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A reads text to speech;

54 Cards in this Set

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denotative meaning
the commonly shared meaning for a word
connotative meaning
personal meanings that ppl have for words
a comparison between 2 ideas without using like or as
a comparison between 2 ideas that use like or as
the repeated use of similar words, phrases, or sentences at the beginning or end of sentences
using words in close proximity to each other that start with the same first letter
the use of contrasting ideas in the same sentence
repeating key words or phrases
sensory language
the use of words that appeal to one or more of the five sentences
electronic eloquence
a manner of using language to maximize its appeal for a visual culture
inclusive language
language that includes all of your audience in what you are saying
manuscript delivery
a style of delivery in which the speaker reads from a prepared text memorized delivery: as style of delivery where the speaker memorizes a text and delivers the speech from memory
impromptu delivery
a style of delivery in which the speaker has very little time to prepare and speaks from an outline
extemporaneous delivery
a style of delivery where the speaker has some time to prepare a speech and speaks from an outline
nonverbal communications
elements of delivery exclusive of words, including gestures, facial expressions, movement and eye contact
Microsoft Powerpoint
A computer program that helps you create professional visual aids
the direct involvement between a speaker and audience
interaction technique
an activity that encourages audience participation in a presentation
informative speech
a speech designed to provide your audience with information, to educate them, or to enlighten them about a topic
a type of speech that summarizes a great deal of info so taht it can be clearly communicated to an audience
an informative speech designed to update or explain a current event or situation to an audience
training presentation
a speech designed to teach an audience a skill or procedure
the inherent advantage in keeping things the way they are
burden of proof
your obligation as a speaker to show that they should accept what you propose
testimony, stats, examples, and images used to support arguments
an observation or conclusion
the justification or the rationale for the claim
reasoning from example
using examples to make a broader point
reasoning from analogy
making a comparision between 2 objects
reasoning from causal generalization
applying a specific case to a causal relationship
any type of error in the reasoning process
persuasive prefaces fallacy
indicating widespread acceptance of an idea without using evidence
"Everyone knows that college students drink a lot of alcohol"
emotional language fallacy
inaccurately characterizing someone or something by using emotional adjectives
"The students want to change the final exam policy because they are lazy."
slippery slope fallacy
assuming that a course of action will be followed to its final conclusion.
"If we increase the technology fee on campus, then every other fee will be increased as well."
bandwagon fallacy
assuming that popular ideas are valid simply because they are popular.
"Since everyone I know has an iPod, it must be important to have one."
appeal to tradition fallacy
assumes that past actions should continue simply for the sake of tradition.
"Because students have never served on the faculty search committees, they should not be allowed to do so."
hasty generalization fallacy
asssumes that all members of a group will have similar characteristics without fully studying the group
"Since my friend, Suzy, is a member of the KKG and she is smart, Im sure they are all smart."
belief speeches
designed to change what the audience believes to be true or false
topical organizations
uses the reasons that support the thesis statement as main pts
criteria-satisfaction organization
uses the main pts to develop the relevant definition, with a second pt showing that research confirms or denies the existence of the definition
stock issues
the 4 main issues required to develop a good arguement
demonstrates then harm that results from the problem continuing to occur
causes that prevent the present system from solving the problem
the solution to the problem
the disadvantages to solving the problem in a certain way
motivated sequence
a method of speech organization which reflects the way audiences think when making decisions
language intensity
the degree of affect in language
powerless language
the lack of certainty or confidence in expressing ideas
a persuasive strategy that involves attacking opposing arguments in order to weaken or eliminate these arguments
special occasion speech
a speech that is so common that a widely accepted set of conventions govern its presentation
speech of introduction
a speech introducing a speaker at some type of special event
speech of presentation
a speech made whenever someone is publicly presented with an award or some other kind of public recognition
speech of acceptance
a speech made by the recipient of an award after it has been presented
commemorative speech
this speech is given to honor, remember, or pay tribute to someone or some event.