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40 Cards in this Set

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What is the function of the vertebral column?

supports weight of body

maintains posture

protects spine

A curve of the spine forward is a _____ curve of the cervical and lumbar sections.



A curve backward of the thoracic and sacral sections in a ____ curve.

kyphotic curve


What is the function of the body of the vertebrae?

supports weight

What is the function of the intervertebral discs?

shock absorption

Herniated discs are most commonly located in the lower ____ and ____regions.

cerivcal and lumbar

The vertebral arch creates a space called the _____.

vertebral foramen

The ______ is located within the vertebral foramen.

spinal cord

The ____ project from the body of the spine and merge with the lamina to form the bony process.


What is the function of the intervertebral foramen?

allows for transmission of spinal nerves and blood vessels

The 2 _____ merge to form the spinous process.


The spinous process is located on the _____ aspect of the vertebra


The transverse process of the vertebra are the site of __________.

muscle attachment

The first cervical vertebra is known as the ____ and its function is to ______.

atlas, hold up the cranium

The atlas articlates with the ______ condyles.


The second cervical vertebra is known as the _____ and contains a dens process functioning to allow the head to _________.

Axis, pivot

The thoracic vertebrae articulate with what structure?

the ribs

The ______ lumbar is the largest. Why?

5th. Supports entire weight of upper body

The trasnverse processes of the sacrum fuse to form the _____ or lateral masses that articulate at the ______ joint.

Ala; sacroiliac joint

The spinal cord is a continuation of what structure?

Medulla oblongata

The functional unit of the nervous system is the _____.


Spinal meniges are continuous with ______ meniges.

cranial meniges

The dura mater of the spinal cord is separated from the vertebral column by the ______ space.


The arachnoid mater is located between the _____ mater and the _____ mater.

pia and dura mater

The potential space between the arachnoid and the dura mater is known as the ______ space.

subdural space

The space between the arachnoid and pia matter is knowm as the ______ space.


The pia mater sits _______ the spinal cord.

sit directly on spinal cord

A long, slender strand of the pia mater that continues and attaches to the coccyx is known as the ________.

filum terminale

The cone shaped segment, known as ____________ is located at L1 and L2

conus medullaris

The _________, or the horse tail, is the termination of the spinal cord and exits through the sacral foramina.

cauda equina

______ matter is located on the INSIDE in the spinal cord.


_______ matter is located on the OUTSIDE in the spinal cord


Anterior(ventral) horns function in _______ or motor.


Posterior horns (dorsal) function in ______ or sensory.


The ________ is a vast network of nerves that innervates the neck, face, and ear

cervical plexus

The _____ nerve is a major motor branch of th cervical plexus and functions in ______.

phrenic; respiration

The sacral nerves continues into the thigh as the _______, which is the largest nerve in the body.


The spinal cord is supplied by a single _______ artery and paired ______arteries.

Anterior spinal artery; posterior spinal arteries

The posterior spinal arteries arise from the ____ arteries.

vertebral or cerebellar arteries

The veins of the vertebral column are ______which may cause backflow of blood into the vertebral veins and dural sinuses.
