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60 Cards in this Set

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Regarding the development of the spinal cord, gray matter develops from the ___ zone and white matter develops from the ___ zone

The alar and basal plates in the developing spinal cord are separated by the ____ ____.

Together, the alar and basal plates are considered which zone
sulcus limitans

Mantle Zone
The alar lamina will become the ___ ___. The basal lamina will become the ___ ___.
Dorsal horns

Ventral horns
The central area between the horns of the spinal cord is known as what?

This area contains neurons with what type of function?
Intermediate grey commissure

Neurons have both motor (autonomic preganglionic) and sensory (Clarks column, origin of spinocerebelllar tracts)
Ventral roots leave the cord from what area?

Dorsal roots enter the cord from what area?
Anterolateral sulcus

Posterolateral sulcus (dorsal entry zone)
(T/F) The Posterior intermediate sulcus is only found in lower portions of the spinal cord
False. It is found only in thoracic and cervical spinal cord. This structure lies between the posterior median and posterior lateral sulci.
Spinal nerves C1-C7 pass (above/below) the correspondingly numbered vertebra.

Thoracic vertebra pass (above/below) correspondingly numbered vertebra

Together the arachnoid mater and the pia mater are known as what
Pachymeninx is another word for what?
dura mater
(T/F) Arachnoid mater is a delicate membrane with plentiful vessels that help supply the dura mater and spinal cord
False. The arachnoid mater is an avascular membrane.
Dorsal horn is composed of laminae _ - _, Lamina __ forms the intermediate zone, and the ventral horn consists of laminae __ - __.
I - VI.
VII forms the intermediate zone

VII - IX forms the ventral

* X is surrounding the central canal
Which lamina receive nociceptive input via lightly or unmyelinated small diameter afferents?
Lamina I (aka posteromarginal nucleus) and V
Lamina I and V receive what?
nociceptive input via lightly or unmyelinated afferents
Lamina III and IV receive what
non noxious input via myelinated, large diameter afferents
Lamina II is also called what?

What does it receive?
Substantia gelatinosa

nociceptive afferents (C fibers) and collaterals from large diameter afferents. This is the site of first order sensory processing
Which lamina receive non noxious input via myelinated, large diameter afferents
III and IV
What lamina is the site of first order sensory processing?
Lamina VI
receives input from descending motor pathways and proprioceptive input from the periphery
Where is the nucleus dorsalis of Clarke found?

What input does it receive?
In the dorsal medial part of lamina VII at spinal cords C8-L2.

Receives proprioceptive input from muscle and sends axonal projections to the ipsilateral cerebellum (dorsal spinocerebellar tract)
Sacral autonomic nuclei found in S2-S4 give rise to what?
preganglionic parasympathetic
Lamina VIII
contains primarily interneurons, they relay and integrate segmental and descending inputs to motor neurons
Lamina IX is the ....

It contains large ___ ___ and small ___

Where is this area the largest?
main somatic motor area.

It contains large alpha motor neurons and small gamma motor neurons

Largest in the cervical and lumbar spinal cord
What structure is found in the central ventral horn of segments C3-C5? What do the neurons located here do?
Phrenic Nucleus (lamina IX)

Provide motor to diaphragm
Regarding the ventral horn of the Spinal cord:
The __ __ neurons of lamina IX are somatotopically organized.
Neurons that innervate ____ musculature are located dorsally, whereas those innervating ___ musculature are found ventrally
alpha motor

FLEXOR - dorsal

EXTENSOR - ventral
Area X receives ___ conveying visceral ___ related information. Neurons from this lamina project to higher centers via the ___ columns

PAIN - related

DORSAL columns
Explain what muscle spindles do
They are intrafusal muscle fibers that are attached to extrafusal fibers and act as sensory fibers capable of detecting static and dynamic aspects of stretch in a muscle.

They contain nuclear bag fibers (dynamic) and nuclear chain fibers (static)
Motor fibers connecting to extrafusal muscle fibers are called what?

Connecting to contractile portions of intrafusal muscle spindles?

Give an example of a descending tract that contacts gamma motor neurons.

When is this connection found useful?

This occurs in the control of muscle tone, such as in postural muscles. It allows muscles to be contracted at an unconscious level.
Golgi tendon organs form the _____counterpart to muscle spindles. These are nerve endings near_____

the musculotendinous junction

These neurons activate inhibitory interneurons that will inhibit alpha motor neurons in order to prevent strong contractions.
The spinal white matter is composed of myelinated axons organized into _____
tracts (fasciculi).
Where is the anterior white commissure found and what does it do?
Dorsal end of the anterior median fissure.

