taste

Pathetic pe^'the^tik

weak and not successful feeblea pathetic excuse She made a pathetic attempt to smile

making you feel pity or sadness pitifula pathetic and lonely old man The starving children were a pathetic sight

Racket n3

a loud unpleasant noise dinStop making that terrible racket

a dishonest or illegal way of getting moneya protection/extortion/drugs, etc. racket

Weakling n1

a person who is not physically strong

Replenish ri'plenish

to make sth full again by replacing what has been used top up

to replenish food and water supplies

Gobble ga:be^l

Gobble up 3

if one company gobbles up a smaller company, it buys it and takes control of it:Air France gobbled up its main French rivals, Air Inter and UTA

to quickly use a lot of a supply of something such as money or land:Inflation has gobbled up our wage increases

to eat something very quickly, especially in an impolite or greedy way SYN wolf:Don’t gobble your food

Make a mess of sth

to do something badly:I feel I’ve made a real mess of my marriage.Many people make a mess of handling money.


a young pig

Crybaby kraibeibi n1

someone, especially a child, who cries too often without good reason – used to show disapproval:Don’t be such a crybaby


polite ways of behaving in social situations:Her children all had such good manners

It’s bad manners to talk with your mouth full(=talk and eat at the same time

l the customs of a particular group of people:a book about the life and manners of Victorian London

Bum n5 lazy

4.someone who is very lazy

American English someone, especially a man, who has no home or job, and who asks people for money

Oath outh

Take the oath

formal promise to do sth or a formal statement that sth is trueto take/swear an oath of allegiance Before giving evidence, witnesses in court have to take the oath (= promise to tell the truth)

Pull sth <> off 2

l to succeed in doing something difficult

The goalkeeper pulled off six terrific saves

o drive a car off a road in order to stop, or to turn into a smaller road:We pulled off the road to get some food

Puny pjuni adj 2

a puny person is small, thin, and weak:a puny little guypuny arms

not effective or impressivepuny effort/attempta puny attempt at humour

Henchman n1 k

a faithful supporter of a political leader or a criminal, who is willing to do illegal things or use violence

Sludge sla^d3 n3

1soft thick mud, especially at the bottom of a liquid

the solid substance that is left when industrial waste or sewage (=the liquid waste from toilets)has been cleaned

thick dirty oil in an engine—sludgy adjective

Cake v2

g to be covered with a layer of something soft or wet that becomes thick and hard when it dries:Our boots were caked with mud

if a substance cakes, it forms a thick hard layer when it dries

Scrub n//v

Scrub sth off

to remove sth from the surface of an object by rubbing it hard with a brush, etcThis treatment involves scrubbing off the top layer of dead skin

to clean sth by rubbing it hard, perhaps with a brush and usually with soap and water

Harass ha he^'raesme^nt


to annoy or worry sb by putting pressure on them or saying or doing unpleasant things to themHe has complained of being harassed by the police

She claims she has been sexually harassedat work

to make repeated attacks on an

She claims she has been sexually harassedat work

Herbal herbe^l adj1


connected with or made from herbs


a plant whose leaves, flowers or seeds are used to flavour food, in medicines or for their pleasant smell. Parsley, mint and oregano are all herbs

a plant with a soft stem that dies down after flowering

Sleek v2 adj

to make hair or fur smooth and shiny by putting water or oil on itsleek something back/down etcHis hair was sleeked back with

a vehicle or other object that is sleek has a smooth attractive shape:the sleek lines of the new Mercedes

2sleek hair or fur is straight, shiny, and healthy-looking

Intruder n2 in'tru:de^r

someone who illegally enters a building or area, usually in order to steal something:The police think the intruder got in through an unlocked window

someone who is in a place where they are not wanted:At first I felt like an intruder in their family

Clip v6

to fasten sth to sth else with a clip; to be fastened with a clip

He clipped the microphone (on) to his collar(kale^r). Clip the pages together

] to hit the edge or side of sth~ sthThe car clipped the kerb as it turned

Klutz n1 kla^ts

someone who drops things and falls easily

You are such a klutz

Murky m3:rki adj 3

dark and difficult to see through:murky water

complicated and difficult to understand SYN obscure:The laws on intellectual property are murky

he murky waters (=complicated subject) of sexuality and jealousy

involving dishonest or illegal activities that are kept secret SYN shady:a murky world of fraud and secret deals

Fishy adj2

seeming bad or dishonest SYN suspicious:There’s something very fishy about him

tasting or smelling of fish:a fishy smell

But n1

No ifs,ands buts

reasons that someone gives for not doing something or agreeing with something

‘I don’t want to hear any buts,’ Jo snapped

He is the best player – no ifs, ands, or butsabout that

Thorn n3

A thorn in sb's side

a sharp point that grows on the stem of a plant such as a rose

] a bush or tree that has thorns:a long, low hedge of thorns

a person or thing that repeatedly annoys sb or stops them from doing sth

Heave v6/n2

a strong pulling, pushing, or lifting movement:He gave the door a good heave

pull or lift something very heavy with one great effortheave somebody/something out of/into/onto etc somethingAlan heaved his suitcase onto his bed

Stingy stind3i adj2

l not generous, especially with moneySYN mean:She’s too stingy to give money to charity

a stingy amount of something, especially food, is too small:a stingy portion of vegetables

Dumpling n da^mplin

a round lump of flour and fat mixed with water, cooked in boiling liquid and served with meat:chicken and dumplings

a sweet dish made of pastry filled with fruit:apple dumplings

Swipe swaip v3/n4

to hit or try to hit sb/sth with your hand or an object by swinging your armHe swiped at the ball and missed

to steal sth pinchThey're always swiping other kids' sweets

to pass a plastic card, such as a credit card, through a special machine that is able to read the information that is stored on itThe cash register only opens once the card has been swiped

Leftover n2 adj1 ouve^r

food that has not been eaten at the end of a meal

an object, a custom or a way of behaving that remains from an earlier time relicHe's a leftover from the hippies in the 1960s

remaining after all the rest has been used, taken, or eaten:leftover vegetables

Germ n4

a very small living thing that can cause infection and diseaseDisinfectant kills germs

an early stage of the development of sthHere was the germ of a brilliant idea

Germ n4

a very small living thing that can cause infection and diseaseDisinfectant kills germs

an early stage of the development of sthHere was the germ of a brilliant idea

the part of a plant or an animal that can develop into a new one

Porker po:rke^r n2

a young pig that is made fat before being killed for food

a pig that is made fat and used as food


Pea n

stupid:a pea-brained idiot

a round green seed that is cooked and eaten as a vegetable, or the plant on which these seeds grow:roast chicken with peas and carrots

Apprentic e^'pre^ntis n1

a young person who works for an employer for a fixed period of time in order to learn the particular skills needed in their job

o make sb an apprenticeHe was apprenticed to his uncle as a carpenter

Slug n3/v2

1 a small soft creature, like a snail without a shell, that moves very slowly and often eats garden plants

2 (informal) a small amount of a strong alcoholic drink

to hit sb hard, especially with your closed hand

Monogram mane^graem n1

two or more letters, usually the first letters of sb's names, that are combined in a design and marked on items of clothing, etc. that they ownThe shirt had a tiny monogram embroidered on the pocket

Steely adj adj3

having a grey colour like steel:a steely sky

if someone has steely eyes or is steely-eyed, they look very determined

Speck n1

a very small spot; a small piece of dirt, etcThe ship was now just a speck in the distance. specks of dust

Esophagus i'safe^ge^s n1

the tube through which food passes from the mouth to the stomach

Get/be freshed with sb

to behave rudely in a way which shows sexual interest, or lack of respect

Squash v4

to press something into a flatter shape, often breaking or damaging it SYN flatten:The cake got a bit squashed on the way here.squash something downHer hair had been squashed down by her hat.Move over – you’re squashing me

to push yourself or something else into a space that is too small

Obnoxious e^b'nakshe^s adj

very offensive, unpleasant, or rude:She’s really obnoxious

Get along pha verb 3

if two or more people get along, they have a friendly relationship:We’ve always got along quite well

2to deal with a job or situation or to make progress:How’s Sam getting along at university

Tacky adj3

if something is tacky, it looks cheap or badly made, and shows poor taste:tacky ornaments

slightly sticky:The paint’s still slightly tacky

Traumatize tro:metaiz

to shock and upset sb very much, often making them unable to think or work normallyHe was so traumatized by the attack that he could not work for a year