It is a major PAIN pathway, neurons that contribute to the anterolateral system cross here. It is found in the cervical and thoracic regions
The posterior spinal arteries usually originate from the _____
posterior inferior cerebellar arteries.
The spinal grey matter is predominantly supplied by the central branches of the _____. This includes most areas of the ___ and ____ horns.
Anterior Spinal Artery

Ventral and Intermediate
most vascular lesions that directly affect motor neurons involve the _____
anterior spinal artery.
Which tract differentiates touch, vibration, form recognition, joint and muscle sensation, conscious position (proprioception)
Actions of Dorsal Column-Medial lemniscus pathway
Pathway of Dorsal Column Medial lemniscus
First order neurons are located in the dorsal root ganglia, project fibers to fasciculus gracilis (below T6) and fasciculus cuneaus. These fibers cross and form the compact medial lemniscus, which ascends and ends in the VPL nucleus of the thalamus.

Finally, 3rd order neurons starts in the VPL and end at the somatosensory cortex (3,1,2)
Which tract is responsible for Light touch (ie. Cotton wisp)
Ventral Spinothalamic Tract Actions
Pathway of Ventral Spinothalamic Tract
3 orders

dorsal root ganglia --> dorsal horn --> second order neurons cross in the ventral white commissure --> VPL nucleus --> post central gyrus (3,1,2)
Itch, Pain, Temperature
Lateral Spinothalamic Tract actions
Pathway of lateral spinothalamic tract
dorsal root ganglion --> dorsal horn -->2nd order cross at anterior white commissure -->VPL -->post central gyrus (3,1,2)
Dorsal spinocerebellar Tract action
unconscious proprioception, fine coordination and posture of individual muscles in the LE.
Which tract is responisble for unconscious proprioception, Coordinated movement and posture of lower extremity
Ventral Spinocerebellar Tract
Dorsal spinocerebellar tract pathway
dorsal root ganglion --> nucleus dorsalis of Clarke

This is an uncrossed tract (compared to Ventral spinocerebellar which is crossed)
Cuneocerebellar Tract
unconscious proprioception, fine coordination and posture of individual muscles in the UE
tract responsible for votlitional motor, and fine skilled movements in the extremities

this is part of the pyramidal system
Tract responsible for pain, temperature, protopathic (crude) touch
anterolateral system
Most (80-90%) pyramidal axons cross the midline at ___and descend in the __ ___ ___.
Foramen magnum

Lateral corticospinal tract
The pyramidal axons that do not cross form the __ ___ ___
anterior cortico spinal tract

This tract primarily innervates axial musculature. Specific lesions here have little clinical significance
In general, corticospinal axons are ___ biased

The primary function of this tract is control of fine skilled movements
Rubrospinal tracts is ___ biased.

It originates in the ___ ___ of the ___ ___

red nucleus of the rostral midbrain.

This tract does not extend beyond the cervical levels
Vestibulospinal tract is ___ biased

It has a major effect on postural muscle activity related to balance and proximal body muscle tone.
reticulospinal pathway is ___ biased

It has a major effect of on postural muscle activity related to balance and proximal body muscle tone.
The motor aspect of posture is due to ___ tract and ___ tract, both of which facilitate antigravity musculatures and maintain orientation in space.
vestibulospinal and reticulospinal
The hypothalamospinal tract crosses at the intermediate grey commissure (T/F)
FALSE. This pathway is ipsilateral, ie predominantly uncrossed
The areas of the corticospinal tract that will innervated leg areas will be ___ relative to those that innervate areas to the trunk or arm
Afferents traveling in the dorsal columns are somatotopically organized; afferents from the foot and leg are located ____ and the arm and neck are located ____

Fibers for what tract enter the spinal cord in the medial division of the dorsal root entry zone
dorsal colums
Fibers for what tract enter the spinal cord in the lateral division of the dorsal root entry zone
anterolateral system
Tract that carries pain and temperature
Lateral spinothalamic
The anterior spinocerebellar tract crosses in the spinal cord, and the recrosses in the cerebellum (T/F)
True. This tract carries integrated information for the whole lower limb

The Posterior spinocerebellar tract does NOT cross, it is ipsilateral